
CRank: 5Score: 2250

here's a tip IGN GFY.


haven't been disconnected yet. check your connections or try resting your router.

4865d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder what guerrilla games would be able to do with top of the line PC hardware. I guess we'll never know. : (

4865d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

KZ3 is amazing! The MP stomps the shit out of everything on the market today. It looks prettier than 99.9% of any of the games out there including PC games. Congrats GG! lulz

So much for the notion that Cry2 would displace KZ3 as the graphics champ. lol The PS3 has been slapping the shit out of the box for how many years in a row?

4865d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

If it's on Macrumors or Appleinsider it's usually true.

4865d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

: /

PS3 +299
32.99 2nd sixaxis
$60 Game (many games can be found for cheaper a month after release)

total= 391.99

4866d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn that map looks insane! I hope they flood us with DLC because I'm buying it all. :D

KZ3 is the king of the FPS!

4866d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just cancelled my pre-order. P2P, no dedicated servers and now low rez graphics. The only reason why I even considered buying Cry2 was to checkout the famed Cry engine 3 tech.

yeah no thanks.

Oh and I guess this means KZ3 can keep it's KING OF GRAPHICS crown, right. lol

4866d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Get the fuck outta heeear. I feel truly bad for those people throwing their hard earned money away on this hacked POS franchise.

4866d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment


4867d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So those incredible multiplats won't be available on the PS3 and PC? lmao So it's going to be an incredible year for all of us but more so for PS3 and PC users.

4867d ago 23 agree3 disagreeView comment

utube version

4867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@PeeWizzle referring to Gears3 "Looks a lot cooler than Uncharted."



If GG can keep things fresh and interesting with the KZ franchise then why not. I love the theme, storyline, characters and just about everything else. It would be premature to end the series at this point when it obviously has a lot of life left in it. Congrats GG you produced an amazing product and I can't wait for KZ4...5..6..7..8. : )

4867d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This looks awesome will wait for community feedback on this one.

4867d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nice job Crytek! Will pick it up when it drops. And guys please enough with this bullshit already just let it go.

just placed my pre-order. : )

4867d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude it's got sharks with frickin' laser beams on its head. I'm def picking this one up.

“Sony has a much more liberal publishing going for the PlayStation Network. So we’re allowed to publish there without a publisher, which is pretty fantastic. ”

Sony WIN. :P

4868d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's a bold statement.

KZ3's MP looks and plays better than anything out on the market today so if BF3 can match it or beat it well then more power to them, we'll see what BF brings to the table.

All I know is that KZ3 MP maps are the prettiest I've ever seen the gameplay is fucking rock solid... so yeah BF3 has some big shoes to fill. I wish them luck.

And the graphics kind of consoles is UC but now with KZ3 hrrmmm that...

4868d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment


Yeah the thing is is it's not just our opinion it's almost anyone who's viewed in-game screenshots/video.

4868d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


Where the fuck in my post did I say it was the PS3 version? Did I even suggest that much? No! I'm talking about the relationship that DICE has with Sony and the PS3.

The funny thing about Xboxers sweatin' BC3 balls right is that this same time last year they were talking mad shit about BC2 and now they're all like "yeah buddy this shit dope" GTFO.

Expect the PS3 to get special treatment and exclusive content from ...

4868d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

I'm having zero issues with hit detection so whatever you're experiencing is obviously only on your end.

uh did you check your router or maybe test out your net connection? of course not, why would you do you're an ignorant little piece of shit and you do what ignorant little pieces of shits do best.

what a fucking idiot. lol the disc is bigger than the shredders opening and he's still trying to shove it in there. lol

4868d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The focus was definitely more on gameplay and the pace of the action which was intense and I found it second to none... the story was a bit light but seeing as how the game ended it shows that there's def more to come. :D
I disagree with many of the criticism made against KZ3, I think one of the main reasons why people bitched about the game, was because the gameplay and action were just so damn good that they simply wanted more but like all good things...

4868d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment