
CRank: 33Score: 511770

Good for you :3

It's up to you if you want to pirate stuffs via torrents. You aren't exactly causing any damage for the publishers/developers by yourself since over 100 million greedy people don't want to give away their money at all.. they want the content for free, legally or illegally, doesn't matter.

3567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, that's really hilarious. Internet piracy via torrents has gotten so bad that all anti-piracy firms out there like 'Excipio' can do is simply sit back and watch how many greedy-ass people go about their day downloading the latest movies, music and games free of charge on their desktops and mobiles/tablets. I genuinely feel sorry for the government agents out there trying to end piracy, I really do. It cannot and will not be stopped. Ever. I don't think it's morally rig...

3567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played an hours worth of both the Xbox One & PlayStation 4 versions last night and I honestly could not see any differences between the two.. as in, Activision have done very well with platform parity with this new CoD title.

Multiplayer matches do tend to load up way quicker on the Xbox One version though.

3608d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

The Xbox One version will most likely run at native 1080p too.

Slim chance it may run at 920p.. but if it does, it won't have much of an negative effect on the display quality unless you're a nerd who sits like an metre from his television set trying really hard to spot any differences.

Just purchase the game on whichever console you'd prefer. Playing experience will be the same on both, Rockstar Games assures you.

3619d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

*sighs* for f**k's sake :/ awful news

3627d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

If anyone's interested.. GameFront uploaded a bunch of footage of the 'Survivor' mode in action earlier..


Looks fun.

3656d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've already got an NVIDIA Shield.. but I'll be getting myself one of these Shield tablets, for sure :) to replace my ageing PiPO M9 Pro android tablet.

Seems to be pretty powerful from the specs, very nice.

3715d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It used to be.. but not any more, EA has more-or-less sorted most of the issues. Go play and see.

3747d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

I play this on my first-gen OLED PS Vita. It runs really well and looks great :)

3775d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't like Titanfall as it looks & plays mediocre, not surprising when it runs at at up native 920p on the Xbox One.

Xbox One & PC owners should admit that they want Infamous: Second Son :P I'm loving that game on my PS4 right now. 1080p Goodness, mmm.

3837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everyone who has pre-ordered MGS V: The Phantom Pain for any platform should be given access to MGS V: Ground Zeroes free of charge.

3839d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just speaking the truth lol.

I do also think that everyone who has pre-ordered MGS V: The Phantom Pain should be given access to MGS V: Ground Zeroes free of charge.

3839d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's all about replayability with MGS V: Ground Zeroes thanks to its open world gameplay & adaptive AI. Going back & playing through-out each mission over and over again, you'll never experience the same in-game events twice.

Experimentation with different tactics and direction whilst playing is key for getting maximum enjoyment out of this title.

You want longevity? Continue to wait for MGS V: The Phantom Pain to release. MGS V: Ground Zeroes...

3839d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

YouTube app for PS4 plz :3

3839d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking good so far. Still quite a long way to go until both of the titles release so, there's lots of time for spit 'n' polish treatment.. the devs know what I'm talking about.

3874d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes please to both the God of War Collection & the Sly Cooper Collection. I'll gladly purchase both of those Vita titles with no hesitation whatsoever :) excellent value for moneys.

3875d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nothing special.. move along plz..

3899d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's who I usually go to online to preorder & buy my new releases. Deliveries are usually always on-time or come early too.

3899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS Vita is Sexy <3

3899d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment ftw!

3899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment