Embracing 4K life !
CRank: 5Score: 54150

if Phil-Nocchio says so ... it must be true !

506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have seen a few video reviews and it is quite horroriphic what i have seen .. and i do not mean scary because of the game subject. It is just unpolished, unfinished and uninspired. If $70 is a good price to pay for this junk then go ahead ...

507d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

So yeah there is this company that makes this crappy operative system and in order to sell it it bundles with laptops a pre-built desktops and then there is this other company whose game houses create crappy games and in order to monetize them it bundles them into a subscription which is the only viable option to use their junky hardware. ... oh wait ... F-it .. they are the same $#!T. Pure geniuses ....

526d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

People that are losing matches are having fun those who are winning are getting bored .... wtf is this ?

542d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

.. yes but how many synthetic waves have been created .. this is the number I am looking to hear of the most !

550d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

As an early adopter of a Gold version of the game I will pass on the year two upgrade. I am still upset at the fact that the game got shipped broken and we had to wait several months to get a decently working version of it.
Moreover now the game is given for free on gamepass and playstation plus, in the face of the 100 euros I have spent even befopre the game come out.
Needlesss to say that this is a nice plan for EA to monetize on those late adopters who actually got a be...

551d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Finishing RE VII on PSVR first and I will then pass to the RE VIII on PSVR 2 .. I can already feel the smell ... of fear !! (what did u think .... LOL) !!

558d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should apologize that after 65 years they have yet to come out with a finished product and are just updating an Alpha ... don't tell me it is not part of a scam !!!

558d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

As an early adopter of everything VR (PSVR, PSVR2, Meta, Meta 2, Pico 4) I have to say that PSVR2 is a huge step forward in the VR gaming space. With a few but not huge drawsbacks.
Pros: Light Weight, Confortable, Excellent display colors, great controllers, haptic feedback.
Cons: Cable, small sweet focus spot (needs adjustments to get the focus right),
As for the games I only got exclusives as I can play everything else on my 4090 with pico 4 (way better and pow...

559d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wait ... so we finallly know when the day-one-update will be released ? :P :P :P

563d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

As a FU@ing Dumb early adopter of BF2042 (100 euros gold edition), one more reason for me to NOT give a dime anymore to EA for any game they release in the future. I will wait for them to be over discounted or free. F-EA !! The game is only NOW barelly playable ....

576d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The MS acquisition is starting to bring some fruits .... not ....

576d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have the pleasure to experience at home Project Cars 2, Automobilista 2 and Assetto Corsa Competizione on Oculus and now Pico 4 on my gaming rig with a 3080 RTX (Upgraded to a Asus RTX 4090). The experience you get out of racing games when you go VR is unparalleled and makes non VR games feel flat and distant. I also own a PS5 with GT7 and a Logiteck Streering will with frame and I am going to buy the PSVR 2 in a few days. I am sure the tech is so advance that will possily copete with my PC...

597d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Showing what ? Did i miss anyhting ?

602d ago 14 agree5 disagreeView comment

If engadget said it ... it must be true !
I am partially fed up of remakes and remasters ... and you?

603d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

We live in a era in which every video game news site has s final preview of any major AAA titles, so to stay in the news and being relevant. It is very saddening that almost nothing is left to the surprise once we actually we launch teh game for the first time. We are so bombarded by info and details that i feel like we almost have already played the game without even turning it on on our consoles or PC.
Me for a chage never check these previews nor gameplay but I read the reaction o...

604d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

On the fence to buy this but:
(a) I am kind of done with open world games after Elden Ring, Re dead redemption adn God of war
(b) The demo kinda screw thsi up for me
(c) .. i might get it to support new IP in a world of remake and remasters ... so will see :P

607d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this console generation for microsoft is pretending to sell a console instead it is just an excuse to sell a service to play games that you could play somewhere else and invest money in paying "game journalists" (sarcasm) to push this believe. Once you done drinking from the coolaid just play some games you actually like instead of counting the list of available games or exclusives in your paid subscription.

607d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Check this equation for the mathematically savy:
XBox : Red Ring of death = Oreo Cookies : Fat asses

621d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great deal for those who have not played this games before. I finished the trilogy on PS3 and it was lot of fun and suspence. Play at night with headphones at your own risk !!

621d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment