
CRank: 7Score: 23050

dude the comparison videos from past e3 and now are like days and night apart. No need to defend something which now looks like a ps3/x360 game

3761d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

Holy man, Ubisoft gives the terms "bullshots" and "B&S" whole new meanings. The game could be downgraded for parity's sake but if thats the case, then why showcase something not indicative of the final version

3761d ago 46 agree10 disagreeView comment

naw please man. Arkham night is a multiplat game and looks nowhere near Infamous.Infamous is easily the most impressive next gen title after Order

3761d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

PS4 has won this war. Nothing will stop the train. It doesn't need system seller as multiplats are doing it that promo. However, what i am saying is that people are not willing to shell out 400/500 for just a single game

3761d ago 25 agree14 disagreeView comment

Both Titanfall and Infamous will sell well, no question . But none of these games are likely to move 400/500 dollar consoles

Edit: Disagrees?
I am just saying that no one is willing to pay 400/500 quid for a single game

3761d ago 8 agree83 disagreeView comment

both graphics and gameplay are important. You don't want a 720p/900p game when you are paying 400$/500$ for a console

3761d ago 19 agree9 disagreeView comment

dude the game likely has been downgraded for Xb1, i mean for parity's sake. If something doesn't look good on PS4, then it would look horrible and most probably run at a lower resolution on Xb1

3761d ago 16 agree17 disagreeView comment

If it even moves 100,000 Xbox One units i will stop posting here for a month. Titanfall xbx one version will hit a million but won't move any console. The game being an MP game would find it difficult to hit 5 million on all platforms

Quote me on it, Infamous globally would outsell Titanfall and move more units than Titanfall also

3761d ago 12 agree16 disagreeView comment

dude theres nothing changing xbx 1 fate . Titanfall died after the beta. I dont understand why devs have beta for public when they are trying a new concept. Trust me mgs would outsell both titanfall as well as infamous and quote me if infamous sells less than this one .

As more multiplats are out, news of rez disparity and frames disparity would only make situation worse for xbx. M$ should drop Kinect to get as much mojo possible out of the box

3761d ago 18 agree26 disagreeView comment

ofcourse it is 1080p native...same amount of pixels as a native 1920*1080 image

960*1080p superimposed on another 960* image . See my hash algorithm above

The image has the same amount of pixels as native 1080p game

COD xbox one runs at 1280*720...the output on screen is same too . KZSF's output image is 1920*1080= 100% native 1080p image

There is no half rendered or anything

The rendering ...

3761d ago 15 agree14 disagreeView comment

The image output on screen has the same amount of pixels as a native 1080p image. You have no idea about how that algorithm works. It is 100% native 1080p image but achieved by superimposing a horizontal 960 frame against a 960*1080 image . This is NOT UPSCALING or 1080i..1080i image has no superimposition :)

Secondly , Xbox One has 7 games which are 720p/ish right now

Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct , Cod, Battlefield , MGS , Witcher 3, Titan...

3761d ago 20 agree18 disagreeView comment

excellent article but this is very taxing on the hardware
the output is a native 1080p with a hash algorithm like this :

frame1 = frame (n-1)/2 + frame(n+1)
return frame1;

KZSF mp outputs full 1080p native image

3761d ago 25 agree26 disagreeView comment


Those Xbox One games are all like indie games which might even run at 1080p on ps3/x360 . The next bf/cod/destiny will also be 720p/900p on Xbox One . Unless developers want to dumb down on games for parity's sake, xbox one won't have major games running at 1080p.

You can expect another 15/20 games on xbox one this year running at 720p or near 720p/900p. We are talking inferior hardware with a GPU having just 16 rops and sluggish DDR3 ram . As ...

3761d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

It is 1080p not 1080i interlaced is 1920*542

check Guerilla's article on this . They are feeding half a frame with a hash algorithm. This is not upscaling . The output is a native 1080p image not 1080i . Doesn't change the fact that Xbox One currently has like 7 games which are 720p and like 8/9 which are 900p and that list will only grow longer . Won't be surprised to see ps4 have 1/2 more 900p games down the line too

3761d ago 40 agree5 disagreeView comment

MS launched in the euro markets where xbox 360 did well. By launching in regions where there is total sony domination wont spur xboxone sales. In Germany for instance xb1 has disappeared from the charts . Same goes to all other 7 regions it launched . Xbox One has a chance of doing well in USA but rest of the world is a lost cause . PS4 will reach ps2 numbers this gen

@Double M

Sony's MC is 18B

Sony's total assets ar...

3761d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

even if they launched xbox one at the same price, the outcome would have been the same . I mean if 2 products are priced the same but one is a superior console, then why would you NOT BUY it over the other.

@chaosnight..500$ for a console which can't do 1080p native and Titanfall is an MP only game and Kinect lol

3761d ago 19 agree22 disagreeView comment

save SONY? It is a 150 Billion dollar company . There is no saving needed . SONY lost money because of the exchange rate. Rather worry that Xbox Division doesn't disappear after Titanfall fiasco.

It is just a usual shakeup and playstation division alone would earn Sony billions in a year or 2. You worry about XBox division which might be closed or sold off soon

3761d ago 21 agree12 disagreeView comment

MS should focus more on PC gaming and how to make a solid OS for Tablets when PC is done a few years down the line.

3761d ago 10 agree19 disagreeView comment

Just a usual shakeup. They have console war firmly in their bag .


5/8 years? Console war is done in europe and asia if you look at the charts . Maybe MS could launch another xbox but that might never happen. 20 stores closure means nothing. MS are in talks to sell off Xbox Division and will downsize pc division due to the emergence of tablets, doesnt mean that MS are done .

Forbes talking about bankruptcy ? yes a 150 billion dollar comp...

3761d ago 20 agree24 disagreeView comment

not to mention xbox one has inferior hardware with like 6 games already running at 720p and 8/9 others running at 900p as opposed to just 1 ps4 games being 900p .kzsf is 1080p sp and 1080p on MP but not per frame

3761d ago 56 agree27 disagreeView comment