
CRank: 5Score: 2550

Deserves some F***ING Bubbles dude. You're damn right. Sony should be leading, not following. They used to be proactive, now they're nothing but reactive. It's sad. Bubble up.

5914d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's "Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone's got one."

5914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EXACTLY!!! And notice how you got a disagree for stating FACTS!!! How can you disagree with the FACT that the 360 requires a $100 add-on for WiFi? It's the TRUTH dammit.

*Sigh* Stupidity 1, Common Sense 0.

5914d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

A year and a half of anti-PS3 propaganda, pro-360 propaganda, and clearly biased websites (Gamespot, 1up) have made PS3 fans jaded and fed up with the baseless PS3 hate. It seems everyone is looking for the smallest reason to criticize Sony or the PS3. This months current topic of choice? "Why hasn't the PS3 announced ANOTHER price cut? They clearly want to lose to Microsoft".

Multiply that by 547.5 (the amount of days in a year and a half) and that's what PS3 fans have...

5914d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another, "WTF are you smoking" article. PSN has almost all the features of Live now, it's hella stable (South Park FTW), it's free, and it's improving. Someone, please explain to me exactly how that is a problem?

AND WTF IS UP WITH EVERYONE WANTING ANOTHER PRICE CUT ALL OF A SUDDEN?!!! The thing is $400. That's the SAME price as the Premium 360 was for OVER A YEAR, and people are b*tching about it. Why is Microsoft allowed to charge $400 for their console, and Sony isn'...

5914d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


Hell, I can play NES games harder than any current gen game available today. Hell, Pac-man is harder than some current gen games. They're INCREDIBLY easy compared to when I was a kid playing NES and SNES games.

And the sad part? People think that games like Ninja Gaiden are hard, when really they aren't. The bad camera angles, and the enemy re-using the same combos merely makes it cheap and difficult to see, which is frustrating. Not difficult.

5914d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can someone, ANYONE (including Xbots), please explain to me why it's ok for Microsoft to sell their Premium 360 for $400 for so damn long even after millions of RROD's and other problems, but Sony isn't allowed too?

When the hell will people STOP asking for a price cut. The simple fact is that the PS3 is well worth the $600 it was at its launch. Right now, you can get it for $400, which is practically like buying it hot for what's under its hood.

When is Sony allowed...

5914d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

First, the junction system is NOT difficult. It is about as difficult to use as the Materia system. You junction magic to a stat to power it up. How hard is that?

Second, if he thinks you're invincible at level 50, he obviously hasn't been everwhere. Try going to the Island Closest to Hell and fight a Level 50 Ruby Dragon, or Malboro and tell me you're invincible. Or, better yet, get to Disc 4 and fight Omega Weapon.

These pathetic excuses people come up with to put ...

5918d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I had this one guy just keep coming up from behind and choking me out. What's the point of having the thumb stick toggle symbol appear if you can't break out of it? I mean, this guy choked me out 3 times.

What I don't like about MGO is that too many people like the Death Matches. That turns it into a TPS and not a Stealth Action game.

5919d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for you.

5923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You CLEARLY don't have, or have ever seen a PS3 in action. You ALWAYS get notifications. It gets annoying, especially in a game like MGS4 when you're watching yoru radar for enemies and then you get "_______ is now online" or "You have received a message from ______" right at the top right corner of the screen. What we should have got was the option to turn them off in-game.

Don't talk about things you know nothing about.

5923d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The link to the actual site has the following in the URL.

"Why I think FW 2.4 was a failure."

It's just a random OPINION piece by some small time blog site trying to get hits.

I DL'ed 2.4, had no problems, and look forward to its future. That's an opinion right there that doesn't try to convince anyone of anything. That's how journalism is SUPPOSED to be done.

5923d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Then everyone loses. Microsoft is so scared of the PS3 (I'm not trying to sound fanboyish about this, just stating what should be apparent) that they are buying up anyone they can to maintain their falling lead against Sony and the PS3. It's pathetic. Is this how we want the industry to be run? If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em? It's frickin' sad.

First it was Microsoft trying to buy Take Two, then Yahoo, now Sega. What's next? Is there NOTHING sacred to them? Even competition? I me...

5923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they're going to make an MGS5, I think it should relate to the previous MGS games, but be completely new. In essence, they could make Snake be a symbol like Big Boss was.

In trying to make a world that Zero believed The Boss envisioned, Zero made Big Boss an icon. A super soldier that everyone would want to emulate. They could do something similar for Snake.

Something like the world is facing some new kind of crisis like 20 years after MGS4, well after Snake has d...

5924d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn, you're getting a bargain with that. My ISP in Canada initiated Bandwidth caps this month, and for my plan it's $2 extra per GB over 60GB.

Sucks too because they used to be the best ISP around, and now they suck. I can't seed any torrents for very long without worrying about how much I'm going to have to pay because of it.

I never DL anything too big, but I like OST's and some complete collections go over 3, 4, up to 6 gigs.

5944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will have NO discs. I'm telling you right now. With the way M$ has been talking about Digital Distribution, that's the way they're going to go with their next console. Mark my words.

And once they do that, that will be the end of Microsoft making money in the VG Industry. Pirates will have field day with the 720.

5944d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The reason that Japanese gamers don't like FPS/TPS games is simple. Putting aside the fact that shooters suck and are more diluted than water nowadays, they also portray a stereotype that the Japanese have LONG believed is true about the West. That we (I'm Canadian BTW, so less me) believe ourselves to be bigger, stronger, and all around better than they are. And why not? Every shooter game portrays the idea that you have to be some muscle bound, raspy voiced, intimidating person to save the ...

5951d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because as far as I know (tell me otherwise) only ONE of those listed controllers actually won an Emmy (and other awards) for its design. That being the Dualshock. So in the minds of millions of gamers, AND technology groups/the Emmy Academy, the Dualshock is the best controller design around.

The 360 controller is only good for shooters. Sucks with everything else.

5952d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@President: There is only ONE next-gen DW game. So basically you just said there is only one DW game that isn't decent.

@MK Red: There's no question that the games look and play the same, but the reason for that is twofold. A)Koei isn't catering to Western audiences where the games don't sell as well as in Asian countries. B)Most people play it for the history and actually don't want everything to change to suit jaded American gamers (no offense) who are never satisfied.

5961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, you haters really need to stop. Obviously the game keeps getting made and sold because people like it. Just because you don't, is no reason that Koei should stop making them.

5962d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment