
CRank: 5Score: 17970

You are right abt full installs, but the new technique developed are favourable for Disc, using highly compressed textures and geometry and that is directly given to the renderer and it gets you result which would have seen with 4 GB of RAM on current consoles. Soon most games will have really high res textures and details and huge open world even while streaming from Disc.
But the positive point of full game install is safegaurd of game and disc also if a disc gets a little scratched...

5795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

6.8 GB thats the maximum space taken by anygame of 360 and it takes near about 10-11 mins to install a game of that size. Also why are people going crazry for 23 hours LO. It is 4 disc so install disc one by one and deleting the old installs, you can play it if you even have 7GB space left.
4 discs are separate right and boot on there own and all are 12-16 hr long.

5795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Giving PS3 mandatory installs was a good idea some games really show the differnece. I purchased PS3 near about 2 weeks ago and played some games , although the games looked similar to 360 but the frame rate hiccups where not there which is present ( although momentarily) in most of the games which have large seamless world in 360 (except GTA4).

5795d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I dont know exactly how Eurogamer tested the game when I did I found that textures popins and menu loading time and sudden load time where substantially reduced. They might be talking abt the technical flaw of the game like characters blocked in a wall or sudden frame rate drops in heavy action sequences.

5795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

YOur drive life is incrased by 3 folds atleast and also the DVD spin sound is gone. Current games save only 4-5 secs since they where not made with this feature in mind, but in time the upcoming games will be doing it much better, and games runing from HDD will be loading much faster than from those running from disc.

5795d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Load times are not reduced incredibly but some things are really good about this feature first that install is fast and doesnt takes much time . Also my 2 game GTA4 and NG2 were heavily scratched due mishandling NG2 load times where gone high and a lot of hicccps was there in the gameplay and audio felt to be lagging at cutscenes. GTA4 it gave me nightmares the textures of roads and buliding where not there sometimes.
Then I did this install thing with early preview update that came a ...

5795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will get the 360 version, they should have made the PS3 version better like insomniac did in R2.

5810d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It definetly looks good for a seamless game comparing this to GTA4 it looks that Remedy has done a marvelous job on textures.

5817d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

NG2 and Lost Odyssey where not bad games or even flops.

5817d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

But why to talk abt weak points talking abt better part of the game is good because we are gonna enjoy that, also once loaded the game runs seamlessly.

5818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bungie making PS3 exclusive is like Insomaniac making 360 exclusive. Atleast for few years Bungie will not make titles other than X360 and PC.

5818d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

360 market might not fail so fast, since MS is very strict in piracy if you try to find 360 games in Grey market you wont find any. But name any PS2 game and I will get you 50 copies of it at a price of a new orignal game.
But still PS2 games sales even after so much piracy so same goes for 360 the sales will get low but till then consoles successor will be in the market also only way to get a 360 game is to download it by self you cant even think of getting a 360 game from greymarket ...

5822d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

COD4 engine is modified version of COD 2 engine. Engine is also not important with only a few good features any engine can change a lot than last one. Just look at Last Remnant it looks good now after the modification done to UE3. Gears 1 engine and Gears2 engine are not same if you look it that way its modified version.

5827d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You will need a 360 to play Gears 2, so I think you cant take it and why are you renting Fable 2 its no use it doesnt run on DVD player.

5827d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you play Gears 1 you will see alising even at 1080p mode and in the video thats tottaly smoothened the Alising is gone is gone in Gears 2. ED RAM was made for doing AA last time Gears1 had to cut AA for gettting proper frames and this time I think they are using ED RAM only for antialising and anisitropic filtering.

5827d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Graphics are improved and the difference in Gears1 and Gears 2 is what it was between COD2 and COD4.
Just looks at the skin of the players it looks real last time it looked good but was still like stone and the 4XAA is also there and shading is much better it is looking more organic and fresh.
The animations are really good much better than Gears1.

5827d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

how many peoples are fighting for this but any brand would say the same thing, that their product is best and also this is an advertisement and not a news.

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was fun but graphics and sound of the game where not great and it really matters. If this game can improve on those parts I think it will be true revival of Halo.
The creative director of GRAW series is also here if this game even looks like GRAW2 then also I think it will be good enough.

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

good news for me

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We forgot one important point that graphics of Fable 2 do look great for a game that is totally seamless. Its better than GTA4 by screens.

5831d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment