
CRank: 5Score: 6720

MS doesn't own the Gears IP, Epic does. MS has exclusivity rights to the first two Gears of War games, but not Gears of War 3 or any sidestories. Those will most likely be multiplatform.

The rumor however, is that Epic is working on a new franchise exclusively for Sony.

6189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm impressed. R&C's such a smooth and slick game. The antialiasing is excellent. I want to play MORE!

Waiting for the full game to release is going to be torture!

6192d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do realize that everything re-synchs right? When you turn one controller off, its not using that channel on the PS3.

So you play Rock Band with all the accessories via Bluetooth, then when you're all done you turn off the controllers and synch up the kb/m again.

6192d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I figured it would be out of the top 10, but the top 30? That's pretty rough.

6192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Aaaaand according to wikipedia...

MGS1: 6.6 Million
MGS2: 7 million
MGS3: 3.7 million

Of course, that's not counting MGS1 Integral, MGS: VR Missions, MGS: The Twin Snakes, MGS2: Substance, MGS3 Subsistence, Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, Metal Gear AC!D, Metal Gear AC!D 2, and Metal Gear Collection.

6193d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PC games can also use Intensive (and slow) data compression techniques, since you're not actually playing the game off of the disc like on a console.

6193d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering neither Halo: CE nor Halo 2 sold 10 million, I think the 360 is going to hard pressed to do so with a smaller install-base.

6194d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

At gamestop you get about $20 trade-in for a big PS2 and $30 for a slim. Its not worth it at all. That isn't even enough to buy a game.

6197d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

While the tone is a little fanboyish, the original forum poster is the same person who discovered that Halo 3 ran at 640p, and those resolutions are totally correct.

Most games this generation are upscaled. The difference being, most PS3 games have to be at a higher resolution since they can only be horizontally scaled at the moment.Usually they bump down the resolution and scale it up, but they can't do that on the PS3 so they're stuck rendering at a higher resolution natively...

6197d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Big Boss was in the original preview concept art for MGS4 back when it was first shown. With the return of Eva, its entirely possible that Big Boss will be making an appearance as well.

In the attachment, from left to right...
Vamp, Meryl, Raiden, Ocelot, Snake, Otacon, Big Boss, Naomi

And its not Solidus either, eyepatch would be on the wrong eye.

6199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The internet disagrees with you. Its called "80nm optical".

Apology accepted.

6201d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It looks closer to 80nm, or a chip revision. The chips are definitely still too big.

6201d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's actually an excellent point that I COMPLETELY forgot about. Thanks! Bubbles for you.

6201d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What numbers did I make up in my head again? The 11 million vs 19 million part? Because that's pretty much standard knowledge.

The "will not spur millions in sales" bit? You said it yourself. The console to play it costs $350. You're going to sell more $60 games to people who already bought the console than you are going to sell to people who haven't bought the console and are trying to justify spending $410. If Halo 2 only sold 8 million with 19 million x-boxes in ex...

6201d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

You're forgetting about a key point. The PS3 can get cheaper faster than the 360 can. The expensive technologies in the PS3 are what account for the price difference, and those prices keep dropping faster than the already less-expensive technologies in the 360. By the next supposed "price drop war" between the two, its entirely possible that the PS3 could match price with the 360. Look at the price drops.

PS3 $100 drop
360 $50 drop (PS3 gets $50 closer between...

6201d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

The amount of money made by Halo 3 is not the main contention from PS3 fans. Its that the 360 didn't sell considerably more hardware with the launch of the system. While it will spur sales in the holiday season, its entirely doubtful that there will be millions of additional sales due solely to Halo 3. In fact, its entirely possible that Halo 3 might not sell more than Halo 2 due to 360's currently smaller user base (11 million vs 19 million)

6201d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Are you going to say the same thing when the $399 PS3 launches and it outsells the 360 that week? Halo 3 sold software. It did not sell the millions of consoles that the 360 fans thought it would.

6201d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

and I posted this very scenario in the other rumor thread, LOL.

6201d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It sounds to me like they're trying to soften the backlash by giving that faint glimmer of hope that it'll hit this year, even though they probably know its going to be next-to-impossible for that to happen.

6201d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering they've said they are currently only actively developing the PS3 version (and have stopped on the 360 version until the PS3 version is complete) this could definitely bump the release date back by quite a bit.

6201d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment