
CRank: 5Score: 103220

I bought FFXV cause I waited for FF versus 13 for 10 years and I'm pretty sure other people felt the same but the product I anticipated and the thing that I got were not even comparable . Honestly if it wasn't for FF7r and knowing Cbu3/YoshiP were in charge of it XVI (I do play ffxiv) I wouldn't have given 16 a shot. I like 16 from what I've played so far and it will probably have better longevity in sales and reputation throughout ps5s lifetime and beyond then 12/13 trilogy...

348d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every console of theirs's holds them back
OG .. first to pay to play online
360 ... RRoD
One .. Kinect, always online and marketed as a media box not console
Series S is the standard not the X to them . no exclusives . Can't market as the most powerful console now as S is the default

348d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dragon Quest 11 is my top pick

350d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling the next FF from CBU3 whether it be 18 or 19 will probably lead it to be an Action MMO,

353d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS should be like Sega and bow out of the console business and become a 3rd party publisher . Hell they should try and propel the prebuilt Pc market if anything, PC gaming is in its prime and I feel it's Sony's real competitor in the gaming space should Xbox ever fold . They are completely borderline obsessed with Sony's console dominance, I mean Xbox's whole existence is built to compete with Sony from the very beginning . Why are they so obsessed with the console market , t...

354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder who they'll try and buy out when it does .

362d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling Bungie/Sony's Marathon will be more halo then halo now could ever hope to be lol ... and it won't be on GP

363d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

FF7r didn't have a day 1 patch except for the preorder unlocks and it was great , I got a great polished game from the get go

363d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Acting like people have RL friends ... *smh ... real classy Nintendo .

391d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not gonna lie, this game has been on my radar but ain't no way I'd spend 70 on it. There's no way you could convince me otherwise , are they using the most modern tech or is there a team of hundreds of people working on it, probably not ??? Plus this game got funding and hit it's goal in a day if they have the nerve to charge 70 I'd be very disappointed

391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man FFxiv lore is so cool , I could spend hours deep diving youtube learinng about it . The patch that comes out tue will let you you solo stormblood Msq dungeons , which now means you can basically solo all the main scenario quests except for some boss trails since Shb and EW already had trusts.. If you know ... you know and for those who don't are just haters lol .Since you're level 71 I assume you just started Shadowbringers , such a good expansion ... good luck and have fun !!!...

392d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

At this point I feel like the majority of people that are interested in MS bought studios games would rather just by a gaming PC at this point , I sure know I'm looking to invest in one in the next few months .

404d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well my opinion of MS and why they really don't make good games is that they're not an entertainment company . Unlike Nintendo who were a card/toy company before making games and Sony who are a tech company who also does movies and music and it shows why they are the top dogs of the industry. Besides maybe Forza which is like the only franchise that's maintained any sort of consistency through out it's history , everything else they have is cause they bought exclusive rights o...

404d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xenogears is my fav sci fi rpg

406d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Imagine if games were $50 standard, I would still buy games like I did back in the ps2 era which was all the time even if thy were potentially not that great. Ya they wouldn't make as much on individual sales but more units solds. The only games I've spent full price on in the past 5 years are FF7r and Elden Ring and the only game I'm considering buying on release since I bought a ps5 are going to be FF16 and Armored Core and that's mainly because the developers of those have ...

412d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know I really wouldn't mind a new modern MegaMan

414d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've only had my ps5 for like 6 months ...soooo no . If I'm gonna drop more money it'll definitely gonna be on a gaming PC so I can experience what I can't on PS

416d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS already has enough studios that do rpgs now , kinda jealous since I'm not a xbox/pc player . Honestly wish Sony had just one studio to focus on some rpgs , there's only so many 3rd person action games I can play before before I just get tired of them no matter how pretty they are and really wish to see what a Sony 1st party rpg could be .

425d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly Ps3's Xmb will always be my favorite console UI , everything was so easy to find and customize . Going from ps3 to ps4 gave me a big sadface

427d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bet we get another MMO before we ever get another turn based game haha . I don't know why people keep clamoring for turn based, it technically hasn't been true turned based since FF3 and FF4-9 had active time battles. I personally would like another Tactics to fill that turned based itch. SE is always gonna use mainline FF to showcase modern tech and I don't see turned based as ever being a part of that.

433d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment