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lol point proven. COD is great again because mS bought them but before that people was bashing it like it was crap.

55d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

How is that fine?

55d ago 18 agree6 disagreeView comment

Honestly COD has been pretty bad for awhile. I will admit the first modern warfare reboot was the best in a long time. Now it seems to be going down hill again.

It’s really surprising people are defending COD again when all they did was bash it. I wonder why lol?

56d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

To be fair I don’t recall Sony ever saying that. A matter of fact it was the opposite lol.

56d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. I was surprised how much I actually liked it. I admit I was one the people who bashed the living hell out of this game when I first saw it but I was proven wrong.

57d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

They are not that bad as the way you make it. Yeah they are a bit down but it’s more complicated than that. They were actually up last quarter by I believe 13% compare to last year.

But a lot of companies are down right now also.

57d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I miss the good days when gamers weren’t so insufferable and had actual respect.

57d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I was really skeptical about this game but after sinking 4 hours into the game. I actually really enjoy it.
I was surprised how much I liked it after downplaying it. Gameplay was fun. I might have to buy it.

57d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think that was there goal. I remember reading that somewhere.

1460d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Love him or hate him but you can’t deny that he been putting that work to establish the Xbox brand.
Xbox is looking like a serious competitor for Sony and Nintendo.
Nintendo will do Nintendo, but I wonder how Sony will respond to this or better yet can they counter this?
I know they been looking for other studios and there was a rumor saying they were eyeing a big studio.
I guess we will see, but as of right now, this gen is looking to be more interesting ...

1460d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Tho not impossible, highly unlikely.

Square is bigger then Bethesda and they cost $7.5 billion.
I wonder how much square will cost.

1460d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He didn’t sY will be exclusive.
He said they will consider in a game by game basis.
I really don’t see elder scrolls or fallout to be exclusive.
I do agree later down the road they will stop producing IP’s for Sony, but that will most likely be newer IP’s

1460d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes $7.5 billion.
Also according to some insider. The deal won’t take effect until next year, that’s why PS still have deathloop and ghost wire

1460d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment


Oh shut up with that.
Xbox gamers been quite because they haven’t had anything to brag about all gen.
When the 360 was here they were just as worse.
All them fanboys are The same and you will be lying to yourself if you say other wise

1461d ago 49 agree34 disagreeView comment

That’s what I expect to be honest and that is such a smart move by MS.
Think about it, they just spent $7.5 billion on them. Why make exclusive games right now when you know ps fans will still buy Bethesda games. Smart way to gain back what they made fast.

1461d ago 50 agree8 disagreeView comment

“Now, I do understand that this might mean Playstation gamers missing out, which would definitely be undesirable. However, the same could have been said for PC and Xbox gamers having missed out on some of the best games which were locked to Playstation.”

That line is so dumb, those were games that was never gonna come to Xbox, but every game that Bethesda had already came out to PlayStation and was enjoyed by millions of PS fans.
So no not the same.

1461d ago 59 agree19 disagreeView comment

I really don’t see games like elder scrolls and fallout being exclusive to Xbox and leave out PS5, right now.
They know how much money they can make off of Sony.
MS isn’t dumb. They will make new IP tho exclusive to Xbox.

1461d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

Yeah same.
I already have the funds already.

But it’s crazy how I remember reading something about and insider knowing a lot of stuff about both ms and Sony and they were saying they were really surprise one of the companies was holding a mega blockbuster news. This must of been it

1461d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment
1461d ago Show

Eh idk about that, I guess I was in the few that really enjoyed fallout 4.
Still play it some time to time.

1461d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment