
CRank: 5Score: 8220

guys everyone should play this!!
now there is no excuse,.. my favorite game ever,..
It is not that hard,.. but it it punishing,.. you pay with for your mistakes like mofo,.. but it is just so damn great !

5123d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

hahaha !! omg,..LOL ,.. but true,..

But we don't know yet,.. he could be ,.. like Punk dude,..with some serious psychological issius
and not an emo-metro,.. so,..

5123d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Omega4 and others have mixed up,.. Kung FU live with riders,..

5123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

didn't they just say full HD at the conference ? that means 1920×1080P
so I think this screens are not real,.. they cannot be,..

Looks fine to me,.. Anyway a great game,.. One of best on-rail shooters Ive played in years,.. So I am really glad we get it for free with Dead space,.

5123d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

WHAT VEXX SAD !! make ZOE3 !!

5124d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Capcom ,. Greedy much?

at least this one should be on the damn disk,..

5124d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

you know Sony ,.. means a little boy ,.. or something like that,.. lol

but I agree with the sentiment !

5124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

hahahaha haha haha haaaa OMG,..
Metro Dante !!

FU CAPCOM !! Cris Is steroid monkey and Dante is a metro,..

Ok watched it again ,.. It is not that bad,..
Actually he has some character,.. not just a pretty boy,..

At least Grasshopper is making a game with EA (shadow of the damned - but that looks like crap,.. but its Sinji Mikami)

edit: I take it back ,..Even original Dante is a bit gay to me ,.. but this is s...

5124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is in full HD 1920×1080p,.. will look awesome ! with trophies,..!! ,..that is cool,.. It is a really great shooter bdw,..

works without move also,.. though I think that would suck,.. It is a light gun shooter,.. so it should be played with a (gun) pointer,..

5124d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

thanx bro !

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are a small team and they made Penumbra-s!!

SONY should ask them to port it on PS3 (because of MOVE),.. Or ask, do it them selves,.. and pay top dollar to this guys !! (at least PSN move Penumbra ,.. I'll pay 25 in a heartbeat)

Move Is like ,..made for their games,..

5124d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


but you have to admit if they would keep the same internal resolution in possible software emulator,.. Ps2 games kind of look like crap on HDTV,.. it is not the most important thing ever,.. but if I can get 2 or 3 awesome games on 1 disc in hd, with AA,.. aniso,.. remastered ,..with trophies,..3 plats,.. I'll pay 40 usd

Gow1 and 2 in HD look amazing,.. I am sure they had some higher resolution assets left as well,.. games looks better than cutsce...

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

didn't it come with nes? ,.. so that is why,.. Still, a great game !

@Sigh ,.. agreed,.. !!
I even think, that controls are not as tight in new Super Mario bros Wii,..
I think they even felt better in Paper Mario on the Wii,.. and that is not 'sidescroller' for the most part,..its kinda an RPG,.. but platforming felt tighter,.. (Paper Mario is an awesome game bdw)

5124d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well there are a few of us that still like PES better,.. Its just more fun ,.. feels better,..
But we are getting to be a minority I guess,..

5124d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Thanx for the beta test bots ! (A joke aimed at the first comment)
Cool it has online coop,..

may get this one for PC,..

5124d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Abandon ship !!

Ok, ok,.. I really hope someone enjoys it,..

But you must admit that complexity of interaction,.. Is kinda lame even compared to Ps eye games,.. look at Trials of Topoq ,..or this,.. seems pseye my even tract with less lag,.

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually don't mind that it is on rails,.. Kincect cannot do much else,..
I am more interested if it actually ''kinda'' works,.. I don't even see that happening,..
All the shit we have seen was pree-recorded,..

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes,.. I think this will not be cracked at least till release,..They need some keys from the server or something and they cannot bruteforce it ,..

so I think there will not be much damage done to capcom,..
Will get it for ps3 probably,.. Started trophy-whoring a bit,.. Case zero is fun, but I wonder if it will get as repetitive as Dead rising 1,.. Damn,.. I know he is not a photographer,.. but I really liked the camera,..

5124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fuck Kotaku,..

I will visit sites that are blatant fanboys of either system,.. and that do not hide it,.. just to see how convoluted reasoning some 360 fanboys have,.. Good for laughs,..

But trying to make an impression of being objective or somehow neutral,.. and then systematically bash and shit on Sony,..
Even positive articles must have a ''spin'' in the title or allude to something negative,..

Fuck K...

5125d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe they have nothing else ''exclusive'' to play ,.. I haven't even got to second ratchet yet ,.. and I am a huge fan,.. lol its platinum already,.. PS3 games sell over time,.. have some legs,.. Because there is just to much great shit to buy at once,..

Lets face it Splinter Cell and Alan Wake were not all that great ,.. One completely destroyed, one of the best most in-depth stealth franchises ,.. And the other got damn repetitive 3-4 hours in,..

5125d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment