
CRank: 4Score: 3860

In fact, they have went on record distancing themselves from the movie, saying that they would stay true to previous iterations of the game story and their own ideas and creations,With that said, i'm very happy it wont be linked to the movie, and can't wait for this game, I would like to believe that this is one of sonys megaton announcements as a timed or full exclusive, though i don't think square or ico will do it, square because of the money, ico because of its pc fanbase... :)

5295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm calling it :P ;),I can hope!

5296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just go and watch the E3 sony conference of last year... Where we found out that the PS3 "will be the only console that you can play it on when it launches", Indicating at least timed exclusiveness. I can guess thats its either GTA V (timed), The True MGS5 exclusive or the rising timed.My wild guess is assasins creed 3 timed exclusive :)

5297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony will be pushing socom to be released this year, to accommodate the launch of ps motion, so for that reason, I believe it not to be socom.

5302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then the reason for making it smaller and adding additional usb ports would be because of the amount of usb's natal may require (2-3?).Microsoft strikes back with a me too strategy....even though there wasn't much to strike from in the first place, even with a 1 year head start...

5302d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Welcome to 2007!Oh and facebook, twitter, and HDMI also say hello!Goodness, major nelson belives that MS was first with hd gameing (wrong, ps3 had hdmi from launch,360's with hdmi came later),along with facebook and twitter support(ps browser since ps3 launch also) along with many other Microsoftisms....(i realize some of my comment is off topic but it needed to be said :) )

5302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its too early for them to announce something new, and the tab of that page says God Of War 3, spartans stand tall links it to the GOW greek mythology universe, ~(the only one)~.

5302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We seen these kind of articles for the first 2 years of the ps3's release, please don't "hate to hate" and get the American press reared up for another battle.More crap, 80 euro for the game, pseye, controller and nunchuck, is definitely a great deal, but so was my 60gb launch ps3, this shouldn't be article worthy at all... more ms biased propaganda, yes 100$ for a Natal, but in truth, you get what you pay for, i can't imagine more than 1 player playing natal in party games, natural...

5309d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. There is a majority of male to female soldiers (around 9.3 in ten are male?)
2.The FPS gaming genre is generally played by men, as are most games involving soldiers.
3.Men are geneticaly taller, and have the "balls" (testosterone) for a more macho, less emotional hero in video games associated with soldiers.Male gamers, which are the main players of war games would be more immersed if their charachter can be comparable to them themselves.
4.A soldier in a vi...

5312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For a microphone!The Half life idea could be done with just voice recogintion, which is available in the PSEYE.Most games do not take advantage of voice recognition in games because there would be endless amounts of queries and responses to be added for each charachter to each command,you would have to pay huge amounts of money for each voice in the game, it would literally be uneconomical to do this as its creating a real personality fo each and every charachter among other things, and it w...

5357d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

He wouldn't spew the kind of BS that the likes of MS heads like GREENBURG would, And Nomura knows what he's talking about.It's my guess that him and his team alone are keeping Vs 13 exclusive.This does prove that FF13 was gimped to allow for less-able hardware to appear adiquate for the title.Thank god for the true devs still within square enix who haven't forgotten their roots of success and just want to deliver the best experiance for their titles.

5389d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think FFXIV will go to 360 any time soon, but thats mostly M$ and xbox lives fault, Square stated that they are having issues with live, thus creating the possibly permanent absence of a 360 version, Maybe M$ doesnt want 360 players to play against ps3 and pc users on the same server?XIV is a MMO, and I would imagine it would feature something along the lines of the open world availible in WoW,At least to that scale?And if it did come to 360 it would have to be intalled to the HDD-J...

5391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To accomidate disk switching in the 360 version, Imagine walking into an area, Then being told to insert disk 2, another area, disk 3, then if there was back tracking maybe even insert disk one.I knew that the 360 version came at a cost,But thankfully, visuals havent suffered too much, but still, i wonder how different this game would have been had it remained a true PS exclusive...My verdict is that it was indeed gimped.

5391d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was definately not expecting this !!We all know that the PS3 outsells the 360 everywhere, And that the software on PS3 outsells 360 software all over ther world, including Europe, And Japan, But even though the ps3 almost definately outsold MW2 on 360 a world-wide level, An Article was needed to state how the 360, Which has a 2 million lead on the ps3 in the region outsold the ps3 version "nearly 3 to 1", When FF13 is released in March, we will see the same shocking articles in re...

5400d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

And I guess new super mario brothers wii does *rolls eyes*, If people thought like this we would be thinking ODST is game of the year worthy... What poor, narror minded, angry fanboy came up with this?

5400d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a launch PS3 and i never go to my PS2 collection for a game, Its nice to have as a feature but its not a necessity, And the origional xbox's back catalog, despite a few gems, has little to attract the xbox 360 users to, though that too is a nice feature, It is definately not a necessity.

5401d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They can't deny the ps3's superiority any longer, Now their only hope of being able to say positive things about both consoles is to downplay the superiority to only slightly above the 360.In some ps3 exclusives, the gap between ps3 games and 360 games appears a whole gen further,If not more, like the gap between Super mario Galaxy and a xbox 360 game, Maybe even more than that.But thats only talking games.I mean, They could have also said because the 360 still doesn't have an internet browse...

5401d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Either this video was trying to give xbox pity points, or wanted xbox to win, Seriously, No good PSN games?No backwards compatibility?All ps3s support all PS1 games, Regardless of the PS3's win here, I believe it should have been a 4.9 - 3.1, in favour of the ps3.It just seems like mediocre things matter more when comparing, like they mentioned 3 360 exclusives, then matched them with 3 ps3 exclusives?The ps3 has had far more exclusive games, And most new 3rd party games are better on the ps3...

5401d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

List the "several people", And please, make at least 2 of them come from a reputable source, It would be entertaining to hear :)

5403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You have seen the gameplay videos right?Yeah, the ps3 users didn't start this "argument" about the graphics, the HHG did. Btw, I agree, gameplay does matter more than graphics, but the game looks slow and boring, not to say that can't change in the 10 months development thats left for this game... I hope it does because it just falls short, at least in my opinion, of a decent gameplay speed.

5403d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment