CRank: 5Score: 6270

You get a car from the year you were born? My grandma is a huge fan of Gran Turismo. I wonder what will happen when she plays it on her birthday. I doubt they'd have any cars from 1923 in the game...

5050d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sucks if your birthday is November 23.

5050d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not on Metacritic though.

5050d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

IGN, IGN UK, and now IGN AU?

5050d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gran Turismo 5 will have a hard time beating Forza Motorsport 3 on this site. They gave Forza 3 a 9.5, so the only chance GT5 has to beat it is with a perfect 10. It should be a great game nonetheless, though. It doesn't have to be better than Forza 3 for people to enjoy the hell out of it.

5050d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kinect's not a game... Normally, most sites don't give review scores to consoles or peripherals, do they?

5050d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is just sad. I may be a 360 fanboy, but even I thought that this game would get mostly 9s and 10s. I'm shocked...

5050d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

According to IGN:

Gran Turismo 5

Presentation: 7.0
Graphics: 9.0
Sound: 8.0
Gameplay: 9.0
Lasting Appeal: 9.0
OVERALL: 8.5 (Great)

Forza Motorsport 3

Presentation: 9.5
Graphics: 9.0
Sound: 9.0
Gameplay: 9.5
Lasting Appeal: 10
OVERALL: 9.4 (Outstanding)

5050d ago 28 agree2 disagreeView comment

So Gran Turismo 5 has 280,764 preorders in the Americas for its opening week. Here's a comparison to other recent titles and their opening week preorders for the Americas:

Halo: Reach: 1,992,709
Black Ops (360): 1,825,070
Black Ops (PS3): 860,340
Fable III: 783,331
Fallout: New Vegas (360): 525,556
Medal of Honor (360): 479,578
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360): 378,829
Medal of Honor (PS3): 366,518

5051d ago 6 agree37 disagreeView comment

Gran Turismo 5 is set to have the fourth biggest opening sales week of the year! Just behind Halo: Reach (360), Black Ops (360), and Black Ops (PS3)!

5055d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

I'm afraid that lead will end after this week, at least for the time being as Kinect launches in Europe. It really is a back and forth game though. PS3 Slim launches, PS3 takes the lead. 360 S and Halo: Reach launch, 360 takes the lead. PSMove launches, PS3 takes the lead. And next: Kinect launches, 360 takes the lead.

This really must be the closest console race of any generation.

5061d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

But I bet you believe them a little bit more, right?

5061d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Kinect launched in Europe on November 10. These numbers are for the week ending November 6. If you look at the numbers from the same website for the Americas, where Kinect has actually launched, then you will see the effect:

360: 205,671
PS3: 99,775

And I am now prepared for people to disagree with the fact that Kinect had not yet launched in Europe yet on November 6.

5061d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

No, I will honestly log out of my account and never come back here again if the PS3 outsells the 360 in the December NPD. There's no way I can prove I won't make another account, but not coming back here ever again would be a privilege. Too bad I'm so compelled to keep returning. I don't believe anyone is welcome here unless they: A) blindly follow the PS3, and B) bash the 360 for no reason in every comment, so I'm not even sure what I'm doing here to begin with...

Actually, for ...

5363d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Things have really changed these days. Graphics are now more important than gameplay (KZ2 and UC2), and now quantity is valued over quality. The amount of players in one match is not directly proportional to the quality of the game.

5364d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

According to MetaCritic, 279 games were released for the 360 in 2009, versus 228 for the PS3. 35% of the 360's releases in 2009 ranked "good", versus 43% of the PS3's titles. If we calculate, that brings the total amount of good titles on the 360 in 2009 to 98. Coincidentally, the PS3 total comes out to 98 as well. So the 360 and PS3 had the exact same number of "good" titles in 2009.

You make it seem as though multiplatform titles cannot be played and enjoyed...

5364d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

It's NPD, and I'd bet anything the 360 will outsell the PS3 in it. In fact, if the 360 doesn't outsell the PS3 tomorrow, I will NEVER come to this site again. That's how sure I am about it. Just wait and see...

5364d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Only 1 PS3 exclusive, Uncharted 2, won any awards in IGN's overall GOTY.

While 4 360 exclusives (Forza 3, Halo Wars, Left 4 Dead 2, and Shadow Complex) won awards in IGN's overall GOTY. So apparently PS3 owners only have one game to play, while 360 owners are playing a multitude of games. That's how it appears from the awards.

Now, granted, Uncharted 2 won more awards than those four 360 exclusives combined, but it's still only 1 game. No other PS3 exclusive won an a...

5364d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

If there were a PS3 version, which there never will be, there would be a 90% chance it would be inferior to the 360 version. Inferior PS3 ports are NOT a thing of the past. Just look at Bayonetta. The 360 version has a 91 (AAA) on MetaCritic, and the PS3 version has an 86 (AA).

5364d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

The 360 has the strongest software sales and the highest attach rate, as well as the premier online service of this gen. The Wii has the strongest hardware sales and a unique control interface. The PS3 has... uh... hmm... let's see here... umm... well, it plays Blu-Ray movies!

So if OnLive failed harder than the 360, it would probably still be failing much less hard than the PS3. The PS3's been in 3rd all this time. We almost take it for granted now. And to think it could soon be...

5364d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment