CRank: 5Score: 3210

amazing. calling the ps3 crapstation. how you like getting graphically beat by somethin you use that name for. and where are the mods, playing their 360s. cause if anyone had used a name like that for the xbox they would get a restriction guaranteed.

5011d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I always wanted to be a gangster in the 1930s.

then you got no luck cause the game starts in the 1940s. its a great game, way underrated and ever body should get this. this game is for adults not gta kids. great story.

5012d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they wont refund money because people keep playing. when star trek armada II came out it was a broke hunk o crap. fans complained and complained to activision and they were ignored. they did a petition and it was ignored. then one dude contacted the federal trade commission and its consumer protection affairs office. he posted the link to the online complaint form and people started hammerin that crap. and they posted the link on the activision forums and made sure they knew. they tried to ba...

5023d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

when did a average game ever get a 5. you make no sense. games that get 5s are crap games. no game in the world nowadays is considered good if it isnt a 85 or above. thas the way people grade. I dont see no detail list of how you score cause like ever site I ever seen you just make it up as you go along. you gave dead nation a 7 and said it was nothing special. so gt5 gets a 7 I guess you really mean its nothing special. or is dead nation above average cause that isnt what your review say. ...

5023d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

a new friend of mine I met on this board recommended a fanatec wheel so thas what I ordered.

5023d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Why do people pay $500 for a hooker when they can get it free form the wife."

you dont understand marriage or havent been married long.

5023d ago 30 agree6 disagreeView comment

its easy to unerstand that you have lost this argument because you had a resort to attacking me on a personal ground. it dont change the fact you were still wrong about community aspects an no amount of backing up is gonna change that. you need to get educated so you go look up community aspects mr smarty pants. here is a hint. it is about people, interaction, and the software an hardware is built around that.

you cant just plug in a controller and it works. did you forget ...

5023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

alpha is right. especially the reload an weapons animations. even killzone 1 on the ps2 had reload and weapons no body touches still.

5024d ago 21 agree8 disagreeView comment

mass effect 2 disappoints cause its nothing like the rpg the first one was. its most just a shooter. its a cool story an all that but it isnt up to a PS3 exclusive the guy above it right. people that dont get that dont play Ps3 exclusives but the people that do play them understand.

5024d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

I didnt get in that beta. I saw it at a buds house it looks so awesome I cant wait.

5024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you were wrong about community so you have to come to grips with that. add more furniture. a table an somethin for your mouse just bring in the whole damn desk while your at it. you dont understand convenience. an you still have to have a pc in there. seems to me your the one trying to make do. you are the one whose idea costs more money. your idea. a extra computer. or doi you drag it in there ever time or maybe its like he said your in a dorm or something. nuff said about the mod stuff ey? ...

5024d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

where did morg say anything about a conspiracy you like makin stuff up too much. I didnt see nothing about sony being a victim or under attack. hes even puttin the 360 an PS3 on the same foot making a case why consoles have a advantage over a pc. you didnt read what he wrote you just attacked him. makes me wonder about you.

5024d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

that cliff note does make a port better. just remember that none of the people that got me2 on the 360 or pc got that. no they had to go buy me1. there were a bunch of people that played that didnt play the first game. thats even more money. people have to count that.

5024d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh the dudes one that thinmks console gamers dont have money. sales say thas not true. An a table in the living room? did you really say that. dont you know what a lap desk is dude. an even they arent comfortable. I can just see you sitting there on the couch with a table up to your neck like a kid waiting on the mashed peas and carrots. theres been such a fuss on this board about hdtvs. even ms dropped that as a selling point. course most have the inputs but you still got to drag that pc of ...

5024d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

its 40 bucks for those games an add the dlc. this is all of it in one package plus the comic like he said. I guess its still like that aggravating bee sting that itches on a summer evening long after you were stung. An pc is fine but this game is a action cinematic time so it needs to be on the big screen. like he said most folks dont have a pc in the living room.

5024d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Great charcters like

jim raynor
sarah kerrigan
tychus findlay
matt horner
emperor mengsk

Nobody in rdr, not even Marston got screwed over and betrayed like Kerrigan. You must be new to gaming cause you really put your foot in your mouth.

you don't know much about starcraft do you? You think rts games dont have characters. You don't realize that the starcraft players in this ...

5025d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

uxo do you think its high school to let people like this shutupanplay talk smack and then not be held accountable? Do you think its high school to let places like vgchartz and any fanboy that is wiling to believe in them talk smack and affect a whole industry and not be held accountable.

That is not high school bud its making people realize you cant run around and spread a bunch a damn lies all over a place like this without some one calling you on the damn carpet when the...

5028d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Omega dude, dont you have no honor jus telling a lie like that? You really should be ashamed but people like you dont have a conscious.

Thas the switch on the bottom that flips the controls.

5032d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Got to agree with the morg. SoCOM is not the same game that came out. An no more smack talking than they had in the others, S2 included. Most the people still playing are past the smack talk and are actually dedicated dudes.

5033d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Picked one up this past weekend. I like it. Is more comfortble than the first one. My favorite is still my Darklight EX-01

5033d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment