
CRank: 5Score: 21040

Well exploiting a glitch that gives you infinite red orbs like in God of War and others like it are okay. But glitching for a trophy is kind of sad (depending on if getting the trophy just happens to be an added affect of the glitch or the sole purpose of it) and glitching in competitive makes you a straight up loser.

5298d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That car won't be that pretty for long...

5308d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Resistance 3 for the mag
Killzone 3 for E3
Demon's Souls 2 for TGS


5308d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the review community as a whole has become a lot more harsh in its scoring since 2010. I think this may be in part to the huge surge of games and the poor economy. So instead of giving a 9 to everything that is somewhat playable, they will be giving 6s, like it should have been from the start.

5343d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not bad, but I already downloaded the two demos on the 360. AVP is a disappointment so far...

5345d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They must really want to kill GoW...the funny thing would be if it actually backfired and sales couldn't even make up for the ad.

5347d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is $60 for a multiplayer only game which is pretty much a first on PS3 I believe and it also offered no bundle with a mic. On top of that the variety of weapons and skills and such seemed a little shallow, at least from the beta. I can kind of understand the lack of skills, but I was actually quite angered by the lack of guns and armor for each faction.

5348d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

How else do you think they pad their pockets? By selling you a $50 game? Or by selling you 8 $50 games, 3 $20 accessories, 1 $50 ticket to an exclusive event and 1,000 $5 trading cards.

Of course I am exaggerating, but I am sure you get the point.

5350d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No offense, but rare has sucked it up big since they were bought by Microsoft. Conker Live and Reloaded disappointed many fans, PDZ although a great launch title is not really fantastic by any standard, Banjo was also considering pretty disappointing. However, if they manage to pump out a really good game I will be more than willing to shell out for it. Here is hoping for an awesome Conker sequel.

5363d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got accused of camping because I spawned walked a little and killed a guy. Also my friends use the usp a lot and often get accused of using mods for shooting "too fast". And I love the 12 year old brats on live, they are so damn immature and their voices grate my ears...which is why I almost always play with my clan.

Oh and good job MS, Gay (a politically correct term) is banned, but a 12 year old can make his gamertag "I Love Baby Vag" and I am being dead s...

5372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Armored Core

It pretty much has to be one of those and as long as it is good and has some co-op I don't care which one.

5374d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"So it is easier to believe that a being of unimaginable power complexity and knowledge (enough to create the universe or multiverses) came into existence out of nothing over the big bang?"

Let me ask you a question, if we were to assume the big bang theory is true, then where did that originate? And you can't say that it isn't important, because it is. Right now we are at an argument of origins. It is a very difficult argument on both sides and I feel that the truth is...

5379d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

many atheists criticize religion for being unbelievable, but yet the Big Bang Theory is as believable as me telling you I threw a bucket of Legos at a wall and they formed a spaceship. Or that I put watch parts in a cup, shook it up, and it formed a Rollex. The truth is the probability of the universe as we know it being a result of a random chain of reaction, it is practically zero. Even the chance that a single protein was made is highly unlikely, let alone complex neural networks and organ...

5379d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

the big thing about Rico is, although he is supposed to be that way, it doesn't work for me and many others. His behavior is "encouraged" by the remainder of the cast except for Sev. I don't mind some humor and some muscle head marine type characters, but there needs to be a balance which doesn't exist in KZ2.

5382d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

- 2 Primary weapons and a secondary. At least in single-player
- More weapons
- More game modes
- Co-op story
- Co-op mission mode (a la resistance 2)
- Co-op survival mode
- Elimination of "kill lag"
- Elimination of badges
(Badges were cool and all, but I think that if they eliminated them they could do a lot more class-wise. Such as give saboteurs knives, make tacticians spawn points, etc.)
- Die faster...why does everyone abs...

5382d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

1 million is a flop according to the 360 base. Because when Killzone 2, inFAMOUS, etc etc. weren't able to sell 10 million on launch day every 360 fanboy was like "Lolzors! (insert PS3 exclusive here) is a flop!". Sure us more reasonable people, who have passed kindergarten, realize that 1 million in sales is a pretty decent feat and reaps a good deal of profit for most games.

5406d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

The games will sell more in different regions

God of War III: NA
Final Fantasy XIII: Japan
Gran Turismo 5: Europe

Of course this doesn't mean they won't sell well in other regions.

Even still most people would only buy one of the three no matter how far apart they are completely different genres and appeal to completely different types of people. Not everyone buys every big name release from every genre known to man like some people here (inc...

5427d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is all
-walks away-

5436d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey you see that nail? Well you hit it on the head, ON THE HEAD!

Seriously people who cares? I just bought a 360 this week and bought Borderlands for it, because instead of 2 IRL friends I have 4 IRL friends I can play it with. And I'll probably get MW2 for the 360 too, because I have more friends with a 360.

Does that mean I hate my PS3? Does that mean the PS3 sucks? Does that mean I like the 360 better? Or even that Demon's Souls and Uncharted 2 suddenly become le...

5446d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still haven't beat Demon's Souls and now I have Uncharted 2 on top of that! Plus there are a lot of games I have that I still wanna platinum. Then I got Borderlands and Modern Warfare 2!

And on top of that I still need to buy a new Paintball gun and some gear! I need more moneys (and time)! =(

5458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment