
CRank: 5Score: 4430

"I thought SquareEnix delivered it."

i think that you mean Tri-Ace. they made valkyrie profile 2 silmeria that sucked compared to the first valkyrie profile for ps1 and they made Star Ocean 3, one of the most boring JRPG that i have played in my life and it sucked compared to Star Ocean 2.

there you have the awesome developer tri-ace.

but now i see that it's not only that you don't know a thing about Tales games, you just don't know a thing ab...

5776d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"A "flop" is a game that doesn't do anything new."

oh yeah? DragonQuest VIII it's a traditional rpg that doesn't bring nothing new and it's one of the best Jrpg on the PS2 and one of my favorites.

now this brings me to this question. HOW THE F*** A MORON LIKE YOU HAS LIKE 10 BUBBLES????? Mwaan

DO YOU REALLY HAVE A BRAIN? this comment is more retarded that the one i read this morning from jenzo about nintendo.

the bubble...

5776d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The only people who are acting like they are upset now are those with no experience with Nintendo."

This has to be the most stupid comment i have ever seen in n4g. I say this because you're talking seriously, this is not a comment from the open zone made for the sake of bash.

Did you forget about the nes or snes? most people here were in some time a Nintendo fanboys and were expecting a real comeback from Nintendo like the glorious days of the Nes or Snes ...

5776d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

this is business, you cant never say the true to the consumer.

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"If you've ever played a Tales game before you know what to expect"

that's the problem Jenzo, the last couple of Tales games were really crap. Tales of the Abyss sucked, Tales of Legendia sucked even more.

The only good Tales games were the GameCube Tales of Symphonia, the PS1 Tales of Destiny and the Snes Tales of Fantasia.

but it seems that you know heck about the Tales franchise and are just defending it because it's an x360 tittle.

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"If you've seen Pan's Labyrinth, you'd understand why the developer would choose Team Ico's games as the only classics by his standards."

what?! i have seen that movie and i don't understand what are you talking about.

5776d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

wonderful music? are you crazy? the music couldn't suck more.

and terrific? have you ever play a Jrpg in your life?

"inventive game world. With wonderful art direction"

i give you that...

5776d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i was interested on FFXIII until it became multiplat but that FFvXIII it's starting to look better and better. FFXIII looks like a Star Wars game or movie...

5776d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tales of Vesperia looks really good but Infinite Undiscovery doesn't look that good, that game it's going to be a bigger flop than Too Human. Mark my words.

5776d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment
5776d ago


5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


are you blind?

5777d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

most people don't even know the difference of Computer Engineer vs Computer Science.

ultimate920 is my proof.

5777d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

what "nasim" means?

5777d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

first, quantic dreams are the ones making the game...

second, it is going to be better then too human (aka too flop) and that's for sure.

third, crap or not it has one of the most beautiful graphics ever. impossible to be made on the crapbox with its old gen DVD drive and over-heating. if you try to play this game on the box your house would be at risk of being burn.


5777d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

how can a person support a company with a 33% failure rate it is beyond me. seriously, bots are retarded.

motion sixaxis crap or not the X360 doesn't have it!

5777d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PP is awesome! he just says any stupid sh1t and his comment gets like 100 replays, i been trolling for some time now but nobody ever replays to me. ;-(

zerodin = PP?

5777d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"MGS4 doesnt look bad but it has major framerate issues during the cutscenes"

are you sure TresTrendu? or are you just being a fanboy? do you even have a PS3 to say something as stupid as that? frame rates issues? and in cut-scenes? because i have never seen a drop of framerate in MGS4...

"but the game wouldnt even be in my top 5 best looking games"

mention a game on the X360 that looks better than MGS4 or Uncharted...

5777d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

"because he looks for fault in his previous work and improve. "

itagaki does the same but without telling us anything... what's the point of telling us? that not gonna change nothing.

5778d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment