
CRank: 5Score: 21040

It is really Halo and Microsoft's marketing that made Halo, sure there are a good amount of Bungie hardcore, but what put Halo past 10m sales is marketing. Still I have no doubt that there next game will sell really well, but I wouldn't expect another Halo.

Well that is my opinion on the matter anyways

5243d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony should have a DualShock 4 that would come with the PS4 and would closely resemble the DS3, except it could probably be a little bigger and have triggers identical to the 360's controller.
Then they could have the DS4S or DualShock 4 Shooter. This would would much more closely resemble the 360 controller, but still have a bit of DS flavor.

That would be what I'd like anyways, because when I play God of War or 3D Dot Game Heroes I couldn't picture using...

5244d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

...anyone could possibly have a legitimate excuse to disagree is if they were coming from the side that Activision is the devil. Still I know better so I'm pretty they are just some fanboys phantom disagreeing. However, my feelings on the subject are perfectly portrayed by ign in one of their videos. I'll sum the scene up:

-Master Chief is weeping at one end of the bar and two guys from ign are on the other side-
IGN Guy#1: What is wrong with Master Chief

5252d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hell I just take AP Stats in High School and have a failing grade, yet somehow even I know how grotesquely wrong this is!

5264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How something this crappy managed to get approved is beyond me. The list is so stupid. Like how it says "armies" yet it is simply listing enemies types. It is equivalent to if I made a best characters lists
"3rd Place: Main Antagonist (Seen in: Every game ever)
2nd Place: Side-kicks (Seen in: Every game ever)
1st Place: Main Protagonists (Seen in: Every game ever)"

And on top of that they show boo for the ghosts yet don't list Mario games in...

5265d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

...a fricking Hummer!

Considering IW was the good developer and they ended up disappointing and practically disbanding.

5269d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All this really shows is how far behind Halo 3 is. I mean come on that AR looks like absolute crap! I can't believe people ever thought Halo 3 had great graphics. However, I am glad that Reach looks nice and based on what I've read it might actually be worth the buy. Which would be my first Halo purchase since...well Halo.

5276d ago 2 agree18 disagreeView comment

Mech Assault and Conker. The main reason I waited so long to buy a 360 is the lack of any kind of "sequel" to either of those games, but I bought one so I could play MW2 and Borderlands with more friends too bad I sold both because they got boring really quick. It is especially sad when you consider that MW1 was what really got me hooked on online gaming. =/

5276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This dude is right, MW2 is a disappointment, Halo has pretty bad writing, and Killzone 2 probably won't look as good as Crysis 2. The only thing is Killzone 2 is only on ps3 and is over a year old while Halo has no excuse for the crappy writing and MW2 has no excuse for being a disappointment.

5277d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to say that the Christians who are either idiots or hypocrites are right, in fact some spread some very false information because not many Christians take time to educate themselves in their faith, but I will try help enlighten you guys on the truth.

Everyone thinks killing is a sin, where do they seem to get this misunderstanding? Well it can be traced to one of the ten commandments "Thou shall not commit murder". People mistake to mean "Thou shall ...

5281d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

@bjornbear, I am pretty sure he wasn't referring to all atheists I believe he was talking about the atheists who act like unintelligent trolls and forgo logic, reasoning and proper debating methodology in favor of anything that can get a rise out of someone.

I can't see what Cold is saying, but I can tell he is doing a poor job at defending his point. (Not surprising)

@Anorexorcist First let me just get this out of the way. I am a Doctor, I also happen to be a Lawyer...

5281d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I understand that, and I know there are just a few bad apples that make the whole batch look bad, but I know that isn't the case I am just trying to make a case for more appropriate content in video games. This doesn't mean all games are about unicorns and rainbows, but that they just don't go overboard. I am an avid gamer and 75% of my collection that spans from NES to PS3/360 is rated M and 20% is T. I know that many games are capable of doing things right, I would just like to see less ama...

5281d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Seriously, I have never seen you ever contribute to an argument in a beneficial way. I don't see Christians here insulting atheists and even if they did then there is no need to stoop to there level, no need for you to insult Christianity by implying it is equivalent to LoTR. You are trying to rile someone up and it is simply asinine.

5281d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

I'm not trying to suggest that games are bad or that people play them for excessive cursing etc. What I am trying to say is the excessive cursing in ALL mediums is unnecessary. In fact your counter-argument to my point "B", cgoodno, is pretty much exactly what I am getting at. Games get rated lower for having excessive amounts of these things so why can't developers learn that this stuff should be left out or at the very least tuned down?

I still play Killzone 2 and God...

5281d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

@thorstein, you are an idiot. I don't normally insult people especially because I like to take the high road and be as mature as possible, but you sir are a moron.

"God doesn't cuss?"
Correct, he does not use swear words.
"Since when?"
Since forever.
"Have you read what the Bible says?"
"There are worse things in the Bible: incest, murder, rape, carnage, slavery...than in any myriad of video games."...

5281d ago 13 agree23 disagreeView comment

Games Actually on Metacritic
PSP: 2,477
DS: 4,321
iPhone OS: 0

5281d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

because I love co-op games and this actually seems pretty interesting.

5287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That joke is so 2 days ago....when I made it!
This video does look really cool though, but I am still worried that the game will not be scary at all.

5294d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would like to see a God of War: Norse and/or God of War: Asia that are centered on their respective mythology.

5296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the Akimbo perk footage! I'd love to see Isaac blazing through necromorphs with TWO plasma cutters at ONCE. And I really hope they fix the care package glitch because that stuff is annoying.

Seriously though, they better not ruin on of my favorite new IPs!

5297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment