
CRank: 7Score: 142010

Alan Wake was on the wrong platform. Blur, SplitSecond, ModNation kinda cancelled eachother out. PoP is in the middle of an identity crisis as they just rebooted their reboot while a reboot movie plays in the background. Why invest in a continuity that they're probably rebooting again as we speak (a sequel to the PSN/XBL PoP Classic perhaps, lol?)

5192d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

A reliance on 3rd party exclusives early in the system's life came back to bite 'em in the butt after their competitor's install base grew.

Games like Dead Rising, Ninja Gaiden, BioShock, Oblivion, Braid, Lost Planet, Saints Row, Just Cause, Far Cry etc were all originally 360 console exclusives that later became multi-plat through sequels (Dead Rising, Just Cause, Far Cry) or director's cuts/upgraded versions (BioShock, Oblivion, Ninja Gaiden). Even exclusive...

5192d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@November 9 2004

Or maybe they're not stupid enough to endorse a guy who likes to create an atmosphere of uncertainty for his employees in the midst of a global recession, and barks about price cuts for consoles while wishing you to had to pay $100 for his games instead of $50. Now he also wants a share of XBL's profits.

C'mon guy. You think you're actually sticking up for XBox by endorsing this guy? I guess Infinity Ward employees were PS3rd...

5192d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course Kotick would pursue a cut from XBL. The guy's got dollar signs for pupils, and you can't get a cut from "free". What a guy.

5193d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

By the same logic, there are more bad multiplat' games than there are bad exclusives just based on sheer volume. Quality > Quantity, no?

Yeah BioShock, Assassins Creed & RDR were notable on Metacritic, but so were exclusives Uncharted, LBP, God of War, Gears of War, Halo 3, KZ2, the Left4Deads, the Resistances, Demon's Souls, the Fables, Forza, Heavy Rain, Alan Wake, SC:Conviction, MGS4, the Ratchet&Clanks, Geometry Wars, Flower, inFamous, Dead Rising etc. ...

5193d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For one, this article was in the 'all' section, so XBoxers complaining about PS3ers commenting on articles in the 360 section need to check their sources.

2nd, it used to be just as bad, WORSE even, when it came to PS3 bashing on here Starchild et al. I could set my watch to the amount of "bluray will fail", "SixAxis/motion control = fail", "PSN < Live", "no gamez", "no exclusives", "PS3rd place", "wh...

5193d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm. Sounds like something that a developer a lil' insecure about their game's visuals would say.

Lots of devs create games with good gameplay AND good graphics and don't make excuses. What's wrong with giving the consumer more bang for their buck? Feel free to gimp Bulletstorm's graphics Adrian, just don't expect me to pay $59.99 brand new for yet another entry into the most overcrowded genre in gaming (FPS) if you have low production values.

5197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Red Dead Redemption owes a lot more to Gun than Gun owes to Red Dead Revolver. Heck, Red Dead 2 didn't even carry over any charachters or themes from Red Dead 1 other than the name (a la Far Cry) and slo-mo duels. Max Payne had bullet time before everyone anyways.

Revolver was a linear, chapter based shooter with a lead charachter that changes at points. Gun was the 1st ever console open world western with swappable horses, wanted missions, treasure hunting, animal huntin...

5200d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's a pretty short bus kinda list. Wtf Crecente, did all the developers with legit AAA games blacklist you too?

5200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


So every EB, Blockbuster and Mom 'n' Pop shop all over the world had TONS of used copies of Heavy Rain traded in after the 1st week? And you know this...umm...frickin' HOW? lol! Love it when people act like their local pawn shop is representative of the whole world. Nice try though. :p

5208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So only PS3 fans can like him? Interesting. What happens if a Wii360 owner thinks he's funny? Are they no longer "real gamers"? Forced to surrender their pocket protectors and retainers? Now that's funny :p!

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What if you're naked, will it read you as having 3 legs?

*system asplodes* :p

5213d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol, this was two guys on Twitter for goodness sake, not a press release. Kojima tweeted that he left the MS show without his free 360. Oh noes!

Do some of the offended on here realise KB's not really the VP of sharpening things, Nelson's not really a Major, and I guarantee that neither of them give two poops about this ? I'm surethey both laughed, and if they saw some of these posts they'd probably be keeled over!

"oh no, KB said he'...

5213d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The graphics were great. I spent hours levelling up that estate in AC2! Building it up from nothing, dropping off feathers and Altair's diaries, collecting the statues and exploring the 2 family crypts. To see it demolished was quite the sight.

5215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wicked. Best of Show contender right there!

5215d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If EA really told him off like that, I don't blame him for venting. He who laughs last...

5215d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Writer's in denial, surprising to see from Gamasutra. The guy says that after the MS conference, Sony will have a hard time comparing to them, and that its "1st party games will have a lot to prove" against "an ESPN partnership that's tough to beat."

Say what? The guy's surely been living in a cave the last month. Sony's got MS outnumbered with upcoming AAA exclusives by like 3:1! Funny how ESPN > games now that MS is all about Skittles ...

5215d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Wages of Sin

You're cherry picking by bringing up Haze, Lair and WKC as examples of exclusives that failed vs multiplat games. Why'd you pick Lair from 4 years ago when PS3's install base was tiny? Instead, fast forward to inFamous on PS3 outselling Prototype on the 360. KZ2 on PS3 outselling Bad Company 2 on 360.You brought up Haze, but do you realise that Haze has sold more than twice as much as Alan Wake?

Far as the Times Square thing goes, if...

5218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disagree with the list. No Warhawk, KZ2, Heavy Rain...yet 3D Dot Game Heroes makes it?

I had more fun with Yakuza 3 than either GTA4 or RDR. I'm near the end of RDR and I'm back to herding cattle and hunting tutorials. Joy.

Oblivion is way too high, especially in a post Fallout 3 world. I'd nix Borderlands too.

5227d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Insomniac's still doing PS3 exclusives. Resistance 3 for example. The article kinda missed that part.

5229d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment