If you have never been to Europe, Go....It's wonderful!!!!
CRank: 5Score: 36090

Well of all the announcements that were over 15 secs, I am get all of them for PS3 except for Forza 4 and obviously that gay ass Thor game...

..But I think even with the multiple eyegasms I had with the Uncharted 3 trailer, I am still most excited for inFAMOUS 2 in 2011. Uncharted 3 is #2, every other PS3 exclusive is fighting for third place.

4941d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do we get Bioware/Bethesda dialog choices? Ones ranging from 'funny' to 'total incensitive prick'? I would love that!

4941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope the plane crash wont play out like the train crash in UC2. If that is the opening or something, cool. Like the first chapter being a flash back about Nathan in the desert exploring thenc rashing and surviving, as he is telling it to Sully. But they don't need to tarantino the plot, cause they did it once already.

So I am guessing that after the flashback scene Drake and Sully will look at each other and say something like:

Sully "Where to ...

4941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's all about Mass Effect 2 and LittleBigplanet2 for me.

I have to admit, that I am a little jealous of Lost in Shadow being on the Wii. I love that art style. The demo on PSN of echochrome ii is similar and it's really cool. I see this as a game the Wii crowd wouldn't appreciate and it would fit much better on PS3/360.

DeadSpace 2 looks really good but I may only rent cause I am broke and the MP Beta was trash. But the Campaign should be ma...

4941d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

True, I wasnt trying to be douchey with the comment, I just didn't really get the article. It was a list and didn't really come off as news. But these are great prices and I encourage everyone to take advantage of great deals like this to get those games you may have missed.

4942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I only played a little bit of SotC and none of ICO. It's really the only series on the PS2 that I overlooked. So I will be there day one, to make amends for my transgressions against this living artwork. I can't wait to immerse into these two games.

4942d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ryu and Kasumi are in Dead or Alive. I don't see him in MK if he is going to be in Dead or Alive 5 and Mulitplat NG3. I hope they go with exclusive characters....

But this is kind of lame, I mean COD is such a joke. MS couldn't come up with something better than a multiplat character?

Well maybe the Xbox having more than one character will give PS3 the chance to do the same. I would love to Radec fighting Subzero in a Helghan Arena with Vasari in ...

4942d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow, I want this game on DS, I want that awesome book, and I can't wait to play this on PS3 witht the Move. I am so blown away. A 50 hour game with 100% voice work on the DS! Amazing...!!!!!

4942d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This doesn't look groundbreaking, but it definitely looks funny as hell. Like one of those games you play casually alone, but with a group of people, it's a showcase game. Where other can have just as much fun watching or playing along.

I am excited to see what comes in 2011. Sony please continue to support the Eye & Move and keep on delivering these unique experiences.

4942d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nintendo may be waiting for CES 2011. But I don't think the VGAs is the place for Nintendo, unless the next Wii game is a COD exlcusive that is.

4942d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

The score doesn't really reflect his opinions which are not at all backed by facts. I know reviews are opinions, but you can't just say "Zombieeeszzzz iz old and stuffz!...1/10...fAIl1!" without doing a little more proffesional research.

4942d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am giving it up to Castlevania. I know it got crapped on cuase it wasn't a Metroidvania game.

But the world was gorgeous and the characters are amazing. I didn't realize that the devs are Spanish until I watched the credits. That explains that Guerille Del Toro feel(Pan's Labrynth, Hellboy) with all the characters. Spanish mythological fantasy is so scary, yet so beautiful. I loved every minute of the 18 hours it took to play through the epic campaign.

4942d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah Fallout was where it got bad, but the engine is still outdated as hell.

I may get disagreed to death, but I though that Oblivion didnt have that unique variety that Morrowind had. But I do admit that my favorite quest in Oblivion was the unmarked sidequest where you had to recue the painter lost in painting. That was just as awesome as FO3's Tranquility Lane. I hope that ESV will have more of those 'WOW' moments, than just exploring dungeon after dungeon. E...

4942d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

What WRPGs were on the PS2? Do you mean JRPG?

I remember the PC & Xbox having great WRPGs, but the PS2 was the haven for awesome JRPGs.


Bioware's Sonic Chronicles is a decent WRPG on DS, but the best one's are JRPGs like the Mario RPG series, Golden Sun, FF IV, and Chrono Trigger.

The best DS games are the titles that don't get the spot light. Like:
Ace Attorney series

4942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Overall this was a year of 3 great PS3 games and a good mix of good PS3 titles.

God of War 3 and Heavy Rain really stood out in the year, with other titles like ModNationRACERS and MAG making millions happy. GT5 was the only real big fall release which kind of slowed down the momentum from all the trash articles and less than perfect reviews. But really both systems seem to do good overall.

God of War 3 really shined on the PS3

Mass Eff...

4942d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

AMEN! The games are great but jeez it's friggin 2011. The Gamebryo Engine's 100,000,000 bugs and glitches are completely inexcusable in this day an age. So can we hope for an idTech5 engine?

4942d ago 38 agree4 disagreeView comment

The GT5 pic looks like it was intentionally washed out. But hell this is a flaming troll article trying to compare a game to a 12sec teaser, so what can you expect?

4942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My NOT went to Thor for being the worst piece of crap trailer at the VGAs.

Also why didn't the 360 or Kinect show one good trailer? I mean they put out a 20sec Forza4 teaser, but come on!, that's like for the 1-2 million who play racers on the 360. They are pushing Kinect, this is an American awards show, where the hell are the hardcore games?!!!

Most of it I was expecting. Anymore,, if there is a rumor, it's usually true for the most part. T...

4942d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Is this opinion or what was actually picked, cause I am pretty sure MGS4 won best graphics in 2008 and Killzone 2 and mostly Uncharted 2 won 2009's(hell UC2 won everything, probably took home best sports game too. Some like 140+ awards)

4942d ago 33 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think this should be a big deal. Everyone who knows GT loves it and will buy GT5.

Forza is only the flamebait on the internet. The entire Forza series has not sold more than the original GT, even combined across all three games.

So those who like Forza's style, then good news for them. But there are many other racers out there. As a big GT fan, I personally am more excited for Motorstorm: Apocolypse.

4942d ago 29 agree32 disagreeView comment