
CRank: 5Score: 44090

lol your taking it to serious.
I never said it was comparable. Way to twist my word.
A lot of things are use as an expression. People say hurts like hell, but are they really comparing it to the pain you feel in hell.
I’m sweating like a pig, are you really sweating like a pig?
The people I know that went through has personality and a sense of humor, unlike you. So please don’t compare.

21d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yes I have actually. It really sucks. But my statement still stand. Just like cancer, series S should go away.

21d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

So many stories where devs have a hard time with Series S.

You can pretend like it isn’t but fact is the gen would have been better with out series s.

21d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Idky you keep aiming at the PS5.
The PS5 and pro is meant for this gen.
SERIES X is the main console. Series S is just a downgraded version holding it back.
IPS5 is the main console. PRo is just an upgraded version of it.
Just like PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.
Didn’t hold nothing back but a better version to run games better.

Why even make series X to be so powerful but have the series S Holding it down? Just saying. I know you love y...

21d ago 24 agree6 disagreeView comment

lol PS5 and series X can run wukong above 30 FPS in performance mode. Can Series S do that? Saying ps5 runs worse than 25 FPS is a straight lie. Change your settings and your inbetween 30-60. Graphics may not be that sharp but atleast it’s running.
Can series S do that.

Series S is holding back series X and that’s fact. MS held back this gen and the series X with. Series S.
That’s why they want to put out a new console so fast. To phase out the series S an...

21d ago 36 agree15 disagreeView comment

lol series s is a cancer to this gen and people think series s didn’t delay wukong

Glad I sold my shit and got the X.

21d ago 39 agree19 disagreeView comment

Stop replying to him it’s a waste. Same guy with multiple accounts he will be gone within a day lol

25d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And just like concord I will be looking forward to it.

26d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Honestly, if Sony somehow locks down china. It’s pretty much over. China is quickly moving away from American products.

29d ago 24 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because it’s a Lego game and not actually one of the main game in the series. Compare to what MS is doing, it’s vastly different.

Now are they going to start releasing games to other platform. Maybe, but to the extent like MS. Who knows, but as of right now, comparing that move to what MS is doing is reaching so much.

29d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Horizon the switch?

Are you talking about the Lego horizon game lol.
Totally different situation.

29d ago 26 agree4 disagreeView comment

I can’t speak for every ps gamer. I’m speaking for the ps fans on this site.

30d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never said it wasn’t a universal mind set.
But it’s mostly the Xbox community then PS.
Which makes sense since MS promised day 1 but now it’s day 1 for some, while PlayStation has always been upfront on their stance against day 1 release on subscription, so they really never had a choice.

Also PS players usually support 1st party devs not all. CoD not so much.

30d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

CoD dev don’t need supporting.
Also this is the culture now. Why buy day 1 when you can wait.

It’s been like this for awhile bro. Especially in the Xbox community.

30d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just take the L lighting lol. You got caught. You asked who said and in fact you said it. Specifically for indy. Whether you retract or not you still said it.
It’s okay to take L’s man.

30d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is straight ass.
I wasted money on this because I love supporting Bethesda.
None of these “gamers” care.

And idk if your blind or refuse to see but even ps gamers is shitting on Concord and hopes for it’s demise. Which it’s a shame to me since I actually like it.

31d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Still waiting for a good sci fi game that will triumph mass effect trilogy. Just anything like mass effect trilogy.

31d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lmao looking at you Phil Spencer and Jim Ryan (thank god he is gone).

Sucks that Jim Ryan’s legacy is still lingering and it will take a while before Sony jumps back to its old self.

31d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Didn’t helldivers 2 stellarblade ff7 just came out this year?

I never understoood the fanboy logic of 3rd party exclusive don’t count because it’s not first.
Can you play it on the other console??? No….okay, that means they have an exclusive game lol

32d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol and some people crap on Lego games. I guess they have a bigger following then I thought

32d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment