CRank: 5Score: 5350

Im so annoyed wanted an ac set in London for ages and they finally do it when the series has just become fatigued for me. I skipped unity and will prob skip this one as much as i want to play in London ac games just aint what they were.

3262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now that i stopped playing my ps4 and consoles and only play ultra street fighter 4 on pc with a mate here n there i can finally c how stupid console war is. If u support xbox who cares if sony is doing well or not if you support ps4 who cares if xbox is doing well or not. U all should be content with what u picked no reason to shit on ppl who choose different its different tastes. And both consoles will have good games bad games etc but to be honest this gen is just time to opt out. My whole...

3481d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was alright it could have been really good with some more polish and longer but it was still pretty satisfying to play.

3517d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the problem people saying they are disappointed with play station showings at e3, gamescom and experience is probably because so many keep thinking the last guardian or crash bandicoot is gonna be shown. They have stated crash is still owned by activision and the last guardian isn't in a state to be shown.

3577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am starting to think i might opt out of gaming the way the gaming world in general is going its turning into a complete cash grab from all the practices going on. And i can only see this 3rd party buying increase and tht on top off 1hour dlc, season pass, every game being broken on release, micro transactions, games not having all the features on release and being patched in later is destroying the enjoyment.

And have a ps4 so this deal benefits me but i still see it as s...

3578d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I would just like to say i am glad i got ps4 nd get to play this but i think its f+++ing stupid. Established franchises shouldnt go exclusive when there previous games werent i hate it just like hate the tomb raider xbox deal even though this one benifits me.

3581d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


YES YES YES hit the nail on the head. I have found this year that ive not enjoyed gaming at all really just buying nd playing games to fill time. The games ive actually had fun on are unexpected games ie dust, outlast, resogun, alien isolation.

I am scared of the way things are going.

3584d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I admit this game was fun to play but i was laughing at so many things about the game like the constant jumping around and fighting the same zombies over n over and the amount of times Sebastian just said SHIT. The game play for me was the only redeeming thing in this game i would score it a 5/10 average.

3611d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

gus please dont fall for this paying for a story that should have come with the game. Many people said they would do this sell the story in dlc and it seems this is what they are doing :(

3617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kk thanks man i just dont trust reviewers rather hear it from gamers :)

3618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have enjoyed this game but as mentioned graphics voice acting and tht letter boxing pulls it down hard for me gameplay is great though. Also it is not scary at all for a game meant to go bk to horror it felt more like resident evil 5 just slightly toned down.

3618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game does look fun i just fear it could be a novelty thing and wear off n become repetitive. someone who has played the game for a while let me know if the fun lasts. This being a good game would be a reason for me to get an xbox one although not soely a reason.

3618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ubisoft are going downhill fast of late and this season pass stuff is getting out of hand. I will get unity and farcry 4 but no way will i get it in 2014 ill wait till its much cheaper.

3625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No its not time they throw in AAA games the PS4 AAA games aren't that old. And for me im getting to try games i would normally never buy and some are great like outlast, dust, trine2, and others not so great. People need to understand that we probs wont see AAA games on ps plus till my guess mid 2015

3626d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

yh wicked man but i dont ave mic is my main problem getting 1 soon though

3636d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They really should make matchmaking for the raid i really want to just try it but cant get 6 people. I understand bungie saying most wouldn't complete it with strangers but we should have that choice we know the risks of not completing it.

3637d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its not that consoles are under powered as such its that games are being held back by previous gen and devs not having massive amounts of time with the new hardware. Just like when 360 came out most games looked a slight bit better than the ps2 and xbox games and only certain games looked massively better. Killzone shadow fall, ryse, driveclub, are signs of how good games can look its just its year 1 of the new consoles year 2 the graphic standard for next gen games should look much better th...

3640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont agree with the score but why does everyone think 4 or 5 = broken 1= broken game 2= bad game with some breaking bugs 3= bad game 4= below average 5= average 6= good game 7= pretty good game 8= really good game 9= brilliant 10= flawless thats how i see scores anyway.

3658d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I disagree i dont like it but the main reasons are that the weapons aren't varied enough missions don't mix it up and enemies are pretty boring. Add the open world areas that dont have much to explore apart from parts from missions and empty caves nd building tht ave nothing going on in em just leaves it feeling hollow. I cant fault the game play mechanics because it is a well made game just it feels to hollow.

3660d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have to admit i never bought into the hype of destiny didnt watch game play vids and watched 2 trailers so i weren't expecting huge thing but was still baffled by how uninteresting and empty it is.

Also i never really liked halo so could be that playing apart in my opinion.

3665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment