
CRank: 5Score: 25370

I think we might soon, either before years end or early next year, see the renewed 3DS "lite".
I think it will have;
better camera "atleast 3mp" ,2 analog sticks, longer lasting battery, and a new Thinner "tigher" design.

It was not until the Ds lite that nintendo started printing money.

4764d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think nintendo realsies that they made 1 mistake with the 3DS, they should have added 2 analog sticks.
All the Shooters, games were you would need to move the camera around, might not get realsed on the system just because it has no second joystick.

Lets hope they realese a 3DS lite soon with two sticks as standard.
and its not like they would screw the millions that already have a 3DS , becouse it would still run those games BUT in a different way.

4764d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ill be buying a 3ds for all the amazing exclusives it has.

compatable with my new super mario bros game. :)
other franchises that will shine on the system.

But the Vita also has stuff to offer
Duel stick controller, uncharted . resistance, infamous, lbp etc....

both are great systems.

4782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets not forget , nintendo has Franchises that have been successfull on the Nintendo Handhelds for decades.
Pokemon, mario, zelda, Cooking Mamma :) etc...

I would not count Nintendo out of the picture,
Both 3DS and psVita Deliver something new and fun.

If they make a good pokemon game for 3DS, it will draw me closer to it..

Most likly ill buy both XD

4857d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

With the specs this beast has, to be priced at 249 , the same price as a 3DS..
This will be a game changer, Sony could win over the portable game market... Only if they keep giving contant.

4858d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4909d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That tail looks like the raccoon tail or the leaf power up mode from Super Mario bros 3.

I think this will be NSMB2 or SMB4 .... AMAZING NEWS!

4954d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

It means a Portable that is far more powerful then my Laptop asus Ul30Vt.

Also I like the two touch panels. :)

4954d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will be buying this system!!!

What will the name be? place your bets!
Something New??? ....

Will the "psp2" have ps3 like sticks , that can be clicked.. or will they be stale as the psp ones?

4988d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Now they need to announce Trophy Support!

4988d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

This just gives even more motivation for hackers to make customFW or by other options to remove region coding...

5004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who will be waiting for a 3DS(lite)?

I might not pick up a 3DS at Launch since I didn't do it with DS as well, and that was a clear wise choice, the DSFat was ugly as dirt compared to the Dslite.

I don't think that the 3DS has the same problems as the DsFAT, But what if they add; 8+h battery life, smaller design, 1.3mp cameras?(instead of .3)
I think ill wait a few months to see it in stores to try it out then either buy or wait 1 year or so f...

5006d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So the 3DS could possibly run Wii titles (with some adjustments), such as Mario Galaxy?

has anyone compared the specs and looked at the possibility?
is there any site that clearly goes into the "power" of the 3DS, now that we know the Full specs of it.

5006d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why do so many bring iPhone or any Phone into gaming talks?

Can Iphone and other phones run games, YES...the games are more like flash games, really good looking Flash games, but still. the iPhone in my eyes is NOT a Gaming system. comparing its graphics means NOTHING.

ill take a 3DS or PSP2/psp over any iphone or Touch device out there. Thank you... Buttons mean a great deal, having them displayed as touch panels on the screen is SHIT compared to real button...

5006d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If i have the money Ill buy both the PSP2 and 3DS. 3DS for the all the nintendo titles, mario, zelda, pokemon etc.

PSP2 for the more hardcore like GOW and Resistance , Uncharted!?...
but also the unique touch technology in the PSP2 could bring forth some great games that can only be done on PSP2.

THUMBS UP for Both systems. :)

5018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I Might get this game. seems to be a lot of fun. guns blazing!

Any other games someone could recommend for me to buy on PSN store?.
just recently I got me a Ps3 ;) beyond!

5043d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is great news.

I love New super mario bros. I hope to see one for 3DS =)

5074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I Predict, the PSP2 will have much better online support and it will have downloadable full games, I hope the PSP2 lets you play "some" games against the Ps3. =) your friend can grab the psp2 while you take the ps3 and BOOM 2 people online.

If Nintendo want´s to compete with PSP2"heck even the PSP in the Online division, they need to DUMP those darn friend codes. why not have a user System, Type in user name, click friend request , then the person is adde...

5078d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still its rather impressive to for the PS3 be able to sell this well after having such a hard first year or two, the price being at 599 dollars and around 500-600 Euro.

Also I would expect this generation of consoles to last at least until 2012, the reason being, many good games are coming next year and they have just recently "re-realised" their system, the PS3 with MOVE and the xbox 360 with Kinect.

If both of their new "systems" move an...

5078d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

GT5 will sell very well, it has always been a huge Playstation System seller, it Won´t change this time around.

I would NOT say that Sony will be the "undisputed" Champion of HD. I think when the dust is clear and we can view this, both the ps3 and 360 will find their place in the gaming market.

I personally like the Playstation direction more, Just by judging from the prior Playstation consoles, "i never owned a ps2 , only ps1 and xbox&qu...

5078d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment