Embracing 4K life !
CRank: 5Score: 52060

Let's not forget that on the other end there are players who are very competitive and want to see their names up there in the Scoreboard. So Screw the losers and long live the competition !!! I would just put icon of dudu/crap/shit next to the ones who are performing the worse !!

885d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reminds me of the texture pop-in effect in some unreal engine games ... this time with 3D assets.

886d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As i said ... In 3 minutes and 05 seconds the answer by SONY to why they do not have to buy all the studios on this planet to grant exciting and extraordinary games and experiences to their gamers.

887d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

In 3 minutes and 05 seconds the answer by SONY to why they do not have to buy all the studios on this planet to grant exciting and extraordinary games and experiences to their gamers.

887d ago 30 agree6 disagreeView comment

@therealtedcruz evidently you do not have any clue of how an NDA works. Companies use it to prevent these sort of things. Yes it is tru we are talking of video games here ... but this is a multi billion dollar industry and when you screw up you screw up big. Imagine if you are a game designer and implement a bunch of new things in the game and someone from your team will show it to the world before the official announcement, how would you feel? Contract are in place to avoid these situation, ...

892d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A beta tester needs to sign an NDA before accessing the code. He breached it and as such he needs to pay for it. there is no pleasure in ruining someone's life .. he knew the risks of his actions.

895d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

In this time and age interest can also be quantified on traffic on site and other online activities not just the number of visitors to a stand .. we live in the 21st century, remember?. I understand that these downplaying activities are mandatory for an honorable members of the XBOX-Failarmy like yourself ... but this new was bigger even before the start of the CES. Now you can go back and keep on playing on the most recent iteration of Halo and Forza on your belowed gamepass.

899d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

Just curious ... Does anyone of you plays 20-30 games per year on gamepass ? Just curios as I find it very difficult to find time to play more than one game a month ..... or even complete it for that matter.

915d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

I do not recall MS purchasing something and actually making it a better experience for the users .... look at Skype for example, they had their own communcation platform but they let it die. Sony on the other hand could make this fully integrated on the UI and allow a better crossplay experience. Let's see how it ends up.

917d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

I got on the hype bandwagon and i pre-ordered it for my birthday hoping for some epic battles. I had a fairly good time with BF V in the past and I got a nice grip of the game mechanics to the point that I was actually having a respectful DK ratio. I got the Gold edition of BF 2042 and I tried the beta and I got some disappointment. Now with the early access each game feels boring and with no "BF moments" whatsoever. Team play is not existent as there is no voice chat. My hope is th...

949d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

For as much as I think they are full of it ... they are not wrong this time. Each game seems a reskin of the old ones.

989d ago 25 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cheap-Shit-Gaming on the rise !

993d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I watched Dr. Disrespect play online live this game and it felt that the mechanics and graphics were from a game of 2008. I still prefer the more realistic multiplayer from Battlefield V, with operator having different skills made of use to the whole team, Halo feels like a run and gun fest with little enphasis on team play.
I know all that matters is the adrenaline rush in the end and probably this aspect of the game is fairly predominant.
Enjoy it !

993d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

i would not say that the main issue of these games is the single thread problem and teh botteneck ... the real problem here is that more often than usual these feel like a re-skin of old games where the game mechanics are more or less the same. I plaied the serie till FC4, which I left toward the middle of the story as I got bothered.
Unfortunatelly industry is becoming stagnant with games looking too similar to those of the past.
Original ideas are only left to indie deve...

993d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

sadly there are going to be a lot of loosers who wuold prefer to pay big bugs to EA to win on FUT games ... so in the end digital copy and FUT money will keep this disgrace of a slot-machine afloat !

994d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they charge a battle pass after I have to fork out 70 euros for it … is a no go for me !

1016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unfortunatelly the funky graphics and the story did not click with me. Uninstalled after 15 minutes of playing it. TBH I did no play the first neither ... but I can see this being of appeal to many gamers, good for them !

1029d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So you guys are funding a digital telenovela on YouTube? How cute !

1030d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would be more pissed if Voice chat would be missing Vs Crouching ... the first kills the multiplayer experience as a whole. I did spend a bit of time with the game at a friend's house and it seems a bit repetitive with the waves of aliens rushing your direction not taking full advantage of their wall climbing skills on the last 5 meters away from you, making the kill a bit on the easy side for the standard aliens.
Feels a bit of a re-skin of World War Z even though that game w...

1033d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same as the social network hey !!! ... we post shit they get bigger ,,,

1035d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment