
CRank: 5Score: 22350

Yeah such crappy parts that are easier to make games on. Cheaper to make, Proven technology. (except ring of death FIX it MS YOU BASTARDS!) Explain why the Wii of all things is the cheapest thing around and it pwns your beloved PS3.

I admit 360 isn't no where near perfect but neither is the PS3

6310d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Have any proof on those "countless developers" i remember last E3 hearing a lot of developers talking crap on the PS3.

"At, a thread popped up concerning which console to buy. Electronic Arts game dev Andrew Garrett jumped in, writing:

''Last year, the prediction was that Sony would win the next-gen war, that the PS3 would be the dominant console, just like the PS2 was.

That is no longer the case. The extremely stro...

6310d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


Could it be that simple? Haha i wanna see the new fantastic 4

6310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

" GamePro speaks to Sony's dev team for the official word." Of course Sony is going to say their a billion times more powerful then 360. I'm not doubting the PS3 or cell but they have been known for talking crap on 360. I believe developers before i would believe something Sony says.

I know both MS and Sony talk crap.. They all LIE!

6310d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

It was top dog because it was out for so long. Which isn't the same case this time around for the PS3. Now Microsoft copied what Sony did right the first time.

I am a man to admit when i am wrong. Good Game Blood GOOD GAME!

6310d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

6axis is the future. I mean its not like Microsoft made it back in 1998 right? It's only next gen when Sony adds it to the PS3!!

6310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Read the rules those are all the games that are 100% official. Not rumored releases or unannounced releases. If you got 20+ games you know about email them and tell them you got proof.

6311d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own a 360 and my best friend has a PS3 but damn the Wii is owning!! go wii go!

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll believe the developers site before i believe PSU.

Why you got to call me names? you said let me see if i get this right " 6.1 - You are wrong
2 days to vegas was only ever announced for ps3," well i just stated what the website said and now you change your story to "Ok d!ickhead, i only wanted people to read about the game" ...

6311d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Steel Monkeys own site says nothing about PS3. It only says "Platforms: PC" And me personally i only agree with what the developing site says.

6311d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Right now 360 is beating PS3. So i think there is no reason to lower its price. Untill the PS3 sales pick up when that happends which the real question is "When" i feel MS will drop the price to make it even harder for those increasing PS3 sales to increase. Games make the console but 1 or 2 games isn't going to sale 10million copies.

6311d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know we suck don't we? i live in the US and i'll be the first to say were a$$holes.. well a good portion of us are. wait back on subject. I didn't know that at least you guys get to drive on the other side of the road!!! idk i'm just screwing around.

6311d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So great i missed the last day of halo3 beta racing my VR6 GTI around the track! 500hp BABY!!

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The cell is better!!" "Just wait for some games!" "PS3 is better then Xbox because i said so" Am i forgetting any good ones? oh wait "Just wait till Bluray sales more!" but wait isn't this a game console?

Ahh don't ask them to come i like a site with people looking at facts over fanboy disorder.

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So they can dumb a crap load of money in a truck but not into maybe games? or lowering the price? or better marketing?

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Best of luck on getting that fixed! don't worry you got a couple months before some games come out ;) j/k good luck man!

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know if your making stuff up or what but i've played my Xbox live for years and i can't remember the last time i got lag. So that "lagfest" your talking about stop making stuff up and stop hating. PSN is and might one day do really good but right now XBL is the king. With other reasons first they have dedicated severs. Last time i heard Sony didn't thats why a lot of game companies don't have online for PS3 but have it for XBL. Again i'm not 100% sure on this its what i reme...

6311d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

the PS3 IS GOD and more powerful then the sun it self.. And its waiting.... waiting ever so slow to sneak up on the 360 and sale 25million systems when one more game comes out because its so l33t and better in every way possible!! DON't DENY THE GREATNESS!!!

Aaahh just kidding don't hate me people i kid i kid!! i love all systems!

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well thats good. All those fanboys just couldn't help but talk crap.

Why can't we all just get along...or grow up i mean ether way

6315d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hey that crappy console has some damn good games for being so crappy wouldn't you think? grow up and stop using that lame term "xbot"

6315d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment