Jungle Life


CRank: 5Score: 53880

Actually the Batman A.K one its rip off!The statue on this edition must be one of worst i have seen in terms of constrution materials,very very cheap!Overall i think most of the Collectors editions are priced too high for the value.

3268d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont like Dean Hall the guy has a God complex and worst off all he havent finnish the work on DayZ and its already asking people to donate for the next game.All the promises he made for DayZ end up been lies and BS talk;dont trust this guy!

3268d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some of you people can bash the Wii U all that you want but i own one and frankly i love the great exclusives it has!Yes Nintendo has given up the Wii U it seems and i lost my trust,since i was expecting better support or atleast the normal 5 year support before they dump the system right now i can tell that no matter how good the NX ends been im not going to buy that new system at release like i normally tend to i really feel burned,Nintendo lost my trust,but dont bash the Wii U because its ...

3271d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well im a Wii U owner since release and have always supported Nintendo buying there home consoles and games and you can bet that im not going to support Nintendo NX .I might end up picking one but only after a couple of years down the road if i see it suitable,but i will never ever more support any new Nintendo system at release like i have done since the Snes!

3274d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Week month indeed.PS anniversary month i think Sony should have done better!

3280d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Another year and half to two years for the system than the NX will release.Taking in account the last comemts from Iwatta that the NX will start from 0 and that they will keep releasing both 3DS and Wii U games,in the context of the words he says during the interview i read at dtoid im frankly expecting that the NX its going to be primary a home console but with some kind of hardware to play games also on the move a hidrid system,also it most likely will not offer backwards compatible with t...

3283d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

See this is how we see the trully master development teams!If the port was made by Rocksteady im almost sure it would be in pristine condition like the console versions,but warner once more screw the PC gamers by going cheap! Most likely it will be Rocksteady fixing this shit.

3289d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Most likely will come with the horrible frame pacing issue that still plagues Bloodborne.Graphics are not everything if the engine runs like crap.From Software shoud take some notes from Rocksteady new Batman, atleast for PS4 is a technical marvel on all fronts,rock solid 30fps at 1080p no frame pacing issues and overall very well polished game!Thats how games should be released to consumers!

3289d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Your comment just shows the troll you are!Its a business decision,and theres nothing wrong with it,you dont need Kinect neither Cortana to play games on the Xboxone,dont tell me that what makes you want an Xbox one is Cortana?Are you going to jack`it looking at her!?Crying babys want everything for free.

3292d ago 33 agree13 disagreeView comment

Framerate its really bad at times.

3293d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Very bad!!

3296d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop beeing an ass,look at Xenoblade thats on the WII U and looks and runs wonderfull also Zelda was shown an it looked Good.

3296d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Look im actually mad with Nintendo show,StarFox looks bad,and they didnt show nothing new of taking note.But after seeung great looking games like Xenoblade X ,Bayonetta 2 ...i dont see a reason other than laziness for Starfox to look that bad.

3296d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Forget the name instead of trolling!Its leagues ahead of your knowledge!

3296d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sorry but that guy ..you that guy that develop DayZ...I WILL NEVER EVER SUPPORT HIM AGAIN!That fellow only want your early money and them he splits and lets things in half..i cant even pronunce is name..suck bastard!

3296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game to rule than all.

3296d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment


3296d ago 22 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have to say that Rise of the Tomb Raider look way better than Gear 4.First GOW4 demo was boring to see and run very bad,framerate was not smooth at all and that was shown to the entire demo.

3297d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

I would like to have seen the Xbox 360 in there too,maybe with Kinect 1 on top of it.Man all around it was very funny indeed,love it!

3297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im very interrested in this game.

3297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment