
CRank: 19Score: 116520

That's not funny Namco! Sorry Guys, the embargo thing didn't show up on the site till after this story got Approved! >_<

5833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because if not the only Time I'm be able to import this games is at the next Anime Expo! >_<

5841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This could just be a fire sale for the 80 gigs to come in. Still, won't this put their gaming department even more in the red then they are right now?

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All you should care about is if the game is any fun or not! At least that's what i care about!

5849d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping the Tom Clancy games they bring to the WII are good. Then again knowing how big 3rd partys act on their Wii devolopment games, I wouldn't be surprised if the games Ubisoft ports to the WII sucks!

5851d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

(Might pick it up when it comes out on Blu Ray,depends on whether or not Bioware makes a Smart Decision in the near Future)

translation: I will buy The Blu Ray version of the movie (Mass Effect) if it comes out, only if Mass Effect the game come to the PS3!

I guess this means lnfinite won't buy Gears of War the Movie on Blu Ray because it's a 360 only title! LOL, You gotta love fanboys on this site.

5851d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they're just trying to make money!!!! When it's EA it's always about the money!

5851d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe this has something to do with the level 5 event going on next week!

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

5852d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Level 5 making a 360 games but............that will never happen seeing they still hate MS after the True fantasy online thing! I Guess their just announcing more PS3,PSP, DS,& WII games! Still I wish MS & level-5 would just kiss & makeup already! >_<

5852d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

now maybe the game will see the light of day in the U.S now!

5853d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This console generation has killed a lot of good games & a lot of good gaming habits. People this console round people need to stop asking dumb azz question like is the J-rpg on the 360 or is this fps on the PS3 & just buy the games they like.

Gamers need to stop asking the question did this game get a 90% on gamerankings or metacritic & start asking themselfs would I enjoy playing this game, even if it's a game like lair or Dead or Alive Xtreme 2! It's like people ...

5856d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

if your gonna be a Dumb AZZ & make fanboy comments on this article at the very least be smart enough to make it in the open zone! Then again if you want the mods coming around & taking off your comments that's your decision! It's just not a smart one!

5856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

first article I even posted N4G would be doing well. It good to see it is. Well.......................... sure it's only doing well due to the fanboy war going on in the open zone but hey it N4G! A N4G without fanboys is like Dead or Alive game without Big BOOBS Girls!

5857d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

being a fan of x-play myself(I also like to point out I'm a J-RPG fan & know that X-play hate J-RPG's for the most part.), I didn't think that IU would score would get any higher then a 3 out of 5,then again this is why I like X-play. They give their opinion & only their opinion. They ain't scared to say their opinion even if most fans of that game(fanboys) or other reviewers don't agree with their review!

5857d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

If this story gets Approved, I'm sorry in Advance If I'd made any mistake I shouldn't of done while posting this review! I'm still new at this posting up stories thing on N4G! ^_^

5857d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think all game devs lacks creativity on some levels. Like in most J-RPG's most of the heores in J-RPG's look more like girls then guys or even the girls in the game sometimes. Also most of J-RPG's tend to have same story thats about saving the world from some evil guy that looks like he just got done with his japanaes abercrombie finch makeover.(This is coming form A J-RPG fan)IMO I feel it's not just western devs that lack creativity! I thinks most devs do now a days, in one way or another...

5859d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I haven't heard that much on the The Last Remnant as well. I don't know if it will help but here's The Last Remnant's website.

Hope it helps! ^_^

Edit: Ok I'm confused! Why would someone Disagree with me for trying to help someone? Man, you gotta love the fanboys on this site! ^_^

5859d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

P.S. @ harry190 you better hope SO4 is a "lost hope" on the 360 if wish to keep FF13VS a PS3 only title & have any hope of getting KH3! Because if SO4 does well, even just in the west you'll be seeing KH3 & FF13VS on the 360.

Maybe you ain't fanboy harry190, if you ain't I'm sorry but still..........I wish I could go to on one 360 article on this site without having someone talking a shot at the 360!

5859d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because, yes japan is not the center of the gaming world it used to be(IMO)! However right now japan taking over the comic business here in the west as Manga because more & more popular the western type comic like X-men here in the west by each day!

It doesn't mean Japnaese devs are in trouble, It might just mean japan growing stronger in other fields & getting weaker in other(their businesses are changing!). I mean come on, Anyone remember when America use to be the top ...

5859d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment