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Easy question, nintendo!

4526d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

If Sony were smart, They should've made a god of war on the vita instead if the ps3. How about more games for the vita as well as some form of flash or html5. Step it up Sony.

4532d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Correction, the 720 is coming out late next year.

4535d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm so looking forward to red faction!! That game was great back in it's time and was one of my top favorite shooter's!!! I don't know y they put red faction in third person? Now look were the series went.

Anyway, no games for the ps vita? Uh, that's sad.

4538d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony still trying to be nintendo I see (shaking my head) sony cannot come up with a game that is going to beat smash bros sorry.

4538d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Uncharted3 sucks and it didn't even sell well, that is y it's being sold for $30 ha ha. Oh yeah, y would I want to buy ps move when I can buy a kinect lol?

4539d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

U guys relax, the wii u will be powerful, it won't be as powerful as the p4 and the 720 but it should be ableto run the same games with less detailed gfx but I know for a fact that it will be light years ahead of the ps3 and 360 in terms of gfx and power.

Have u guys seen the Zelda tech demo? Come on man! I haven't seen any game on the current gen consoles(not even uncharted) that looks better than that wii u Zelda tech demo.

4539d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

LX generation chaos that was very well said my friend!! What u said was nothing but the truth, I tip my hat off to u sir. Very well said, I couldn't agree with u more. The wii u will be alright when it drops this year and possible mite even outsell the competion once again. I will be picking up 1. Halla at me bro: psn account-wildffire xbox live account-blackmilk1

4539d ago 12 agree9 disagreeView comment

Sorry to burst your bubbles y'all, but nintendo is here to stay. Hardcore casual or whatever. Nintendo will never go the way of sega. They make too many great games and hardware and they both sell. Nintendo sold way more than it's competitors and the wii u will do the same thing. Nintendo is the greatest.

4540d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

The author must've been smoking crack, American nightmare does not have the same excellent production, suspense or graphics like the first one. I love Alan wake. Yes, the game could've done a lot of things better but I was pretty much satisfied from what they offered. As far as improvements go, I'll save that for part 2. Alan wake was very much underrated. It's a classic game. I love the story. It's a 9/10. The only thing that is great about American nightmare is the weapo...

4543d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ha ha take that Sony fans. What a slap to the face to it's Sony fans. After all these years of playstation fans criticizing ms for charging for live now Sony is considering doing the same. At least you're paying for top quality with xbox live. Now Sony is considering charging for a crappy unsecured network lol. How much further can u strip down psn? It's already strip down as is. Especially compared to live.

4548d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

Take that Sony fans lol. 15 consecutive months the xbox has been outselling the ps3 lol just a couple of days ago I read a comment from a Sony fan saying that the ps3 has been outselling the xbox since 2008 lol u wish it was lol if that was the case the ps3 would've had more worldwide sales which they don't. Men lie women lie numbers don't.

4549d ago 14 agree20 disagreeView comment

Yeah I love the vita and play it on and off, but they seriously need to come out with better games. The only games that are good in my opinion and worth a purchase are, golden abyss, blazeblue, wipeout 2048 and unit 13, ninja gaiden and the rayman demo was pretty good. So that's only 5 out of 25 games at laun h that are good. They need more games.

4549d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh Sony fans please stop it. The ps3 only outsells the xbox in japan. Where's the proof that the ps3 been selling more than the xbox since 08? I guess u can't count. If the ps3 was outselling the ps3 since 08 then why is the 360 ahead of the ps3 in worlwide sales? And why are they going on their 3rd price cut? Lol. Put it to u like this, let's look at this reality wise, if the ps3 was outselling the xbox like u say it is then Sony wouldn't have droped the price of their conso...

4552d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Where are those xbox 360 haters who said the ps3 was out selling the x ix every month lol? Yeah right u wish the ps3 was selling more. This will be sony's third price cut if they do decide to have a price drop. It's a shame no matter how many price cuts Sony does it still cannot beat the xbox which has yet to receive a price cut. With the ps3 crappy online, sucky 1st part games, lack of cross game chat and outdated controller no wonder the xbox is putting a whooping on the ps3 lol. T...

4552d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Out of the 24 games I only see about at least 7-8 games that's actually worth buying out of that list. Shaking my head, so sad. Step it up Sony.

4552d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh my, look at all these wiiu haters lol. First off all let me say this, nintendo is the best gaming designers in the world. All of their systems have bee successful as well as their games. Neither Sony or ms can beat nintendo's first party games. Fact. The wiiu will be alright. It will be successful lime the wii before it. All Sony n ms do is copy nintendo. It's going to be wii vs ms and xbox all over again. With the wii u outselling both the 720 and p4.

Oh! And for ...

4553d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yes the need a price cut, that's why they're not selling. They need some better games too.

4555d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I hear u limewax lol let em know what's up? That wii u is going to be a beast and the gfx is way beyond the ps3 and 360. U guys need to get the wii out of your head. U really think nintendo is going to pull a wii again and release a next gen system weaker than the 360? That makes no sense. U wish they did. 360 and ps3 games don't even run at 60 frames per sec and display all games in 1080p. If that's going to be the standard for the wii u games what makes u think it's weaker t...

4555d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who in the hell made this list !? U forgot turok and perfect dark.

4559d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment