
CRank: 5Score: 17970

All of the things stated might be quite possible. Wheter its a media drive with speed and capacity of HDD wireless transmisson.

PS3 is said to be 35 times powerful than PS2 in raw processing power. So PS4 could be 50 (yeah Exponential growth) than PS3!!! Same goes for 360 as well.

5267d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The graphics are really great. I think the bestlooking game on 360 (in shooter gerne) at the moment is RE5 or Gears2. But this game blows them out of the water.
2010 has ALAN WAKE, ME2 and SPlinter cell:Conv. I think this game is ahead of all the three by far in terms of graphics.

5268d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the game was running on 360 and not PC than I suppose we have the best looking 360 game as of yet. Sorry Alan Wake!! and you too Mass Effect 2??

Even such low res video looked incredibly good. This level of visual fidelity has not yet avialable on 360. The textures are detailed, lighting, shadows and the soft shading is also incredible at the same time. May be I had seen one or two of the mentioned features in a 360 game but not all.

Good job ubi.

5272d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The screen definitely crosses U2 but that is from a high end PC.

But still the PS3 beat was awesome. It really looked good and guys never forget that FPS are demanding in terms of hardware. I would say it has blown MW2 in grpahics department even its visual fiedlity reaches near that of KZ2 (it definitely the best looking game on PS3 timed). Even when it has not used defered shading and the game is not dark so no hiding of dull textures or areas.

But still if the re...

5272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of the Mass effect 2 media being circulated is from 360 version E3 demo was on 360 i. The shots which really look good are one with heavy light effects and I think those scenes are menat cinematics movement. The whole game will not be looking like that. But still ME2 seems to have left RE5 and Gears 2 far behind. Phew! talking about beating epic in UE3 utilization.

I see a good thing over here most of the game devs by now have laerned to put really good Hi-res textures on...

5285d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

One annoying kied hee will shouts so loud that a little more my middle erar would have been damaged.

5285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forza is close. Yes it looks much better than NFS Shift. Play before commenting. Anyways tracks of Forza a equllay impressive as of GT5 only place where GT5 wins are the cars and its way ahead in that criteria.

5294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for a iphone game

5295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its in game FMV but still, even being FMV it looks good enough too me. There is a lot of time (1 year ) for Bungie to improve graphics.
Compare it to any of Halo 3 FMV your will see the difference.

Also note that there are too much CGI's in Halo 3 in between which seem like FMV so dont get confused. FMV do look better it cannot make KZ1 look like KZ2.

5297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually a lot of games are now using texture streaming methode best example from MS are Forza 3 & Gears 2 and xbox 360 multiplat RE5, AC1, AC2 and many games use it.

BUt when we are using huge open world environment of Halo the compression tecnique needs to be very effective i.e very high compression but still has good quality. Thats basic problem why Halo 3 didnt looked that good. As I think.

Also it seems they are using deffered shading in the game too. It...

5299d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This game is getting back to old roots. New prince was not POPit was different game altogether and not POP. I would definitely say that this is what POp is actually. YEah trailer still reminds of the b grade movie style of pop:ww. Bt anyway back to core action from open world would be better.

5299d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

althogh I dont have much knowledge of game development but I have read somehwere that source engine uses unique shader based eninge. even textures are done with shaders. SO due to it its textures are incredibily life like, it also has good physics and very less jaggies.

The only issue is that all textures look like they are rusted or are of fur. But still source engine would have done well if used in racing games.

5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And MS should definietly pay them your are fire behind the Xbox 360 sales. You have made MS billions even when they where kicking your asses and you have made me happy too.

Anyways some guys might be thinking that its long process to do such stuff but there is always professional help available in your local grey market.

If the modders wouldnt have done so much to 360 alteast I would have been out at the First RROD. BUt yeah I am still in and guess what I have o...

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"JUst get me one will you", not only my friends but my brothers and cousin even have PS3.

Damn none of the TVs in the list are within my approach. Damn get me one for free SOny. I will advertise your brand.

Just get me one. Oh god I cant bear the pain.

5330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC gamers who turned to console will definitely like it. Those who might be gaming on console only will definitely be skeptic.

Also the graphics are not good but the scale of the game is too huge. Its like an RTS game zoomed to character level that's the main reason for average graphics. But definitely their will be other good qualities.

Also Bioware has not made nay game which has solid graphics except Mass Effect and may be Jade Empire. There games are always know...

5337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Play Forza 3 if you want to comment, it looks much better than Forza 2 if you just seeing screens you are missing a lot of things.

Guys GT5p looked OK, yes except cars every thing else was dull and I have GT5p on PS3. The menu was slick though. It cant be said that GT5p outperforms Forza3 is every aspect.

5338d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

They are banning 360 moders and the same time enhancing them to create market. But yeah, the elites always survive. No matter how hard MS tries.
IF your firmware is right and you are not too early on Live then there is not need to panic.

5341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS is gonna screw up in the end the, I have got info that modding community of 360 is coming with a device that will make 360 offical HDD useless in front its device.

HDD loader... I would have said its wrong, but MS deserves it after all this.

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The elites cant even be touched.

5355d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbox should be pirated, MS owns xbox 360 owners huge time. RROD, live charges, accessories charges. They are so ashamed that they themselves dont have courage to stop xbox piracy. I think so.
An eye for an eye that the law.

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment