If you have never been to Europe, Go....It's wonderful!!!!
CRank: 5Score: 36090

How come there are so many level 50+ guys online who can't die. It's annoying that I can kill anyone that high of a level. Still a great MP experience though. Also some high level players glitch when they run around. I think this game will need a patch like COD4 got. Hackers already

5472d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what in the heck is the bubble system anyway?

5472d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

9/10th of the time while they sit on the forums hating the PS3 while their Red Ringer is being partially restored to its half A$$ed self. But that 1/10th of a time they are enjoying the finest subHD 24f/ps 640p generic alien shooters that any internet ready toaster oven can provide.

Prepare to Dro---(@)RRoD(@)

5472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell, my TV runs 120 frames per sec.

5472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5472d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well it looks to be GOTY winner. Though this year is been tough to beat. Killzone 2, inFAMOUS, & Batman: Arkham Asylum.

5472d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think if they went for a realistic look, it would of taken away from the game. But yeah the graphics aren't really great. The environments look great though. The game still captures that HEAVY METAL universe feel. I think I will be a solid 9/10 game.

5472d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is anyone think that EDGE packed up and left town? Why won't them poooh-seeez come one give the game a 7 already.

5472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3s are scarce. When Sony puts out more the #s will go up again. You can't buy what's sold out, you know.

5472d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS3 version looks better and loads a load faster. 360 version has glitchy loading between scenes and the colors aren't as clean as the PS3. This is from me playing both with hdmi on a HD LCD 120hrz TV

5472d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ooh that's gotta sting a little. Sony should release a bundle with Halo Legends.
That would be funny. Like the PS3 fvcking the 360s wife.

5472d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Played both demos. PS3 version looks better but I am so fvcking tired of devs mapping the PS3 and 360 equally in controls. 360 using triggers on bottom. PS3 gamers use R1, L1 for primary triggers but since devs always map the controls to 360, we are stuck shooting an driving with the damn R2, L2. Please map the 360 trigger controls to R1,L1.
It's uncomfortable to use the bottom triggers to play this game.

5472d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Ninja Blade didn't ripoff God of War.

Listen suckazz, this Play Create Share, it's LittleBigRPG, it's only on PS3, where innovation meets HD.

5472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone know why the Brutal Legend Demo is almost 1.7gb?
I played it last week on the 360, and though its outstanding in play, the graphics don't require any heavy rendering. It was just as long as the Killzone 2 demo with very low rez cartoony look and feel. I dunno, maybe the 360 version was that big. It just seems to be pretty huge for a demo.

5473d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's funny. That's all I see is elites, it's amzing how easy it is to find the crap. Slims are on the other hand, just that. Slim to find.

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really thought that Fallout 3 DLC was going to be spread across months. I am happy to see Bethesda putting out All 3 DLCs within a two week period, in the order they did. Really making it up to us. Wished it was advertised more.

BTW, I play the XBL Demo of Brutal Legend and its one of the greatest game demos I've ever played. I'm excited to play it with a better controller. Hopefully It'll look a little better on the PS3 as well.

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain is one of those innoative games. That's what's on the PS3. New and innovative games. Other than Gears, I have yet to see any originality on 360. It's sad that 360 gamers only care about what "is the in thing". No creativity, nothing new.

Heavy Rain
Heavenly Sword
Fat Princess
Killzone 2

these are better game because the originality of them. Sony takes ri...

5474d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

6/6 seems silly for a scoring system. But perfect is Perfecto!

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Bioshock

Only Bots hate on it cause it went to the PS3. Any person who wasn't born retarded know this game was visionary and one of the most creative ideas every made.

5474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So these bot reviewers at Eurogamer must of had to put some effort into admitting this game was good. Sounds like it hurts them that Uncharted 2 is the highest rated game of 2009. But oh well it's a 9/10 and eurogamer knows it's great. Once Edge admits it's glory, we can just start putting the developers names on those GOTY trophies right now.

5474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment