
CRank: 5Score: 7370

Bloody hell!!.. all 360 top 10 were in the top 20 other than the last one...gezz.. that is sick thou.. 360 gamers buy games.. no jokes as in. they play the shyt outta tha box.. even halo3 is making a comebk ...

5666d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


5667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FOR SONY FANBOYS to compare and hype kz2 up to halo3 .. they must have really shot themselves in the foot this time.. coz it was to be a halo killer right.. SELL MORE THAN HALO3 BE THE NEW BIG BOY IN THE BLOCK.. 350k sales in 2 days.. sorry that does not cut it.. if it really wanna take halo 3 crown.. tryin doing 10 million in a life time... (HALO 3 ONLY!!! SALES THERE) now we are seeing that is obviously not possible.. with 350k in 2 days bahhh.! (NEXT CHALLENGER coz kz2 does not cut it comm...

5667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is truely funny... well i bought my ps3 coz of kz2 anyway.. but 350k sales.. come on that is not so gd to be honest gears clocked 2.1ml in that time of a weekend.... So u mean all that graphics didnt even make ppl jump off their couch and get the game.. damn.. it seems at the end of it all kz2 might just do the same sales of lbp or mgs4 a MOST.. i was seriously expecting like 2 mill sales day one or something.. this must hurt.. to the sony fanboys.. thou... 360 fanatics are going to murd...

5667d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

MTFramework 2.0 is a such a good engine and i blieve i would see some beautiful work being done with it in the near future .. such as lost planet 2 ... and what ever capcom is cooking in their tech... one thing that strike me real hard is the cut scenes how the character models and lifelike they seemed to me i would put it up there in terms of graphic fidelity with even with kz2.. kz2 is beautiful but since it uses alot of false lighting and Grey colours. i am really happy they didnt use ue3...

5668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well.. what can i say.. i am a lover of both systems and own them..both.. but one thing i would say to sony fanboys "DONT COUNT UR EGGS BEFORE THEY HATCH".. clam this X and Y cant be done on this system then 6 months later to a year .. WALLAH.. and u go all far as tech is concern both systems have very diffrent architecture.. but still about the same power so any game that can be pulled off on one system can be done on another.. its might just take 360 multi disc since dvd...

5670d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

lovin this ..! cryengine... song to my ears... new ip.. mmmmmmmm so sweet.. my fingers are already figgetin.. to play..

5670d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its microsoft ... they paid the kid so he would cry so the ads for kz2 will be taking off.. microsoft owns the kid.. (well something sony fanboys.. would say lool)

5672d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

is sad...

u are being so blind this things on community and .. communication with other gamers should have been their from day 1.. y do want to wait for year b4 having it..and if u say that by the time .. psn would be where xbl is .. xbl would have even taking a leap further ... so ur argument is null.

5673d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

this dude has some good .. points.. i love my ps3 like hell.. kz2 is the shyt.. but other than that.. really.. when i put on my ps3 .. offline or online it seem the same way.. it does not come to life like my 360 does.. e.g the xmb and all compared to NXE.. on 360 once u are online .. u see the whole thing new stuff vids games friends online what their playing blah blah .. its all.. like a hub where u just dive into what u wanna do.. game or laugh with a bunch of ppl.. but .. on ps3 its abit ...

5673d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

COOP IN bioshock .. HELLL no!!!... that game wont ever EVER EVER BE AS GOOD AGAIN..

5673d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think this is some photoshop work..

5675d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

from teh pic chris is already burying his head in those "Mountains of harmony"


5675d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

ANIME.. boobs.. men and our fantasies... always gets the better of us.. too bad women are not 100percent what we dream..

5675d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

with this .. killzone2 engine already has a adversary for graphic overlord on consoles..... CONSOLE GAMING FTW!!!

5675d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the article says its not real ... and killzone 2 is a cheat but at the end of the day if its visually good and a good presentation and the game play is there to match it really does not matter so far the game grahpics is good that is teh main issue .. i got my ps3 to see thing called kz2 and i must say i ahve not regrets at all. So regardless of what this guy says ... at the end of the day if one can get an easier way to get the best of sometihng y not..!.. and as i read the ppl that were in ...

5678d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

love gears but that was some funny shyt...lool

5679d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

its the same way i feel i dont comment that much .. only look on .. for . news.. coz the fanboys force in this site is down right.. scary .. zombies with no brains..

5680d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i really dont get what the big stupid fuss is all about .. wait a sec think about this... a developer u make an engine based on the ps3 architecture, and want to make a game for the 360 as well.. OFCOURSE it the result wont be the same or would lag behind.. gezz dont i have to mention UE3 which is closer to a pc 360 based design or other games that have been made for pc tech they look not as good on the ps3 but the ps3 is equally a strong machine e.g FALLOUT 3,RAINBOW 6.. .i can go on. and on...

5681d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i do kinda agree with the site ish. i am a pro xbox 360 fan.. my first 360 i hav had it from launch and its been good for 3 years till last month the disc refused to read again.. well i figured it was coming anyway it was way beyond its death period.. so i was not feeling so bad.. i got a new one anyway.. on the 27th gt the ps3 with kz2... and yesterday my brother's elite 360 rroded on him so i gotta buy him a new one.. MSi really hope this new jasper stuff is up to par coz .. seriously.. its...

5682d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment