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CRank: 5Score: 36090

whats new disable feature? you could disable it before.

5489d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how can bioshock and arkham asylum with exclusive DLC and superior graphics, get rated less than the 360 version?

this poll is stupid.

5489d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

they didn't mention how yoko is a money hogging douche and courtney love is a psychotic nutcase.

rock band games are a joke. they are too easy, and don't have the technical skill difficulty you get in GH. Guitar hero will always be a better series because RB is a childs game and GH is instrument simulation.

5489d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

hmm. seemed they could of put more content in it. its hardly worth $20 let alone the $60+ they are hocking it for

5489d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only two companies that seem to be up the 360s ass is Square Enix and valve. SE games suck. Every non FF game sucks and I'm sure FFXIII will be seriously damaged do to M$. Valve are always a bunch of inexperienced fruits who make last gen PC games and port them to the 360.

Everyone else puts their games on PS3 with exclusive content(batman, bioshock, ninja gaiden, tales of vespera, command and conquer 3, etc. 360 is losing exclusive content. Hell, even Fallout DLC is being cl...

5489d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

nope a fricking wii game.....fail...good or not...wii=fail..

the shame

5490d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

its a steampunk disney game about painting.
i was interested until i found out they decided to gay it up with the wii. a frickin wii game? what teen+ to mature games do well on the wii? none! it'll be another 6 hour ok-fest with no replay and bad graphics. the waggle wii is starting to piss me off. you suck nintendo, you went from the messiah of games to the destroyer of games. piss off
hope people come to their senses and realize the wii is a piece of junk.

and kingd...

5490d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

i see a slight Christmas price drop on top of the current one and TGS will unveil a 250gb Slim. they will replace the current models as the two ps3 consoles, and the rest of the fats will sell out completely. this also makes me think TGS will be the big seller for the ps3 this year. i don't know what they will have but, i am sure its going to be groovy. sony can do it.

5490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well in his defense conviction looks good. not because it a 360 game, because ubisoft finally got it right since the very first one. its a 360 exclusive because M$ forked the cash. they deserve no credit.

but snake still wins. mgs series is yet to be touched by graphics, gameplay, story, and those awesome easter eggs and how the universe is complete. there are no loose questions, the world is a solid story and everything revolves around each other.

5490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5490d ago

is it me or do none of the vehicles in the area explode? i mean, where is the tactics, when the environment doesn't take any damage. i know halo 3 was years behind killzone 2, but jeez, this boring as gameplay looks like you hope around like an asshole, then shoot some stuff, do a few cheeseball metroid prime ripoff scans and the repeat. wtf is this garbage? this game looks worse every day, and i had some hopes that it would save halo.

5490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dont forget facebook...lol....360 is a failure

5490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really wish you could create or download mod packs to the PC then copy them to your console, or just put DLC mod packs in the store. I also would like to have ingame music radio feature on the pip boy. I have lots of classic tunes that would fit right into the game. I would be listening to Kanye West while traversing the wasteland.

5490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

52% failure rate is the 1st fail. remember most 360's break 2-5 times on average.

5490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you ever watch UC2 gameplay, it has MGS4+ graphics and some of the most insanely intense action sequences I've ever seen. the game is amazing looking. you are a moron

5490d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

of course the winner of E3, will sell poorly. it's the most anticipated game of this year....shut up. odst is the biggest milked expansion ever made. halo this and halo that. get some originality. and shut up

5490d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

everyone wants a ps3 and by next year, the ps3 will of out sold the 360

5490d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i was under the impression that M$ bought the exclusive rights to conviction. if this goes the the PS3, then what will I have to play on my 360 other than netflix? I have no good 360 games, and more awesome PS3 games than I can handle. oh well, the heat from my elite will keep me warm on cold nights while I'm playing Uncharted 2, Fallout DLC, NG Sigma II, MAG Beta, etc... I'll just add SC:C to my list. I'm getting close to 400 trophies now. I just love you to death PS3.

5490d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

thought i agree snake is bad ass.

young snake as you say in snake eater wasn't solid, it was his father the big boss. do your home work. old snake isnt old because he is 70years, hes still young, but aging fast. naked snake and solid are not the same person.

5490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Snake with Foxdie or the 360 with RROD?

Well Snake lasted 100s of missions from Zanzibar to the GW chamber, killed 1000s of people, and the unholy demigod bosses, and defeated his greatest enemy and revealed the most epic story every told. Then died with honor? maybe...

The 360 came out of the store, rode home, got set up, plugged in then...WTF is this sh*t? oh crap....Red Rings. *calls M$*....What do you mean that's not cover under my warranty?! a hundred and thirty...

5490d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment