
CRank: 5Score: 54080

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Like when Don Mattrick invited everyone to Redmond to unveil a certain console. Phil Spencers been and most definitely his right hand man Executive Fanboy Aaron Greenberg (Head of Marketing - Why would you put a guy like this as your head of marketing, honestly) have been caught in the same thing. Phil Spencer's just as bad and as much of a two-faced about faced liar as Don Mattrick, they just put his under bite more. He's obviously not as stressed beca...

270d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a hypocritic world we live in. Developers want to be treated right and get the biggest bang for their buck but, with the exception of Sucker Punch and Capcom on the Resident Evil 4 Remake, they have no problem with microtransactions up the butt and paid DLC. There was a time when all of that came on cartridge/disc and was unlockable, oh, BUT DONT LEFT TURN A DEVELOPER, OH NO!

270d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because Microsoft (Xbox) still doesn't understand, people want choice. You don't tell us what we want, we decide what we want. If we accept an all digital future, we lose control of what's ours and it becomes there's to give and take as they please. Streaming IS NOT the future. If they wanna do what Bluray has been doing by offering a physical copy and then a digital for streaming purposes, fine, but it's all about having an option. If we let them say Streaming is the futu...

271d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hopefully an entirely different console. Who wants to copy what Xbox does?

271d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft sure knows how to butter up gullible stupid developers that buy into their web of lies. "It's great promotional opportunity" while Microsoft continues to take in the money telling them gamers will buy physical copies if they like the game, but Microsoft wants gamers to keep subscribed to Game Pass. Additionally, remember when Xbox stole MLB The Show several years ago? In their court appearance for Activision acquisition Microsoft CEO talked about being as many places a...

272d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's downplaying it. Xbox would like to own Nintendo, he figures by kissing their butt now and discussing a deal and setting them up with tech, when Miyamoto goes, Xbox can take Nintendo, because Nintendo hasn't really mentored anyone to take over. Miyamoto is the brains of Nintendo, nobody has even stood beside him like, Hey what's up, Nintendos future is secure. It's still just Miyamoto and his translator.

As far as the controller, does it surprise you? Xb...

273d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox are ones that generated the hype, they were in over their heads, it's not the peoples fault, they just listened to Xbox and what Xbox told them repeatedly and wouldn't shut up about, consumers just ended up being smarter and called their bluff. It's not the people, Xbox generated the hype

274d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

InUrFoxHole - You're a dude, right?

280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They've spent a long time defending their game rather than just letting it go. Own up to it and just let it do what you designed it to do. There's a reason mo-cap has become as big as it has. Microsoft has all this money and wanted to dump all of this into this game and came out looking as it did. This is Xbox with unlimited funds, that's bought Activision for an absurd $70 billion just because they could, not because it's actually worth that much. Quantic Dream often times go...

280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's actually easier to side on the favorable side. Takes more guts (IGN who usually suck) to be honest and go against the grain

280d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe this would've worked better as a VR game with more emersion. Having a society that's actually suffering from some kind of illness that requires building technology to see other worlds and travel to distant planets in search of a cure. Some planets you find resources and life on to help you discover a cure while some planets have nothing. It sounds like exploration isn't as fun if there's not much you have to do to earn it, but maybe most people would have had a better ex...

280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, no, no, no. Jaffe is merited. If you REALLY follow Jaffe, he never finishes a game. It's like a buffet for him and nobody would know the industry better than Jaffe. His support of Game Pass is a testament to how cheap he is, the guy spends all his money on weed, diet Coke and Jolly Ranchers. The point of that is Jaffe just doesn't want to pay full price for a game even though he wanted success after he left Santa Monica, he couldn't make it work which is why he sits behind a ...

283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not my opinion. She was all over the news at one point for teenage boys drooling over her, when you see most photos of her she's pouring out of her shirts, they would respond, like boys do and she literally called their mothers, I'm not making it up, Google it. She's conniving and manipulative, a feminist the whole way through and a narcissist, it's all about her and it's her or the highway. I got six down votes but, look it up yourself

283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or he's looking at flaws and what NOT to do

284d ago 9 agree22 disagreeView comment

Are y'all surprised? Of course he's playing it, not because he necessarily likes it, but because gamers bought into the hype, so he wants to see how to mimic it for future games, it's study, that's what happens. Remember when Gears of War came out? EVERYONE copied the Cover Based Shooter mechanic. God of War? Kojima copied it's play style for the Castlevania PS3/360 reboot. Dantes Inferno copies God of War around God of War III, and Darksiders used a similar system. Who co...

284d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

An Xbox Exclusive. That's how it goes. Look, Xbox can play dirty pool by stealing PlayStation's own developed MLB The Show Series but that's their integrity on the line and their problem, but they own Bathesda, that's their right just like PlayStation shouldn't have to allow Destiny or anything made by Bungie on Xbox, but Bungie wanted to develop for whatever they want prior to the sale of Bungie so, that's how it goes. The name of the game people, get over it. You'...

284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fetch!? I personally think she's a conniving narcissist that has some real mental issues but, welcome to America. What are you gonna tell Phil Spencer that has had a Nintendo Switch in the background on his shelf? Alanah Pierce has some issues, she struts around in as little as possible, and when teenage boys act like they do, she calls their mother, she's got problems, and people give her all this attention feeding her ego but, that's America too, you're free to be naive ...

284d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

It's Xbox man, it's nothing but lies and deceit with retractions when they learn they've been caught and then apology followed by the classic lines "We're listening to you, Xbox is a console we build for you driven by your feedback." Because Xbox has absolutely no clue what they're doing. No wonder they envy PlayStation and Nintendo so much. Phil Spencers more excited about Mario Wonder (because it's all diplomatic, side with the enemy to gain favor) but the ...

286d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's easy to accomplish when you have nothing on your console and everyone hates your console. Liberal Washington mentality. BUT HEY! EVERYONE GETS A GOLD STAR AT MICROSOFT!!!!!

286d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jaffe always goes to a buffet rather than taking a look at a menu and ordering something real. Jaffe dresses and carries himself like someone living on welfare, who knows, maybe he really is at this point and he spends all of his YouTube money on weed and diet Coke. He seldom does laundry as his same black shirt has dandruff all over it, seriously, the guy won't take of himself, it's progressive suicide. So, that carries over into his "gaming". Jaffe lives on Game Pass and s...

286d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment