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Ha, first.

4592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not surprised. I loved the first game and it was great

4597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a game changer. All the vita needs to do is drop it's price and talk to developers to bring some awesome games to the system. Gta, street fighter,castlevania, metal gear. When those games come an them some they'll be fine

4597d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

The Facebook app is a waste Of time. It doesn't even have chat. I don't even understand y they'd even come out with a Facebook app that doesn't even have chat. Don't out it back up unless it has chat.

4597d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I totally agree with this article. It's all facts. I'm also laughing at these comments because all I see is a bunch of Sony fans that doesn't wasn't to see their favorite system drop out of the console race lol. If it were xbox everyone in here would agree on that article. Sony needs to step it's game up. They also need to price there hardware devices better.a ps4 wouldn't even help them and their exclusives sucks. The only good games they have is uncharted n resistanc...

4597d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

Some of the games worked, but not all of them. I managed to get castlevania, peace walker, gta on it.

4597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The vita better hurry up and come out with some decent and original games because right now the 3ds is putting a whoopin on them right now it terms of games lol. Long libe the vita though. I hope it survives for it has a lot of potential for greatness like the psp before it.

4598d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wow! All these vita and Sony fans had absolutely nothing bad to say about the vita even in the wake of some hard truthful facts, but if it were the 3ds (which sold more and currently have better games) there would be a lot of bashing. I find it all funny.

Anyway, I bought a vita and so far out of the 20 odd games they're only about 5 gms worth playin/buying (cough:uncharted,mvc3,wipeout, ninja gaiden & blazeblue. I like the vita. The only problem I have with Sony is how ...

4598d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

What a load of bs. This shit doesn't work at all. I have tons psp games on my ps3 and the vita doesn't recognize any of them. This post is a bogus u can't play most of your psp game on the vita no matter what u do. Sony did this on purpose so people can focus on buying the vita and it's games. It backfired though.

4598d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

All I'm a say is, I like saints row 1 & 2 and thought those two games were way better than gta. I hated the 3rd one and I felt as if the game did stray too far from what it use to be and what made it a good game in the first Place. I won't be getting the 4th one. Rest in peace saints row.

4599d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great article. I think nintendo will do just fine. All Sony and ms has been doing is copying nintendo for years. Everyone watches nintendo then capitalize off what they do. That alone probes that nintendo is the best lol. Sony and ms has playing following the leader for some time now. Reading these comments I can see that they're a lot if Sony fans. It's okay to like the system that you own but facts are facts. Nintendo is finally giving gamers what they want, online games, dlc, bette...

4602d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

The author makes a good point but the fact of the matter is Sony is going to have to release a os4 to keep up with xbox3 and wii u or be in last place like they are in now.

You guys just have to face it, Sony had their time and xbox just took over and not a system revamp or a ps4 is going to help them.

4603d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stupid comparison....
Like bioware is actually going to make two different demo builds using each system specific graphics capability you all must be mad. The ms3 demo on the 360 is the same demo thats on the ps3. Also more than likely when the game ships there will be no graphical difference.

4606d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They need to give uncharted a rest now. The 3rd game was weak. If it's coming out on the p4 well then that's fine.

4606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since when did 3d make games sell more? This is such bs. I heard uncharted didn't even look good in 3d.

4606d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

First let me start out by saying this, thank goodness for the used game market. Some developers are lazy that puts out a game for $60 where as a lot of times it's not even worth $60. I can't stress how many times I've purchased a brand new game for 60 bucks and it wasn't even worth it. A total waste if money. Gfx sucked, bugs, terrible gameplay, weak online, 5 hrs of short gameplay and my favorite last but not least a lot of the games arnt next gen or does anything ground brea...

4614d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

U guys are silly expecting a remake. SE won't even remake ff7 what makes u think the would remake ffx? Come on people, oh, and for the record, ffx was not the best ff. 7 was. Lets get it right people

4615d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Umm,whatever. When the wii u n the xbox3 drops and starts to sell and the ps3 sales start to dip, what r they going to do then? Whatever. That statement would've made more sense if back in the ps1 ps2 days when Sony had the industry on lock.whenever ms drips their new system Sony will have to follow suit or be behind worst than they are now. Sorry Sony u just don't got it anymore lol

4617d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Lol, lmao, this article tickles me. A wii u killer but not a ps4 killer huh? You guys just love Sony so much that you don't want it to die. If anything, nintendo will be the one standing when the smoke clears. All ds's sold and survived and the iPhone came out almost the same time as the ds. The ds is still selling the wii is still selling and the 3ds is at four million. The vita isn't selling so clearly nintendo will not be going anywhere. Sony will be the 1st to go.

4617d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The demo sucks and so will the retail game. TW is dead. The last good twisted metal game I played was twisted metal2 and twisted metal head on.

4618d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment