CRank: 5Score: 3800

I can't wait for this. There has not really been many FPSs with a good storyline in campaign mode since HL2. I really hope this lives up to the hype. Some of the set pieces look really cool.

4966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A great great console. I remember having this, a PS2 and a SNES all hooked up to a 32" CRT TV. It took up almost as much bedroom space as my Bed!

I'm considdering getting an orginal xbox with a modded 500gb HDD and buying all the games for it. Playing xbox 1 games on 360 is not quite as good as some of them are slow to load and a bit buggy.

4966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're lying. There is no way you completed the whole lot in 20 hours unless you had it mong difficulty setting and even then, 20 to 100% the game?

5002d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

because it is an enhanced version which will have some kind of catch up from the first. The thing is though that the 360 has the first game which in my opinion is better due to the fact it is more RPG than shooter.

If you prefer shooting and letting the console pretty much decide how your character grows, then you will prefer the 2nd.

5002d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will wait for the review.

It does look appealing but at the same time, there are tons of games coming up which I want to buy before Crysis 2 gets its hooks into me!

Castlevania: LOS, New Vegas, Deus Ex 3 and Portal 2 are all going to be fighing for my gaming time, so not sure if I will want to splash out for this.

If Crysis 2 fullfills its potential, then I will be playing that untill Battlefield: BC 3

5003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We have seen this footage over and over, now.

Looks great though, and i am hoping it will fullfill its promise. Fingers crossed it will be great on-line, too.

5003d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

A few people (myself included) flagged it as being fake but it managed to get approved. Very disappointing.

5395d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No it isn't. It is the same engine used for HL2. It would be like saying Arkham Asylum and Bioshock are mods of Unreal Tournament 3.

Anyway, this article is complete bollocks as that isn't what Valve or Microsoft said at all.

5395d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Add to that that the game is actually produced by an English company.

What a bellend

5419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whilst the concept of Natal is intriguing, there has not yet been much in the way of software which has really captured my imagination. Hopefully in time, we will start to see some great games being demoed which really makes me think "I want to play that, now!".

So far, I am not convinced that it will be an improvement over using the 360 pad to play Burnout.

5420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess it is a good job that street fighter 4 is 3d then, huh?

Nah but seriously, Blazblue looks awesome. Don't have it here in England yet, but will be getting it. SF 3 3rd strike is still the king of all fighting games though, no question.

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I tend to play SF4 as Chun Li, and I promise you it does not slow down the game at all, quite the opposite in fact. Two good players using Chun tends to provide a faster fight then say 2 Ryu's or Kens.

Anyway. If anyone on here is one of those people who play only as Ken or Akuma, for the love of God, please try someone different once in a while!

I shouldn't complain though, I generally tend to wipe the floor with Akuma and Ken users, heh heh.

5428d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah ha ha ha. Yeah. That was definately the highlight of the first round.

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amen, brother. Nothing beats walking around a city with 50 or so people armed to the teeth, ready to open fire with the press of a button.

5428d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Activision and that twat cake CEO can give my balls a thoroughly good kissing.

L4D2 for me I think. Oh, and hopefully 'WET' will kick arse, too.

5434d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, got to say that an online mode would have sealed the deal for me, but now I just may wait for Tekken 6.

I really wish Capcom would port SF3 to the PSP. That would be awesome.

5443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Madworld looks great at first, but the visuals start to feel a bit bleak after a while, and the gameplay is a bit shallow in my opinion. Certainly get it though for $20 as it is still well worth playing. Grr, it is still £40 here in England!

5443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

New Order! How dare you sir, even put them into the same league as The Mode! I should report you to the authorities! Ha ha

Props to Lords Of Acid though, they kick arse.

5443d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, I am going to comment from a slightly biased point of view, as I am a massive fan of both Valve and The Mode.

I think it is more likely to be hero worship, as Gabe and co are, I believe in their 40's, so Depeche would have been one of the bands they would have been listening to in those days. Also, if it was product placement, they would have used artwork and photos from their new album. The picture on Rochell's shirt is from a photoshoot taken from their 2005 album, 'Playi...

5443d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with it in principal, but I'll not sign it until the author revises his spelling and grammar. It doesn't make any sense, and does not clearly state the demands made or what the repercussions will be until the demands are met.

5445d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment