CRank: 5Score: 73680

Bethesda is truly he'll-bent on derailing Sony for some reason... I picture playstation right now like a well oiled machine firing on all cylinders. They have the games, the plan and are truly focused on delivering it all to its fans.

Now Microsoft on the other hand are really great at talking a good game, not soo much on execution, but.. still have good friends in the industry (Epic, Bethesda) Like a good friend they're trying to help them out in their moments of n...

2219d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

Insomniac should really stop trying to explain themselves... The only people complaining are trolls and they want nothing more than for this game to fail for some reason. I'm not sure how many times you can explain something to someone before the only option left is to give them a good slap in the back of the head "snap out of it dummy!"

Can't wait for this game

2219d ago 34 agree4 disagreeView comment

I always find myself suckered by the Ubisoft marketing... When I finally play their games they always look pretty but are missing a soul. I'm not sure how rockstar can create a believable open World with soul, but Ubisoft has the tools to come so very close to a rockstar game but falter right at the end...

I'll definitely pick this up (during Christmas psn sales) but deep down I know I'll get that watchdog taste in my mouth.

2219d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

After last gen, I always assumed Microsoft would follow Sony and release their controller with a built-in battery... It's just a cost saving measure for Microsoft & nothing else. Sure you'll get the diehards saying things like "it's about choice" and they prefer it that way. They complain about the dualshock 4 with a little sad story about having to play while the controller is charging when they know full well that everyone owns more than one controller...

2221d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

If you look carefully in the box, you'll see a free hug coupon from Tod Howard (only applicable to the first 76 customers)

Don't miss out if interested

2223d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for Spider-Man, but at the same time as a Canadian, I don't want summer to end and wishing for September, is like wishing for an early winter... Nobody wants that...

2223d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess that solves the mystery of why Amazon basically stopped selling games in Canada... I'm assuming as of September when the discount is fully removed the games will mysteriously reappear...

2224d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree they're doing well in Japan but... It took Nintendo with Zelda, Mario, Mario kart, splatoon 2 etc over 16 months to sell 20 millions switches. Now the analyst is saying they will sell 25 million in 12 months when they haven't even reached 25 million lifetime yet (probably won't till sometime in November)

No matter how much you factor Pokemon and smash will help, with how sells are going now, you're expecting nothing short of a miracle.

2225d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bigger the pre-order numbers, means bigger the marketing budget... Get ready people, we're going to get bombarded with Spider-Man adds (hang in there Xbox enthusiasts, it's going to be a rough month... I'm always available for sympathy hugs)

2225d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a decent enough pc to run the game well, but I'm not much of a PC gamer. The only things I like playing on PC are RTS games & simcity etc..

2225d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not at all... But sony is predicting they're going to sell around 16 millions ps4 in the fiscal year. So if Nintendo is always number 2 no matter how close they won't reach 25 millions.... Unless this person knows something we don't (like a 100$ price drop & every switch bundled with Mario & zelda) I don't see it happening.

Don't take my comment as something against Nintendo (everyone has a special place in their hearts for Nintendo) I'm just...

2225d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I bought it for ps4 and it's the ps2 port of the game. I still replayed it for the trophies, just wish they remastered it in hd. I love the map because it felt like you were in a State. Going from city to city gave you purpose to drive around compared to gta 5 (now I'm driving in the city, now I'm driving out the city... Etc)

2225d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well if they're planning on selling 25 millions they might want to start winning a few npd in a row. I know npd is strictly America, but you won't get those numbers finishing 2nd every month...November & December are the two biggest months of the year for console sales, so we'll know sometime in January if they'll hit that mark, but if we go with what we have now. Nintendo is selling around 200 000 consoles a month in America, which comes to 2.4 million for the year (grant...

2225d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Spider-Man & Red dead R2 are my for sure buy since they're already pre-ordered... Another game I want is the new Just cause, but I know that game will drop in price fast so I'll pick it up when it's 50% off

2225d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I truly wish they would remaster this game for console. It's still my favorite gta map & soundtrack

2225d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's what I love about Sony... Never afraid to put their best exclusives on sale... Nintendo still sells wii sports on Wii-u for full price.

2226d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was just a little sarcasm... I'm definitely picking it up on playstation for sure, it's just funny reading all those comments is all. They're one step away from throwing a " Unite the X" rally.

2228d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm trying to get hyped to play it on my ps4 pro, but according to the digital foundry comment section I rather be playing it on a bright light if I'm not playing it on a Xbox one X... Pre order cancelled 😞

2228d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

I'm still waiting on a 4k remaster of Blades of Steel

2229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My mind can't process how much work & money went into making this a reality... Great job on giving it 110%

2229d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment