
CRank: 19Score: 116520

yeah I guess you could say this "level-headed" explanation count for all exclusives. However sometimes this rule doesn't always work in the PS3's favor for the sample fact MS is willing to pay money for their exclusives & for games to go multi-platform this round. Also what do ya mean by "And if the Atlus comment were true, you'd be playing Disgaea 3, wouldn't you? " When I talk about Atlus not talking games multi-platform it because they don't have the money to do so ...

5740d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

how do you know they have no games? Do you work for MS? If you learn anything from this console round it that MS always has a ace in the hole to keep themselfs in the console wars, just like sony does!

5740d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Aaron Greenberg sounds a little too confident that theirs gonna be a PS3 price drop soon! Maybe MS has something planned for Sony if a PS3 price drop happens. Also to all the people MS is saying this because their scared.......................h ave you all been living under a rock since 2006 or are you all just PR for Sony Computer Entertainment.

5740d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Just like the way every PS3 fanboys act like jealous girlfriend over the sight of every PS3 exclusive lose to the 360.

5740d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

" *AHEM*... Well if the developers were smart, they'd go multi-platform with this release, that way they'd make more of a profit... yeah, I think that's how it goes...
... so how bout it? or will 360 supporters show themselves to be the hypocrites we already know they are"?

multi-platform game making is not that simple as "hey lets go multi-platform with this game". A lot of this people on this website forget that going multi-platform takes money & eve...

5740d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think I'll be leaving now!

5740d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

this game could be a sleeper hit IMO if the devs pulled the game off right. I've seen what Japanese,American & even UK devs could do with RPGs. I'm intrested to see what a Korean dev can do with a RPG.

5741d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the devs said some about this game! I was begenning to think this game would end up like Cry-On.

here some artworks of the game if anyone wanna see!

can we have ethical characters in video games that don't just sound & or look like old stereotypes. IMO I feel this "Can't we just have a non-hypersexualized female lead character" thing has already been address in gaming & yes in may not be completely gone but their are non-hypersexualized female lead character in gaming already like faith in ME or most of the felmale characters in mass effect.

Hell IMO some of the over hypersexualized felmale leads are very go...

5745d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bioshock & Eternal Sonata got a lot of good scores.

5745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

does Velvet Assassin count as a low key game? Because I'm looking forward to that game!

5745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you guys have been saying that since the PS3 release in 2006 and ever since then MS have made PS3 fans eat their words over & over again. You think after 2 years of that you guys would wait to see what their lineup would be before saying that but you guys still say that it anyways! Why? It makes no damn sense! Even if you guys are fanboys, their can't be fanboys that mindless & reckless................are their?

5746d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

remember it's not a blu-ray movie!

5746d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

were not 360 exclusive to begen with! That just made you look dumb!

Your list should be like this!

M$ lost exclusive:
1) Lost Planet
2) Bioshock
3) Vampire Rain
4) Sacred 2
5) Enchanted ARMS
6) Eternal Sonata
7) Postal 3

God if your gonna troll on bladestar's comment at least do it right!

5746d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

also rosebowl23, you just got reported! STFU you homophobic Azzhole!

5747d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the dev of that game said before they are not working on a PS3 version. As for ME2 I think some deal was worked out between EA & MS to keep the game a 360/PC title! Bio 2 won't be exclusive upless it's timed! Dark General I agree with whatch said, people shouldn't really care about exclusive games as long as they have fun with the games! Having a game go multiplatform shouldn't make it any less fun of a game to play.

5747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

where's an assassin when you need one!

5748d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's kinda sad. On the other hand the fanboys on this website just got me $20 off bet I made with my friend. He really believe this website wasn't as fanboys like as I told him it was.


easiest $20 I've ever made! ^_^

5752d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

what other J-RPGs MS will have to replace Cry-On for 2009?(Besides star ocean 4 anyways!)

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment