CRank: 5Score: 5510

maybe its gonna be a mario waterpolo or mario party 3.34434324+8
mario gta, mario goes wild ,mario universe ,mario stupid ,mario i dont care ,mario virtual eating or wii eat ,wii fock,wii die,wii are loser ,wii wasted our money ,wii play 6,metroid prime 23213213.4412 or the legend of zelda link to the sodomy .
Comn, Nintendo hasnt had an original iddea ever (dont say the wii mote was ,cause i have been playing all those kind of motion games ,sometimes with better mechanics, sinc...

6009d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

is it the video quality? or why does it look just like NGS while the newest screenshot looks better i hope is the video

6015d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i know is ur opinion but plz they are awsome and all the people who have tryed it state it lokk graphics wise more like a movie than like a game and just take a look in a real hd monitor to the full size images

Take a look at the ones i attach to this comment i tought they were prerendered until i watch the select button for help

idk why but i cant post them but just look at the briefing and to all the other from april 3

6015d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i thought they were prerendered until i watch the hud and the select button for helb

6015d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the only bad thing about it is that june is two months away

6016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Coool really cool but not awsome .
i hope it include a rachel or any other girl playble part aka NGS

6016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6017d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok then ill go back playing GT5p cause this looks just like $hit,i rather play gt4 than this crap ,hey if u want a real driving exp and u dont have enough money for a ferrari buy gt5 not this crap
add me to play GT5 angel-punishment

6021d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sunny(olga's dauther)will be the next super agent

6021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

becase that cat look better than the whole gears of war or crysis it self ,the textures in 1080p were so realistic .i personaly think that if this can be accomplished then the ffXII and FFXIII versus trailer are in game .plz be more objective and watch it in hd so u can see how good it is .and dont compare it to gears at least with COD4 or uncharted if u are blind because it is a crysis killer
P.S. gears graphsx sucks just play UT3 on ps3 with the action cam ,it looks 2 times better th...

6024d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

is the new team ico game i hope so ,i know the screenshots have nothing releated to Ico but i want just some info something more than a screenshot and maybe this is the answer
just my opinion

You were there

6026d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

can anybody re cook them to be .JAM and not rara plz or tel me how to do it

6027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the real costume is the mime one is ultra hard to get but it worth the time ,just finish the game in god and u ll be able to use it ,is very funny cause u cant see ur sword nor gaunlet

6037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i actually think it look like sigma graphic wise but there is no inovation now im more hype about god of war chains ,and what nothing new to the genre mehhh i m not gonna buy never although i think it willl help alot ms this year but if this fable and gears two is its line up umm they are in serious problems

6059d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

where is LBP and why is MGS4 in 9th just for being a ps3 exclusive comn it gonna be the best game ever and they put it on 9th what a F uummmm what ever it comes from an unkwnos web page idc i ll be extremly happy with ninja gaiden 2 for my xbug 360 and all the other ultra fantastic ps3 exclusives
p.s sorry for not listing any other games for xbox360 i thing all others sux (for this year)i hope they sreleased gears 2 otherwise bye bye xbug

6062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

graphic wise obiously, it gonna be fun when it arrive but it look awful overol i hope they improve the graphxs

6082d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

not yet.
This is the liberty we have won for ourselves ,OUTER HEAVEN
this is no longer a game it has became art
Kain81 he is the only video game legend

6090d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i ve play the other fall out and i think they sux mgs is gonna rule .it worthplaying who cares .and where is resistance 2 and killzone 2 also final fatasy xiii is gonna ultra rape fallout
ps. mgs4 is no longer a gme it has become art and if u dont believe just play the entire saga and u will notice it while fallout is a crappy rpg wow i rather play halo 2.3 v

6090d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

one or two out of 11milions but hey 1 third out of 16 thats bad
its a hhd problrem or at least it sound like one that happen to my littles brother ps3 he accidentally dropped it just change the hdd drive

6091d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i think the last trailer was alll ingame and here is why i think so
first the trailer looks amazing but i have watched better cgi graphics in the new cgi cutscence from crisiscore with more enemies better textures graphs etc etc also square havent say anithing and they really surprise me when they release ffx for that gen it was better than any game (graphic wise) before .
also nomura said "ps3 is allowing us to make everything we want " "its near perfect &...

6093d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment