
CRank: 5Score: 81990

Isn't XBox Live $60? So it's $620 total, actually.

It should also be said that you can have a ton of fun for $400 with the PS4 from the get go. The free2play games Planetside 2, DC Universe Online, Blacklight: Retribution and Warframe are all launch titles as far as I know, which do not require PS+ to work.

Planetside 2 and Blacklight: Retribution are both excellent shooters with a very good free2play model, which is not pay to win. Same goes for Warf...

3988d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly, we aren't talking about Windows, the overbloated, stuffed to capacity with unnecessary crap and is generally slower than any other OS out there. FreeBSD is much, much faster and more efficient than Windows, it's even faster than Linux (I use Linux), because it was optimized to run on limited hardware. Putting it in a monster like the PS4 is like strapping a Bugatti Veyron to a rocket.

I got my information from the interview with Shuhei Yoshida that was mentioned in the video. It's a little older than the article ItachiUchiha posted though. Things may have changed, for the better.

3988d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I haven't read the full interview, but from what I gathered he would save him and his team a whole lot of headache if he went with the Playstation platform. Be it PS3 or PS4. PS3 onviously would require a lot more work to port, but most likely not as much as trying to change Microsofts view on certain aspects that affect their game(s).

3988d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, for pay to play titles you have to have PS+ now. But Sony stated that Free2Play publishers will be able to decide if they want the PS+ paywall or not. Sony is not putting theirs behind PS+ (Planetside 2, DC Universe Online), and I think I read somewhere that Warframe and Blacklight will not require PS+ either. Honestly any company who puts Free2Play games behind the PS+ paywall has no idea what the hell they are doing. Free2Play games have a very large number of players, but more than ha...

3988d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

They were trying to force a "digital future", that will probably never come, and establish themselves at the top of the food chain, creating a monopoly with a deathgrip on the market, like they did with Windows.

The reason I say the digital future is no future at all, at least not a foreseeable one, is because we don't have the technology for it yet.

It works for movies and music because they are a, not interactive medias and b, have a relativel...

3989d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I love the fact that a lot of stuff is accessible without PS+, but yeah, I'm also not a fan of the multiplayer paywall either. But since there is no option now we have to deal with it. I also did the math, I used to burn through more money in one night at a club, than PS+ costs for an entire year. And On top of being able to play multiplayer, I get a ton of free stuff, discounts, could storage etc.

It does suck to pay for multiplayer access, but some free 2 play games don...

3991d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah no kidding. If someone down the line decides that people needing to earn the right to reproduce is "the future", it will be very hard to fight it with people like that running around.

3992d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I know right, it's ridiculous how fast people forget things.

They have more 1st party development studios than any other publisher. Sony has released exclusive games for their platforms almost* every year since 1994 (*I'm saying almost because I haven't checked, but I would put money on them having at least 1 1st party game every single year in the last 19 years).

They have 3 generations of amazing consoles and exclusive...

3992d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

They tried to replicate the Wiis success with the Wii U, that's also the reason for the similar name, so people who aren't really into gaming could recognize it immediately. As we all know by now, it backfired heavily. People thought it was an upgrade for the Wii and not a new console.

The Wii was successful because it has the neat controls. People who never played games before have problems wrapping their head around all the buttons on a standard controller, but the ...

3992d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

10 years experience in IT? Are you freaking kidding me? I remember you from a few years back, you were trying to convince people that an "Engine" has absolutely nothing to do with "source code". In other words, you had no idea what the hell both of those were, just a few years ago.

Anybody with "10 years IT experience", a lot less even, knows what the hell source code is, even if they aren't programmers.

Knowing that it's...

3993d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The XBox was never an "always online" box to begin with, so that cloud marketing BS they are spouting to lure in the technologically illiterate, is moot in any case.

All that was previously required was a 24 hour check in, for which you could've used a dial up modem. It was only there for DRM purposes.

3993d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

They said it's region locked, and it was confirmed that it will not work at all in unsupported countries. Only the 21 countries that are supported will be able to play games with it, until Microsoft officially releases it in other countries.

3994d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment


Even if they change their stance on DRM and always online, the damage is done. They would likely sell a little more if they took it out, but the ship to greater glory has long left the harbour.

They lost the trust of a huge chunk of their fanbase. Trust which will not be rebuilt by simply changing their ways now. They made it clear what they are willing to do to please publishers and stock holders, in other words, the degree of which they would scr...

3994d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought the same thing, then I looked back at their other consoles.

They dropped the first XBox like a rock after only a few years, because it was clear that it couldn't compete against the PS2. I was sure them dropping support for an expensive console that fast would not sit well with the gaming crowd, I was wrong.

They rushed the 360 to market with design issues I've never seen in a home device before. Heating problems which effectively destroyed...

3994d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Filtering only positives is really pathetic.

"Displaying '3' search results; '45389765387' blocked"

3994d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

DRM slut EA broke speed records rushing to initiate damage control after Sonys press conference. The articles kept popping up left, right and center about how EA doesn't support DRM and what not. The crowd was cheering and chanting "SONY" after Jack Tretton mentioned used games. I hardly think publishers will ignore what happened there. If they do, they shouldn't make business decisions any longer, if they want to stay successful.

3994d ago 25 agree4 disagreeView comment

I was confused why they announced UStream instead of Twitch, until May. But yeah I really hope Twitch has no exclusive deal with MS because that would suck. All it would take is a firmware update to allow for both streaming services. No hardware changes necessary. So at least it's in the realm of possibilities.

3995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter whether it will pass or not. If it makes any headlines, or gets it's 15 minutes of fame, the bill has done it's job. Namely, damage to the product it has targeted by scaring people away from it.

I've seen this practice in Germany often enough. For example, a bill was proposed after a school shooting, to ban all games that allow the player to harm human beings or humanoid beings, this includes Mario, as some enemies have arms, legs, body and h...

3995d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're buying a turd pile because of the cherry on top?

3995d ago 12 agree9 disagreeView comment