"You and the boss.. you are from another world.. a world I do not with to know."
CRank: 5Score: 112800

i did have my fingers crossed for some Killer Instinct.. oh well.. :(

5217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

-Rising Looks Great!, it may not have the appeal of Regular Metal Gear, but it Looks like some good Hack N Slash Fun, preferably with a Good Story to back it!

5217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

-saw it on Spike earlier, Very Lackluster compared to Recent years! D:
---although i was pleased with Rising! :)

5217d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

-reminds of that story a few months back, When Itagaki called Kamiya on the Phone allegedly))

Itagaki: "I Played Bayonetta"...... [click] PRICELESS!!

5218d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i really liked the Game play footage they showed last week, I have good Faith in Mikami!! I'm also wondering if he will be showing off a new Resident Evil @ E3???

5218d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

-just got mine from the UPS Guy!!! :D

5223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Zelda still has it's Number 1 Spot, but Galaxy 2 is getting Closer by the day, i think in a few days to a Week, Zelda will be dethroned!! and it only took 12 years!! HA!
also -- Mario Galaxy 2 is an incredible game! Sometimes its nice to unwind with the Simplicity (and sometimes challenging) 1st party Nintendo Gems!

5231d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely much more enjoyable on the Cube!! it truly was that systems Swan Song!

5231d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

any word of Xenoblade coming to the States??? DO WANT to play!

5237d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

-is it Japan only?? or do you think it will get a US Release as well?.. Also who could deny a Black and Red Wii Game!! :)
--and speaking of VC games, First game i downloaded was Sin & Punishment (original), since i never did finish that.... ;-)

5254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OH AND ZELDA!.. and we all know it's coming this Holiday '10!!! :D

5254d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

-I knew eventually they would finally Release the Black one!, (which i just picked up at Walmart like 10 minutes ago!, had to send the Chick into the back to look for them~!!, I can't resist a Mario Galaxy 2, or Sin and Punishment 2!, i also picked up Muramasa, AND Plus i said i would buy another one Just for Metroid other M!!! :)

5254d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

to give my business to gamestop i just had to have the Big Boss Bundle(or by one of the $800 Numbered Bundles on Ebay))!!, Never in my life did i think i would Own a PSP, but when i realized this wasn't just a spin off title it changed everything!, can't wait for June MGS5!!

5263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

just received Beyond Good and Evil Yesterday from Glyde.com, Never played it years ago, so i figured i'd pick up a rare copy for the Gamecube!!!

5290d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew nothing about this game!, now i see this Trailer!, It's Like Beyond Good & Evil Meet's BioShock!.. Totally awesome! i'll be Looking out for this one!!

5298d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

-i managed to snatch 1 of 3 copies at Gamestop Tonight!.. NO ONE is selling this game, which is a shame, because i decided to Pass on FFXIII for this!. I'm Gonna Dive in tomorrow! :D

5304d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mr.Clements had a bit of a struggle with the game! HA!.. I picked this up the other day! LOVE IT!, It's not for Everyone, but I gave it a chance, and i'm very pleased! It seems people have forgotten that not all games are going to hold your hand, and put out a challenge, It's not an easy game, but it is quite satisfying, -btw Love the Music, and the Sounds!, they did some Good Work with that!

5304d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

a Cult Classic, it's definitely not for Everyone, and it is NOT a game that holds your hand, i think that's what the Devs we're aiming for, that people are failing to Realize, sure it was Very well implemented in Dead Space, this Game is Trying, I like it, I like the Premise, & the Setting, -some of the Mechanics we're annoying at first, but once you settle, it does turn into a Enjoyable Game. I think people just expect to be carried through games these days, and when you make it to raw, ...

5306d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

If Best Buy got this in today!, I asked the Douche at Gamestop if they had it, while i was Flipping through the players guide, and He Said it won't be their until Next Week!.. F*ck that! - He had not even heard of the Game!! Did Sega over spend their advertising money?? So many People have never heard of this game, Not to Mention Alpha Protocol.

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment