CRank: 5Score: 5350

I only ever liked halo 1 out of all the halos and i played all of them. But even i will say this a great deal/fan service for any one that likes halo. G
ood on both Microsoft and 343.

3734d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

The truth is they both have games coming. Just ps4 are less known games to some dagaree so ppl dont know about them when they jump into an argument like this.

3736d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Im pretty sure a lot of people who are pre-ordering master chief collection. And those who bought halo anniversary would disagree.

3736d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yh after playing dark souls i realized just how much hand holding and easy games have become. The good thing is its not a unfairly hard game it just has a learning curve. After a while you get the hang of it and without realizing it ur progressing through the game at a pretty good pace then u die as your getting cocky lol.

3738d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh i didnt know u could transfer 360 saves to ps4 well that's great thanks.

3739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree this micro transactions in games you pay full price for are ridiculous. I have only ever bought one micro transaction at that was for war frame which is free to play i thought well £3;00 aint much and i didn't pay any money anyway. having said that i feel most free to play games would be better as games you buy so the game will be more enjoyable no wait times for thing no huge grinding i dont mind a bit of grinding and the stuff on free to play games are hugely overpriced tha...

3739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its annoying im getting it for ps4 but i had it on 360 :(

3740d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


Yeah fair point but in my eyes disagree means you disagree with that persons comment and theirs nothing to disagree with hes asking a question so i feel its a bit harsh he got disagrees for commenting on a wrong thread.

3741d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why have people disliked his comment

3742d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why is this becoming an argument about halo and the last of us no one was saying halo anniversary is a rip off compared to killzone trilogy or ratchet and clank trilogy or any other remake/trilogy collection this fighting between console choice is ridiculous stop trying to justify your console choice to others. both ps4 owners and xbox owners pretty much every article is overflown with people arguing about stupid shit have a fair opinion like i dont like the look of that said game not things ...

3746d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I think he thinks anything on xbox arcade arent indie games

3749d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone dont bother answering georgeenoob he just does it for reactions

3749d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Lol Ea made them rush to get it out on time . The problem is DICE had a huge task ahead of them when you think about it, they made the game for ps3 xbox 360 xbox one ps4 and pc that is a pretty huge effort. On top of that these gen versions weren't just ports of last gens, graphic wise and player count there is a big difference so they had a lot of work to do but considering the time they had with the new consoles im surprised they got what they did done.

3749d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it will be good if this is the last one i love uncharted but i dont want it to be over done. And i never want to see a prequel game because prequels in franchises usually end up not being that great.

3751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cmon people hes not saying he dose not like the games just the demos because of the restrictions. The only one i disagree with is his far cry 4 they would never let you just go and explore the map in a E3 demo. But from what i took away from that article was he wanted more from the demos.

3751d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have not played ryse but would very much like to when i get a xbox one. The combat does look repetitive but the idea of the games seems cool hopefully a ryse 2 will build upon the things people didnt like. Its usually this way with new ips they try something new and different and the ideas there. But its not usually till the sequel that it really takes form and things that people didn't like first time round are improved based on feedback.

Examples assassins creed. darksi...

3751d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

They need to fix the net type error i can play all my ps4 games online i tried ubisofts ideas to fix it and other peoples and nothing. and i could play online until the first update for ps4. i paid for the full game and i want to play the full game i wouldnt have minded it being a issue for a few days but its nearing 3 weeks CMON UBISOFT

3753d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to admit it isnt as hard as people are making out its a challenge for sure which it should be. Games are to easy these days and when the rest of the game is easy its nice to have something of a challenge. No wonder developers make games easier because people act like this when theirs a challenge.

And as people said its not something you have to do and as someone who goes for trophies i know that they want to get all trophies but if i cant do it or its to time investing t...

3754d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im gonna say it with the event of 100s of dislikes.

What is the problem they already did a female protagonist sure most ac games have you playing as males so what they did more by letting you play as a female once than most franchises have all together so why the outrage.

And a lot of gamers are becoming so whiny just look at the petition to lower difficulty in a mini game in Watchdogs RIDICULOUS

3755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After playing hardline and this possibly happening along with annual releases it kills me to say this because i love battlefield but.

RIP Battlefield :(

3756d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment