CRank: 5Score: 5510

tthis is why sigma looks far better and also plays better than ng2 (any doubt 1080p vs 740)
i never think a developer would be so idiot .thats why he work for ms

5865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

now we know why ng2 sucked ball hahha better luck next time maybe u might be aloud to port it to ps3 cause it looks worse than sigma (native 1080p against 740p)

5865d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

but the psa3 version showed destrutable enviroment while the 360 dont hahahaha
and if u dont belive me bot just check secs 38 ps3 version,the granade blows the house up and in min 1:20 the rpg in the 360 didnt blwo anything hahahahahahahah

5866d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

they are not stupid enough to released it the same month hideo's monster will .

5867d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

more bloodiness looking exactly the same .low poli and the only thing looking good is the weapons but dont worry sine many poeple just care about gore this game will be an AAA title ,it doesnt matters how generic it is (corredors full of enemies ,no plot but to be astupid american hero no graphs no nothing )

5871d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

the brown utility snake will change for the black one .

5871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we already knew it before the game was even release.
and only 19 days left

"loyalty to the end "
p.s. Bioshock was awsome and is cool that almost everyone will be able to play it

5871d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Negative point : the story is so good ,and hey i want ultra mega photot realistic graphs not only mega realistic but super megea ultra dupper realistic lololol
even funnier is the resource that extremely desperate
expect ng2 review to come out of ps3fanboys forums hahahahahah

5874d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

because i have never seeen so much colors in the middle east

5876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for all of u u think it is a paid off actually this is the same magazine who gave warhawk 6 .they are extremly critical not like oxm (if it has halo in the title its a 10 or if its an exclisive it is 9 )
Accpet it jealous this is the best game ever at it will be until mgs5 comes and this means it gonna be the best game ever and forever

5883d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

do not bother the xbots. we now it sucks is gears 1 with better lighting but comn this is its only good game coming out this year (exclusive)we can rejoice with a really good game ,mgs4, while them play this grey ultra linear ultra bored run and shoot no plot no ai no nothing crappy game

5886d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

u are retarded .
Acording to u the rxs is weaker than the xenox then, can u plz explain me what number is higher :100 billion shadder op/sec(rxs without cell) or 48 shadder op/sec (xenox max out )
biblioghraphy (go to manual then spec ) ,, even 1up(the i love halo 3 site)

hahahahah if u dont understand justgo back to elementary ,o they can teach u what number is higher
P.S. in the ram dep ps3 use a d...

5886d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hope the installation is true ,just think about it a 50 gig game instalation 4 gig that means no loading times awsome .
P.S. hey xbot dont worry for us we love to install as long as it means no load time (uncharted) .sorry if i hurt u and if u dont understand "no loading " dont worry u ll never have the pleasure to know what does it means hahahahahahhaahah

5886d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Big boss reapperance was announced before tgs 05 is just that people doesnt remmeber the poster and dont forget about raidens son

5886d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but is running on ps3 the only console in the world able to render native 1080p .and not because ur f@ggy halo 3 was not even 740 p thats means all others will be that $hitty .
Go play GTA4 and stop trolling idiot

5892d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahahah it look just awsome and it is not even finished and it looks better than uncharted come on just look it is a low res video ,the texture are awsome just take a look a this image u can see the brush strike
This part or the game hasnt been finished yet thats why it has this wierd look but after looking the asssins trailer i know it owns everything

Edit i can not add the image niether browzing it nor url but go to

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