
CRank: 4Score: 3860

It actually was, at least the one that i seen was confirmed to be PC with a 360 conroller being used to demo it... There may be a more recent video using actuall xbox footage though,

5403d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment I already stated this yesterday, I mean come on, it was fairly obvious... My comments there still stand. I think the HHG is sticking to his usual ways of spicing up his show, Not so much his rep. ;), Though I do enjoy his shows, and dont want to see them end :)

5403d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment It doesnt match killzone 2 overall, and is running on pc, with low framerate, poor effects, and bad physics/animation. And the nothing in this game touches uncharted 2's level of graphics/physics and animation, Sorry guys, But hey, Maybe they can work miracles before the release ;).

5404d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why does every game have to be compared to killzone 2?Yes, Brink *May* surpass it, but lets not forget pre-release trailers for games always give little touch ups, and lead to minor let downs.Killzone 2 came out what, half a year ago?, Brink isn't even out yet, and the trailer is for the pc version,And lets not forget that for it to look nearly as good as it appears in the trailer/footage you will have to pay an arm and a leg for decent pc rig.You know, Nothing against the hip hop gamer, but ...

5404d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

though the ps3 does look more realistic and polished in all the screens, just a little though,and a few of the 360 screens look cartoony in comparison to the ps3 screens,

5407d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its their podcast.Free speech is a biatch, isn't it guys ;), Young children or whoever thinks it is inappropriate has the freedom not to listen to the podcast.

5407d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

But why do they think the U.K is excluded from europe, Its in the european union lol!

5408d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Last time I checked i saw borderlands on sale for the ps3 and read the gearbox devs praises of the playtation, It couldnt be xbox exclusive, they could be porting Halo 3 to pc or something,

5408d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I would prefer having an optional install, Just in case there is some form of load times.I just think they should use all resources availible to them, but overall I'm relieved that the quality of sound and the resolution haven't been compromised because of you know what ;)

5414d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd Just like to add my name to the ever so long list of origional 20/60/80/120gb ps3s that Have no problems whatsoever with freezing in movies/games/music.The only problem i ever have is the rare freeze within the PS3 Web Browser.Seriously, Now that the ps3 is doomed articles dissapearing, Along with the crap about YLD and ps3 has no games articles people are thinking of new ways to try and run down the ps3.The only console which is "too big for its boots" is the overheating, disk ...

5418d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wonder why this isnt on the Irish psn yet, Usually these things come simultaneously to the irish and uk store.

5421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The title is wrong, They say "it will sell a lot,But it would be hard to be the best selling final fantasy as FFVII sold over ten million".Atleast thats whats said in the recording.

5423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

His picture of ressistance with 360 cover art just goes to show you that he knows jack sh*t, aside from what all of us have, SPECULATION,seriously, rachet and clankand resistance are sony ips and insomniac have stated they have no plans to make multi-plat games, aside from ps3/psp. And you know hes just looking for hits with the ffVII statement, Sony owns th publishing rights for consoles on FFVII, They could do it on pc though.

5426d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im sure there are some cases where its down to the ps3 itself but the majority of these come from mistreatment.Of the people complaining about sony support, I find that 7 out of ten have opened there ps3 (of the people who have ps3 problems), For whatever reason lol, And Feral Gamer, Keep being an ignorant ass, It will get you places ;).

5426d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I havent had a single problem with my Lauch 60gb ps3 console, I think these stories are a result of mis treatment and hate towards the ps3.I mean maybe somone turned their ps3 off during an update, Dropped it, Or Put a disk in the ps3 with something stuck to it,Because here, Neither I nor my 10 friends who've also got a ps3 have had a single issue with it.BTW guys, The "YLOD" doesnt kill your console, If u get it, Check your hard drive, As it means it isnt inserted correctly or brok...

5426d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

But guys from anywhere outside the u.s, just use a proxy :D, Its working for me :).It has to be a u.s proxy!

5430d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That "reason" given by valve is pure BS, It isnt stopping FFXIV coming to ps3, and maybe only ps3, as square enix is having difficulties with microsoft over its live system.Microsoft charges consumers aswell as developers to host on live and set up servers, so dont give me that BS about PSN costing more for the developers, they just give them more independance to do what they wish, And any dev who would actually despise that and not release their game on the ps3 is just a fanboy at ...

5433d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wasnt expecting a perfect score, Though i knew i was deffinatly picking this up regardless of the score. I was really dissapointed with the repetitiveness of the first game aswell,It seems that they've fixed it.

5433d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really? I didn't know the psn has less players, can you back that statement up with facts?If i remember corectly there was more PSN accounts than xbox live accounts per million ps3 users, And now i could imagine with the recent boost the psn has moved ahead of live users.Thats to be expected of course, all ps3 owners can "jump in" and play online free of charge, instantly strayight out of the box.Even if PSN had less players, that still doesnt make it a "inferior" online ...

5433d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Twists what people were angry about.They weren't angry about the statement about xbox live,but that it was the reason that was given for it not being on ps3.Clearly that isn't why, as the ps3 has a very successful and robust online gaming network, and it is an insult to sonys service, which is free, to give it as the reason for not releasing it on the platform, Entitled to their opinion?Yes, but don't lie and wrongfuly run down a service, which this guy at least knew nothing about, in what ...

5433d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment