
CRank: 7Score: 23050

PS4 sales numbers are from Asia not Japan . PS4 have been released to many asian regions last year

3894d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone sf is easily the most underrated game of 2013. The mp is a dope

3894d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

ps3 first party games dont sell. Killzone is flop! /s

3894d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Now this is Megaton. Whatever ND releases would be goty of that year . They should definitely make LOU ps4 version though

3901d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment

All of them are good points but SONY is thinking about the future and i have said it before, they are clearly planning to go after online movie streaming services like Netflix, which itself earns bulk of its profits and revenues from PS3.

3901d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


You do realize that COD,AC4 run at a higher resolution on PS4 and only 720p/900p on XBone. Both the machines have great games with PS4 having higher rated games .
Resogun more popular? Ever wondered why Killzone sold more than any Xbone exclusives? Killzone globally has outsold every xbone exclusive and still is higher than any xbone game in many charts . Killzone was the first next gen console exclusive game to reach a million. Also globally both BF4,COD sol...

3901d ago 38 agree4 disagreeView comment

wow i think i understood what you did. Shouldn't we all be saying China a big deal since the trillions they loaned our Government ?

3901d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hey stop with the whining. She isnt inventing any of these. When an anti Sony news shows up then its ok gloom and doom ..when an anti MS thing shows up ..maria maria

3901d ago 20 agree5 disagreeView comment

It is do difficult to predict consumers these days. I mean Wii U clearly has the best lineup among next gen consoles. Is there really word called brand loyalty?

Gaming industry would shrink if Nintendo is out of the picture since some casuals who never game actually bought Wii last gen

3902d ago 13 agree32 disagreeView comment

dude they would be dominating those markets anyway. Like i said, Xbone has no virtual demand in asia and europe and UK seems to be a lost cause. If SONY can atleast keep parity with MS in us, ps4 can get some exclusives

3902d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

They have already won in the rest of the world. They just need to make sure that they atleast keep parity in US . Even if ms launches xbone in other countries, it wont sell that much since demand is very low for the console

3902d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

you know what strikes me is the fact that even SONY knows that other regions are in the bag. They should really ship more consoles to US cuz thats where they need to win actually

3902d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ofcourse the game would have run at a higher resolution on PS4 since it is much more powerful , but i am saying that it could have run somewhere between 900p and 1080p on PS4. I am saying this since a third party developer might not go the extra mile to get the full power out of PS4

I do think this alpha thing is just BS. If people find out that the game isnt running well at this point than they might cancel their preorders or not buy the game at launch. I ...

3902d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

the game is lightning fast which is the only probable reason. If you are a resolution fan , play on your PC.

Also the game has 35 AI characters . I think the game wouldn't have run at 1080p on PS4 too .between 900p and 1080p perhaps

AI routines chunk up your CPU power. Since the next gen systems have underpowered CPU, the routines rely on the stream processors of the GPU. Unlike PS4, Xbox One already has a much inferior GPU and you have this huge problem...

3902d ago 7 agree53 disagreeView comment

resolutions dont change but the final game would have better textures. We will find that out at launch

3902d ago 33 agree11 disagreeView comment

Xbox One's demand is there just in USA

3902d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

funny i know man. How on earth can a TV app ensure victory?

3902d ago 76 agree4 disagreeView comment

global console war is already over. However, US can swing either way

3902d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

Its given Lukas that SONY are actually gunning for movies. Netflix makes bulk of its sales from PS3 and they give SONY only 5% in royalties i guess. People love owning physical media but i can see SONY make tons from movies. PSNOW will become huge when we have much faster internet

3902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PSNOW will be huge for movies not games though

3902d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment