
CRank: 11Score: 133900

Bet sony ain't too happy with this.

They rely on marketing selling this game to their users as a "PS4 exclusive" even if it being timed.
The information of it being a timed exclusive is not readily available, it's not like Sony/SE are shouting from the rooftops that it's certainly coming to other platforms.

1726d ago 4 agree27 disagreeView comment

Unless the next leap introduced is something beyond 3d graphics, no sh**.

It feels like many underestimate how large the leap from 2d to 3d was.

Next gen will be more of the same. What you may look forward to are new ips and exclusives/timed exclusives.

1733d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hopefully 3x bigger means 3x the content (minigames, sidequests) otherwise it won't mean much.

1745d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh yes, ive been exposed. Just like underlines being exposed of making a sock puppet account to defend Kojimas honour.

Your argument doesn't make any sense, "you must buy it and play it to the end or your opinion doesn't matter".
Did YT and tons of reviews suddenly cease to exist ?

1761d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Heres another prime example of the primitive and diminutive mind of a fanboy.

No proper arguments. This is all they can muster.

Soon they'll go through my post history to pull up something that will put me in a bad light.

1762d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

I too enjoy some of the most lowest scoring games out there.

What's your narrative?

1762d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Fanboyism and Kojima. That's about it.

The fans will says because it's "different", giving you no actual reason as to why they enjoy it.
Some will even admit there is nothing special to it's gameplay, being just "different" warrants goty status.

They refuse to acknowledge that Kojima is anything less than a video game dev genius, spending their time in playing an overhyped, repetitive video game.


1762d ago 7 agree19 disagreeView comment

Sure thing, just go over there ask Gackt first.

1770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about supporting Japanese console game developers some more ?
After all, Sony is still very much japanese regardless of their HQ being placed in California.

Too much focus has been placed on western developers.
These days, unless it's very high profile game (FF7RE, DQ, Tales, Yakuza) most in Japan prefer handhelds and portability.

They need to help localize and bring more attention both to JPN indies and smaller AA developers ov...

1772d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

And what does Days Gone got to do with Death Stranding ?

And DG did have some meme conent only more subdued.

1778d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

The opposite happens as well. Physically playing the game is not a requirement in order to come to a conclusion. Plenty of research is just as effective.

I'll make sure to remember never to question nor post any comment that may come off as negative lest i stupefy fans of a game they've been looking forward to for years.

1781d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Cute retort.

I am afraid i haven't been keeping track on how many asses have been negative towards this game for. Merely stating my own opinion. Nothing else, or is that not allowed here anymore ?

Ever considered that not all negative reports on this game may be enitrely wrong and not all positive ones may have been fully reviewed in earnest. Gotta take the good with the bad, otherwise you won't get the full picture.

And focusin...

1781d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I wont buying it, thank you for stating the obvious. No guns invovled btw, honest !

Does my opinion bother you this much ?

1781d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

The amount of smoke being blown up my ass to make up for lackluster gameplay is far more weirder.

Buying a game for the sake of weirdness is irresponsible. Im paying 60$ for a game to reward myself, not spend it on a developer far more interested in directing hollywood movies than creating games that do not respect the players time.

1781d ago 6 agree19 disagreeView comment

Less content from Sony Japan Studios shouldn't be seen as a positive

1783d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

Website gives a high score for a game you were looking forward to: Great !

Website gives a low score for a game you were looking forward to: Fu** you ! unreliable piece of sh** website !


1789d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

I prefer the term realistic. Besides, keeping low expectations help diminish disappointment.

Having a larger amount of 3rd party ports, mulit platform releases and PS5 remasters is to be expected, helps keep the budget for exclusives early on as plenty are prepared shell out for an enhanced experience.

1790d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Keeping expectations very low, in terms of PS5/Next-gen only exclusives.

They'll push "BC & Legacy" hard along with PS5 remasters in it's first 2 years whilst announcing a proper exclusive or 2. Similar to this gen, you'll be waiting 2-3 years for exclusives and next-gen titles after their initial announcement during each E3.

It's also more than likely a PS5 Pro might hit 3-4 years down the road, buying the base PS5 at launch...

1791d ago 1 agree39 disagreeView comment

Having BC is a nice selling point but not a good enough reason to own the console.

New games and IPs is what sells, the XB1 is a good example of this.

1794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

* Great pacing.
* Right amount of action.
* Tight gameplay with an arcade-y feel to it.
* Awesome "free" multiplayer.

Uncharted 3 a bit less so with the removal of the supernatural stuff which i believe would have made it better but still fun to play through.

And Uncharted 4 even less so with it's cutscenes and narratives breaking up the gameplay, a larger focus on the cinematic experience and bigger setpieces. Ove...

1802d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment