
CRank: 5Score: 4430

with that money i could buy another DualShock3...

5872d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think that it is easier to make another account than to use multiple accounts to increase your bubbles.

i tried the multiple account thing. i created like 20 and even with all of them it seems too difficult to increase my bubbles. what's the secret?

5872d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

people do you really think that HOME it's going to make PSN better? for me it looks a little bit complicated and i just want functionality like live not interaction with custom made characters. i mean, in what way this could make a better online experience while playing for example resistance? HOME seems more like an interaction portal to make friends, talk and all that more than something that should make the online experience better/easier with more functionality and ways to communicate wit...

5872d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and why the Wii can't piss in the eyes of a bot? i mean at least the Wii it's like a cousin of the ps3, both are japanese. but the X360? that's just a bad piece of american hardware that could go RRoD in any moment.

oh yeah because you made the error of buying one. i'm a stupid xbot. ;-)
the PS3 it's ouselling the X360 everywhere and the Wii too.

5872d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

that's the main problem. they are not very fun to use...

5874d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

what average is that? = 68 = 69

Game Informer
Too Human is about players sculpting their ideal killing machines. If you enjoy leveling and looting, it's worth a look. If you only have a moderate interest, T...

5874d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

imagine a machine with the tag price of a Wii but the power of the X360 and with the motion controller everybody seems to love. this would be an instant win!

it would be so hilarious too. a console much more powerful than a Wii at a lower price. that would put people to think, why are we wasting time and money on that Wii piece of crap that looks like a GameCube and doesn't even has HD capabilities.

edit: i just know that i want that Wii fad to disappear no matter wh...

5874d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

"You bought into Sonys crap device,
and now you sit around crying on N4g all day."

same can be said about x360 owners. look at you and look at socomnick. and that without counting zerorin or pp....

and you said crap device? the guy that has an x360 that could go RRoD in any momment? if you're gonna bash at least do it properly.

5874d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

what about the team of gaara? gaara and temari but not kankuro? come on! all the teams has all its members... and what about haku?

those are pretty important characters in the anime's story...

5875d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too Human = 68 on metacritic, so is not only ps3 owners that think the games sucks the media think the same...

bots are in denial!!!! ;-D

5875d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got this game like 5 month ago from ebay and beat it. it wasn't that great it was simply good/decent...

5876d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

so the teaser trailer was real time?

5876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

now we know why this game has this impressive graphics. it's easier to develop a game graphics when you know what going to happen than when a game has a more dynamic/faster gameplay like DMC or whatever...

real time cut-scenes always look better than real time gameplay and in this case (heavy rain) well it's like a cut-scene with some button pressing sequences.

other thing i don't like are the facial expressions. that woman looks like she's dead or like a doll.

5876d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

juuken is probably ugly. so i don't understand all the attention she's attracting. come on you really have to be a real loser to do something like this...

5877d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

it seems that every game on the box it's a trilogy. Halo was going to be a trilogy, gears it's going to be a trilogy and now too human a trilogy.

5877d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what nintendo of old? foxx

nintendo has been always arrogant and that's why they loosed FFVII and a bunch of third party support on the N64 days. the GameCube and Wii it's from the new nintendo but in my opinion the Wii it's sucking more than the GC because i actually liked the GC but not the Wii. I even own a GC.

the old president of nintendo, the one before Iwata was like one of the most arrogant persons ever. when nintendo loosed FF to the PS1 he said that rpg's a...

5877d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Euphrate you're totally confused! this it's FF a game from the genere of RPG not a hack & slash. seriously, you were specting a FF to be a hack & slash? are you crazy or something? LOL

this it's not a spin-off were SE tries new things and make a bad game like FF cerberus or crisis core. and you like the battle system of kingdom heart? how is that? the only thing you do is press the attack button until the end of the game jesus.

5877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"There's no actual "main character" in the game. Players will experience the story from the perspective of multiple characters, something that he refers to as being a "new style."

oh man i don't like this!!!
i don't like to have a bunch of strangers in jrpg! that why i hated Suikiden 3. i like better the traditional way like it always have been.
the history through the eyes of the protagonist

5877d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

exactly, that's why i trust gamepro more than Ign, Gamespot or 1up.

5878d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Zerodin has gone! Now is PP again with its 6 bubbles...

anyway i'm tired of this 'Xbox is dead' articles. i just want leipzig to start to hear some more news about sony and its games.

5878d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment