CRank: 5Score: 3210

i see what morgs sayin. there is a big diff with the ngp versus the psp dude. dont know why you dont see that. the psp required chopped down totally differnt development but the ngp could use the same work. thas a lot differnt, alot.

4892d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

is ever mod here a 360 fanboy. how could morganfells comment be spam. he had like 120 agrees. his comment ws marked as well said. he was directly responding to a poster an was postin the law and discussing that stuff. but its spam? he must really scare some of the people running this site. when another site like this pops up but has fair mods then n4g only has itself to blame when people stop showin up here.

if you need proof some of the mods here is out to get guys like morg...

4893d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

invenio dude you not thinkin. you think sony is alone in this? sony could have ever manufacturer of hardware an software for games, movies, all kinds of things. anybody that has anything to lose will back up this case to the max dude. it aint just sony. thas what ever one keeps missin.

4893d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

teamr dudes like you are ones that said the judge woudnt approve the restrain order. now its they wont win the case. so far its people like us 1 an people like you 0. these hackers aint internet ghosts. they cant hide like they did 5 years ago. people said sony was wrong for threatenin hacker it jus makes em mad. well they done pissed sony so lets see who has the bigger stick. issuin a restraint the judge said she saw merit in sonys case already or dint you read that. an geohot cant spent squ...

4894d ago 31 agree5 disagreeView comment

wow the mods really have it in for morg. 21-2 on the agrees an hes trollin?????????????????????

jus how is what he said trollin when he is agreein with the article? these mods is so biased it reeks. an people wonder was wrong with this place. you got people in this thread attackin other people but thas okay. morg agrees with the article but hes trollin? dont need no more proof that some people is targeted by the mods. when a competing site shows up thas fair these people here...

4897d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well joe was it say about your theory when morg picked digitals analysis over lens of truth. someones got a chip on they shoulder alright an that would be you. besides i think if you look at past comments you would see morg thought the game was crap to. like him i dont care for a site that gets things right by accident an was busted lying already. instead of amitting it they attacked everbody.

4898d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

tell me the staff dont have it in for morg. he an that kaveti have practicly opposite agree an disagree numbers yet he is trolllin at 36 to 8? i think at this point since the votes dont count an mods decide who gets bubbles an not an who gets marked as trollin its obvious some mods jus are out to get guys like him.

4899d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

no mater how many votes you get even none its up to the mods to mark you as trollin. i seen people curse an insult all day long and get 20 ta 1 on the disagrees an nothin happens. morgans one of those that can say one small thing an have 20 ta 1 on the agrees an the mods mark him as trollin. dont they know how obvious this is. talk about your bias. right now its obvious the mods on this place jus have it in for him an guys like him. i think they are afraid of anyone that can argue from a inte...

4903d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"...advise the kid that a PC does everything the consoles do but better."

really? it plays killzone series, uncharted series, little big planet series, infamous series. see where this is goin? so it doesnt do everything now apologize for your false info an go away.

4904d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

nobias you are whining. dont know if you realize it but at least morg had reasons behind his comment. maybe thas the problem. you couldnt debate him so you just attack him. hes right tho. ign didnt say nothin in an article tat was about the game of the year. i also like how they waited right before a flood of big ps3 titles to change the scoring system. wouldnt do it before halo reach, no. lets wait until sonys on the cusp of they biggest year ever.

4905d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

lens of untruth just go away. nobody wants your damn deception dudes.

you guys are a joke. you get busted slantin the damn truth an now this is your next article. hardy effin har har you losers.

4905d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I can play legally-obtained fan translations of PS3 games."

wth is that? sorry but it isn't legal for someone to take a work of art, change it, and then put it out. even for free. not without obtaining permission first. otherwise the supreme court says it has to be a parody to skirt the legality and is that what you want? a parody?

so if that is what it is your talking about all you have done is create a medium for more illegal activity. ...

4910d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

it isnt infinity ward they need to be worried about. now these hackers are getting stupid cause the next thing you know they will have companies like activision and ea coming after them too. at some point there will be just too many legal teams to deal with and hacking wont feel so cool when your life is ruined.

an dont act like they are that smart about keeping quiet cause too many of these dudes have fat egos.

stand on the curb an keep throwing them ro...

4910d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

damn you arent that smart are you fallover. a donation for doing something is still considered profiteering. dont ever become a criminal of any name cause you wont last.

it wasnt murder for hire cause the hitman took a donation. it wasnt selling stolen goods cause the thief took a donation. if you are profiting directly or indirectly from an activity doesn't matter how you asked for the money. not smart. not smart at all.

4910d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

you are wrong there mr falldown. the fact he was takin donations, and they call that profit, is part of the problem. you are one of them guys that didnt read the court docs now did you. or else you would have know what was going on. hell you didnt even read the digital foundry write up. he was profitin. thats part of the problem.

4911d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

you wouldnt make a very smart criminal mahr. better keep walking that line. cause according to you its smart to commit a crime cause you think the law will get changed before you are prosecuted. good luck with that. want to hedge millions of dollars and 5 years in jail?

put your money where your mouth is mahr. if you are so convinced you are right lets see you do something besides talk about it.

an open a ps3 hack site an start carrying geohots hack for ...

4911d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

too bad mahr. for ever case you nitpick theres a hundred others where the rulin went the other way. nice try but you fail.

and sony and ever company with anything to lose an their lawyers > over the eff.

heres what dudes like you ignore. jaibreakin is for some phones an then its only for software you already legally own. sorry dude but the technical law has been enforced a hundred times for every exception. these guys are goin down and them an their p...

4911d ago 13 agree17 disagreeView comment

"Since Xbox makes WAY, WAY more money with Live than Sony does with PSN, doesn't Microsoft win in that particular area?"

no. listen at you. a company forces gamers to pay for somethin that should eb free an thats why you think they win. please. you miss the point. whose side you on. the company that wins is the company whose gamers win an that would be psn.

4915d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

gears of war = killswitch ripoff. uncharted remembers what it is to be an action game and gears is just a cliffy ego outlet formula. geaqrs 2 got a pass for the worlds most broken multiplayer. talk about bias. it was broke from day 1 an reviewers let it slide. look ma, nade tagged through a wall. flip to the roof, roadie run an shoot.

so scores are like sales and they matter most. know what a sheep is.

infamous stomps on prototype an the whole world knows it....

4916d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the mods decide who is trollin no matter how many votes people make. i cant believe they mark morgan for trollin yet let this entire dam article stand. talk about havin bias. pretty clear where the mods stand. and look at the comment above me about ps3 fanboys. thats not trollin. of course not cause like the mods they are attackin the ps3.

4916d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment