
CRank: 17Score: 97990

Man. Reading that abstract was difficult.

But... maybe these guys could swap. Would love to see Kojima tackle a remake of FF VII and Nomura remake MGS1. Ultimate fan-service.

3972d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love games like this.

3999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is being blown out of proportion. You realize that the prices in the UK have always been cheaper compared to US, correct?

This system raises standards across the bar, meaning that the discount enjoyed by UK users is no longer applicable. It's technically an increase, but not something adding insult to injury. It's leveling the playing field, which is an entirely different discussion altogether.

4000d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just as an FYI - NeoGaf made a good point about this one. Wouldn't read into it too much - this was the name of a canceled R&C game from a few years ago. It's probably a code name for a project involving them.

But... it does like it's available on PS3. So could we be seeing a multi-gen release?

Here's the source:

4000d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wouldn't read into this one too much - this was the name of a canceled R&C game from a few years ago. It's probably a code name for something else.

But... it does like it's available on PS3. So could we be seeing a multi-gen release?

Edit - here's the source:

I truly, truly hope it's for PS4 too.

4000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very cool feature. This is huge incentive for people to buy digital copies as well - have friends you trust, and potentially share games instantly by sharing accounts. I'm sure there's counter-measures in place against it, but it's an awesome possibility.

4000d ago 155 agree20 disagreeView comment

At the moment, SMT IV is $50 new and FE:A can be had for around 30-35 if you look hard enough. Digitally, I think both games go for $50 and $40.

4001d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's the spirit man. I'm hoping it's even remotely close to FE:A in terms of quality; if it is, that 30 eShop credit will be saved for the crossover game coming sometime in the next year or so.

Just great fan-service.

4001d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's odd is that after watching the video, you really start to feel like all other attempts have fallen short of the term sandbox. Rockstar just seems to be the first to finally do it right.

Just Cause 2, I still love you.

4001d ago 25 agree1 disagreeView comment

This. Prcko, you only rarely write a full sentence, but you and I are speaking the same language here.

Game looks absolutely incredible.

4001d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think the article says "all" games should be serialized, but that it's a new medium for story-telling that games should exploit for their benefit. The Walking Dead is a great example of how to do it correctly, but I realize that not all games could even approach that level of intimate story-telling.

I suppose it's not just the story itself, but also the people developing the story. I wouldn't want someone like George Martin to serialize a sto...

4008d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is great, but I hope that the game doesn't overvalue their player potential. Very few of their teams could consistently compete against most NBA squads, but it will be fun to have them nonetheless.

I'm just really hoping Allen Iverson signs in Europe just to be in the game.

4008d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As sad as this sounds, I'll stick to my iPhone. The market for the Ouya just isn't there quite yet.

4008d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sweet lord, I need this game.

4008d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

Violence as a game mechanic is particularly frustrating when you look at a game like, say, Spec Ops: The Line. Investing time in actions is a point that many games don't seem to comprehend; sadly, getting from point A to point B seems to justify all actions. Just a very interesting idea.

4013d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"A GameStop employee"

I'm suspicious. I spoke with a few employees today too, but none of them offered quotable material. :-D

Is the person in the article an upper-level executive who might know?

4019d ago 40 agree0 disagreeView comment

Congratulations! However, please forgive us if we celebrate something else besides you. Nothing personal. :-D

We just can't wait to play this new system.

4020d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's completely deserved. I've been a 360 owner since launch, but I finally broke down and purchased a PS3 for this game. What little time I have for gaming will be spent on this amazing game.

4026d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Logic, you are so right. Now they're talking about television... this doesn't go well, if my memory serves me correctly.

4030d ago 14 agree5 disagreeView comment

Actually a comprehensive article. Thanks for posting.

4042d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment