
CRank: 33Score: 511770

I believe piracy is one of the main culprits for why Alan Wake II isn't selling as well as it could. It only takes me around 10 seconds to find the game to download online free of charge. A repacked version too, which helps to save storage space. Obviously there's really not much Remedy Games can do to prevent piracy with their new game releases, other than investing in Denuvo or something else, but even then, not much can prevent talented hackers and crackers from doing their thing a...

122d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have this strange feeling that Electronic Arts may have deliberately removed vast majority of content from the game to instead use as paid extra DLC next year. That's why the game's story length is only around 10 hours at average.

With EA Games, you have to pay more to play more of a game that you already own.

562d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sucks to be him right now.

634d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop complaining about lack of content, or wanting the games to be shorter in length. Plenty of Assassins Creed fans out there actually want more content in their AC games. In fact they don't want their games to end, hence on why there's so many DLC packs for extra gameplay experiences that the fans keep on purchasing and enjoying, otherwise the developers wouldn't bother spending the time making them all. As long as the sidequest stuff is interesting enough, fans will gladly enjo...

647d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I also agree with that Naughty Dog should release the other Uncharted titles on the PC too. It only makes sense to, it's an easy cash-grab as there's so many PC gamers that haven't had the chance to play them yet, since they either haven't bothered to buy PS3, PS4, or PS5, or possibly can't afford to own both platforms. They know how good those games were back in the day for PlayStation gamers, and will happily shell out the cash to enjoy them all.

If th...

649d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The v1.0.3 patch was released for the Nintendo Switch version two weeks ago, old news.

914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's been cracked now. Better late than never.

1357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both the closed beta and open beta were very well optimised, so we should expect improved performance in the final retail build. Hopefully there aren't many server issues for the multiplayer on launch day.

1713d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm fairly sure that there's others out there who have gotten the nuke before this guy, but didn't bother to capture the footage.

1742d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just really glad that they've gotten rid of that horrid season pass, and that all map packs and other goodies released in the future will be offered to all players on all platforms free of charge. Absolutely fantastic move by Infinity Ward, that is. Of course they'll want to make money off of something, so it'll probably be cosmetic stuff like skins that doesn't affect gameplay or separate players at all.

1743d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Almost everyone purchases their games online nowadays in order to save themselves money. The only reason for one to purchase from a GameStop store would be if the person couldn’t possibly wait for the delivery to show up to play a certain game due to excitement, or they needed something, like a controller or headset, on the same day. Other than that, no reason to not purchase gaming-related stuff online.

On a side note, this is what I think of GameStop in general: *farts*

1743d ago 15 agree32 disagreeView comment

The huge file size is not such a big deal for people with fibre optic broadband connections. Should take around 1-3 hours on average to download.

I was having a whole ton of fun with the gunfight mode on the Alpha PS4 version, so was disappointed when it had ended when it did. Aside from a few nagging frame-rate drop issues on one of the maps, it ran great.

Be enjoyable to play the beta on my preferred platform of choice, the PC. Extra graphics quality se...

1754d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Nothing in it that we don't already know.

2074d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Good news all around. Improved and optimized usage of available PC hardware is always welcome. No need for unoptimized code to be needing more power than is actually needed. These improvements, minor or major, will mean a more quieter system during playtime as the cooling fans for CPU & GPU won't need to spin as much to cool all of that heat down. The GPU usage in the multiplayer menu in the beta was always at 99% usage so hopefully the full game will lower it down a bit, and have the...

2078d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lower one or a few settings a bit, and the RTX 2080 will gladly run the titles at a solid 4K 60 FPS. People are expecting this new card to run the latest games at 4K 60 FPS, at max graphics quality settings, and I’m not sure why that is. That’s just not possible. Only so much power available. Lower the graphical strain on it, and it will purr along at 4K 60 FPS. Like a supercar that tops out at 217 MPH, it wasn’t built to go any faster than that, so why hammer this card with so much graphics ...

2100d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

EA Dice need to make it so that it’s clearly obvious that a nearby squad player or another player can be revived. Not nearly clear enough.

2110d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hence on why all future DLC content will be free to all players. Downloadable content that should have been included in the full game to begin with.

2110d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your body is ready.

2119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The big action figure is of Dr. Otto Octavius (Doctor Octopus), the sixth and leading member of the Sinister Six.

2189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Surely the lack of a single-player campaign means more content to play with in the multiplayer component, right? If not, that'll be a much lower download size, and a load of leftover space on the disc in comparison to the rest of the CoD titles released thus far.

I personally think that this is a bad move by Treyarch. Quite a few fans out there actually enjoy playing through the singleplayer campaign in any CoD title, before moving into the multiplayer side of things. M...

2224d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment