
CRank: 5Score: 23490

I do love a good dishing of humble pie. Where are those ravenous fanboys that laughed at kinect game prices as being expensive, I wanna share some pie with them.

5206d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is really cool now? Hypocrisy is Sony's slogan this gen. 2007 Jack Tretton: Wii is like a lollipop, I'm too old for lollipops. 2010 Jack Tretton: Hey everybody, look what we made, Move, a stick with a coloured ball on it for motion control.

5206d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

This is so funny, the fanboys have now jumped to the standing up bandwagon after the pre-orders proved it would sell and kinect was confirmed useable with a controller.
You CAN sit and play with Kinect! I can just see it now when the article breaks, all the fanboys will find something else to jump on to

5206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok so now that Sony is doing it, it is the way of the future? Typical

5206d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

So let me get this right, you guys didn't have a problem with Wii motion-controls, you had a problem with the lag and inaccuracy and the fact that it was not HD? Oh I see...so where did all that talk about not wanting to waggle and flail about come from? Better yet, now that your hardcore gaming device of choice has motion controls, where did that talk go?

5206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh i get it...because pre-orders show that in the states kinect will outsell Move, we have to jump on to the next bandwagon, Kinect will fail in Europe, then when that doesn't happen, the next continent. How bout we skip to the, I don't know, um 'why Kinect will fail in the space colony that Japan have been secretly building but PS3 will sell there because it is future perfect and blu-ray is the only kind of physical media disk that works with zero gravity' articles?

5207d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

Wow, just freaking WOW! Confirmed, Sony Fanboys are the vilest pieces crap in this industry. Too bad you can't play sitting down?? You really want to play mud slinger on an article like this? GEES!

5207d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Microsoft has marketed Kinect to the casuals as being controller free, thats their big selling point to the casuals, you are the controller.
The Sony loyalists ate this up because they figured it would not work very well with hardcore games which brings the SDF alot of joy for some reason. Anyway they chose to ignore the many articles that were saying that MS did NOT want to do away with the controller completely and that in fact they would have hybrid games for the hardcore users. ...

5207d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

These are the tender moments when we can all come together and make n4g a great site to come to. The catalyst? A great game available on all platforms for everybody to enjoy. Thank you NetherRealm Studios for momentarily bringing us all together...and with that, MORTAL KOMBAT!!

5209d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would like to come back here when psp 2 gets 3D support later on just to see if all the people that think 3D has no place in portables anyway(anyway meaning because Sony don't offer it yet) still feel the same.

5210d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Crapgamer, dude, give it a rest will ya? Please, just for the next 24 hrs.

5210d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Limitations were due to original processing power, which has now been moved to the 360. That plus Kinect Adventure is said to support 4 players at a time and thus rendering the 'it can only support 2 players' arguement moot.
Yes you are correct, I have only just discovered fringe.

5210d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love lazygamer, best gaming site. . .in South Africa, these guys are hilarious. Oh yeah, bummer on head tracking not working so good, for now. Same goes for current damage.
Btw these guys love GT5 so no bias

5211d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pants getting tighter

5212d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why? Because there's a bmw at on that screen shot. Pains me so that there's a merc on the cover but what really grinds my gears is that horrid Audi on the cover of Forza 3!
Before anyone gets the wrong idea, this IS a fanboy rant, but not about which is the better game or console for that matter, its a fanboy rant about which is the better car and how sad that my favourite racing game so far this gen has a car that boils my blood on the cover. BMW FTW!!

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shall never surrender also a favourite of mine, theme to DMC4. . .oh well, thats it, time to dust off that collectors edition!

5217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Theme song of Halo may not be the most known or recognisable but dammit that is one beautiful song! Sometimes i just pop in halo just to listen to it on the start screen. Melodic, dramatic, epic. This coming from a guy who thinks fps games are pretty meh...

5217d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is sad ^ indeed that 10 exclusives do not create as much curiosity as 2 plus natal, indeed it is sad. MS own marketing, people should come to terms with that. They have shown ONE demo of natal and Move has shown so many but the buzz is still with Natal.
Sony fanboys can cry sales is not equal quality all they want but in the end gaming is all about business and if you do not know how to market your product you will be left out in the cold crying that the opposition is greedy and ...

5218d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

The newest chapter of the fighter will
reinvention of its 2D fighting
mechanic. New features will include
an all new graphics engine and
Fatality is back and presented in more
gory detail than ever before. Mortal
Kombat will also introduce a number
of new game-play features including
tag team and also a story mode.
Players can choose from an extensive
line up of the game ’s iconic warriors
and c...

5219d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, only now? Thats like writing about having distance ahead/behind and getting all giddy about it. Surely this cannot be news and even if it is, it cannot be worth writing home about, this feature is in most racing games already!

5220d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment