Jungle Life


CRank: 5Score: 53880

To bad we still need to pay for xbox live to play it right.EA acess would actually be a must have if the online portion of the games were not tie to the Xbox live subscription.

3298d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

17fps-25fps most of the time,i dont see why so much wow factor,theres actually no Wow factor for me.

3298d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Another game thats going to release unfinished full of bugs and with framerate hovering between 30-20fps on consoles.I hope that we get atleast 30fps lock on consoles but i have no fate!I hope reviewers come clean with the technical issues and dont end up giving another free pass,with games like Metal Gear Solid V aiming and achiving 60fps i find no excuse that we console gamers cant have a minimum of 30fps lock no dips...if it happens its due to lazyness nothing less.

3298d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The diference in price between PC games and console games its staggering!In a good way for PC gamers!

3299d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know you can buy Batman Physical version PS4 for 38pounds at gameseek and other sellers,i have to say that people that support digital get shaft in price because they want and deserve it for supporting crap digital way.

3301d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This will ruin the Single Player experience most likely.Halo SP was always about the one man army (except Reach were i still find the solo missions better),Master Chief.Lets see how it turns.

3303d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im certain that MGSV is going to be the magnus opus of series from Kojima and his team!Im so glad they finally focus more on the gameplay rather than in cutscenes but without neglecting the story still.

3308d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They havent fix all the bugs,the frame pacing issue but are ready to release an expansion for a game they told that woud not have any dlc after release,go guessing.Great game but technical is a big mess,were goes all hopes that the technical problems ever get fixed.

3323d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

I will wait for performance to be patch and if they patch it i will them pick it.

3323d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My bet is that some unscrupulous people are trying to rip and extra key from GMG,after knowing all the talk surrounding the keys they are trying there luck,lame!

3323d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cleaner and a bit smoother ,good for newcomers for those that have played on the Ps3 can be a good pick once the price comes down to half,45 pounds,60euros its just overcharging! It will come down in price fast just take TLOU exemple!

3324d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I really have to ask myself if gamers that play on consoles and PC are not been milked every dime and buck and been overcharge way above of what we should be paying for a game!!I see developers and publishers move and bring games to mobile watch Crysis 3 and other games this games are priced way below the price of a console game or PC one and this developers are making buckets of cash,they still pay for development and some marketing one have to wonder why dont publishers lower the price of ...

3324d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its completly out of stock the Disc version in the shops on my Country all versions.Even the major retailer!


3325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They already have the PS4 code why didnt they made a preview or review of the PS4 code,and are only focus in the Xboxone?Some people say the framerate of the PS4 is actually worst than the Xbox one,so i really dont get this preview from DF.

3325d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mad Max its a Warner Brothers game not a Square game!Just Cause its an Avalanche IP Square only publish it nothing more!You people need to do research!

3325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So the game has better framerate and runs smoother on the Xbox one ??If this ends been true...i will pick the Xbox one version.The game is running above 30fps why didn't CDPR locked at 30fps for smoother play,also another game with frame-pacing issues that is causing stuttering inadmissible.

3326d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im waiting to see what version has the best framerate since i really dont care if the Xbox is 900p and the Ps4 1080p,if the Xbox one end up having smoother and more stable framerate thats the one im picking and more so when the framerate expected is only targing 30fps...i did that with Dragon age inquisition and was the best i did since after testing the two versions was very notable that the Xbox one version of DI run smother and made the gameplay better.I will take performance over graphic ...

3327d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Still waiting for Digital Foundry face off to choose in what console version im going to spend my cash.Really need to see the performance face off.

3327d ago 7 agree22 disagreeView comment

If after a face off the Xbox one gets better framerate i bet hell will break loose to some fanboys. Thank god i can choose .

3327d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I frankly agree with this Review in many aspects and i welcome the need of a further evaluation of the technical state of this game after release,and them address the score once more.I have been told that after the patch the game still has bad framerate and bugs that break the immersion into the game on all systems ,if true it should reflect truly in the score ;the white pass on technical issues developers have been having should stop.If the game is not ready delay it until it is.

3328d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment