CRank: 5Score: 42730

Killzone, ratchet and clank, gt7, SOCOM, Motorstorm, a new The Order game.......unbeatable lineup if true! Also love that they will have more focus on mp for the new killzone.

1620d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah fallout 76 is pure garbage imo.

1621d ago 43 agree3 disagreeView comment

God of war 5 will look GODLIKE on PS5 hardware. Nuff said. GOTG GUARANTEED.

1621d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes BIG MISTAKE. No point in trying to sugar coat this and say Sony is making the right choice. Being at e3 the year you launch a new machine is just common sense. Like i said this has more to do with Sony trying to spite the ESA or some other bs. Either way, bad move. E3 would only give the PS5 so much more exposure which is what any company would want the year their machine launches.

1622d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

no it isnt smart. Would be alot better if they attended with a new system releasing this year. Bonehead move. Must be something to do with them and the ESA.

1622d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not in a year they release their next gen system. STUPID MOVE. PERIOD.

1623d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

if they are ateending ‘100’s of shows’ then why skip one of the biggest??? like i said its a dumb move to do it with the PS5 due out this year.

1623d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

at least MS is shpwing up especially with the new systems launching this year. Bonehead move by Sony to again skip. aguess its not cool enough or good enough for Sony anymore. Whatever, the show will still be huge and now MS will have more of a spotlight on there new system and games.

1623d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

no they didnt.

1623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

whats more ludicrous is the people defending their decision and praising them for it. Talk about brainwashed.

1623d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Stupid move. No its not cool that Sony is skipping with the launch of PS5 this year. Defending bad moves by a company is not what I will do. E3 having both next gen machines there with the games makes it every bit of a stellar show as it is still one of the biggest shows in the industry.

1623d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

thats how it should be.

1626d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony should be there to showcase the PS5 and its launch games. Stupid decision to skip it due to a new console launch and it is still a relevant show as well as the biggest regardless what Sony may think. I love Sony and Playstation but I will call them out and not blindly follow them like some sheep will. PS5 will be even more of a monster by having a prescence there. Skipping a show like this with the imminent launch of a new gen console makes them look cocky and arrogant like in the early ...

1626d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ms just keeps throwing common sense out the window. for all the praise Phil gets I really think he has become a suit that only cares about gp and gold,subs. they are launching a new console but not supporting or giving it any real reason to differentiate itself. No true exclusives means not many buying it day one or at all. But hey at least they can get gp subs right? they let sony embarrass them with the draconian policies at the start of the gen and poor exclusive output while giving there ...

1626d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

that would make NO SENSE for Sony to skip E3 with the PS5 dropping this holiday. It is still the biggest show in the industry and having the PS5 coverage there will only ignite even more of the gaming world. Last year was different as they didnt have much to show but it should be a no brainer this year.

1626d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

so games and graphic engines will be scaleable. Nice for people who cant buy a series x day one but still can use there og xbox one or s and be able to enjoy new games.

1627d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

exactly it isnt. Look at what they have done with Gears 5 and how people have complained how they have monetized it post launch to the extent they have. $9.99 for a skin that you could grind and earn in Gears 4. Such a small number of mp maps at launch plus other things. Coalition knew they would lose money at launch by being a f2p game in gamespass so they set out a roadmap and a pricing plan with it to try and recoup the initial losses up front from less sales. Thats the problem with GP as ...

1627d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

PSnow has way more games and doesnt devalue their exclusives day one by giving them away for free like GP does.

1627d ago 15 agree23 disagreeView comment

how to give away major AAA exclusives for free and kill sales and money the devs need to ensure proper support and sequels??? Gmaespass is a great value but it really has hurt sales of games like Gears 5 and others by people getting it for free. They should keep them off for a year or more so that fans support the games at launch and devs can properly recoup the money they invested so thy dont have to nickel and dime the fanbase with mtx later. Just my opinion.

1627d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

a faster smoother UI.

1627d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment